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Posts posted by KellyGirl

  1. I paid $90 plus tax. It comes with 4 AA batteries (not rechargable). If you want to keep replacing the batteries, you don't need to buy their batteries - I'm thinking we will get the rechargable thing at some point if it goes through batteries as fast as the Wiimotes.


    Assuming you already have a Wii, everything you need to play is included in the box (the game, the board and the batteries), but the guy tried to sell me an exercise mat and a $30 game.

  2. Oh, you will have to tell us all about it!! I think we are going to get it...

    Well, first of all, my kids were rofl:rofl: while they watched me hula-hoop! "Look at mom shaking her BOOTY!!"


    I spent 30 min. experiencing all the different exercises and found out that my balance is awful! And who knew yoga was so hard?:confused:


    I am impressed that they found a way to make running in place fun, and I think that step aerobics may be my favorite so far.

  3. If you don't have good used book stores nearby, www.half.ebay.com is a great option. Sometimes the shipping is as much or more than the books, but if buy multiple books from the same seller you get a shipping discount. Some of the "sellers" are large networks of bookstores from all over the country, so even though the books are not located in the same physical place, half.com gives you a shipping discount since they all ship from the same "seller". Alibris is one of my favorite sellers, hippobooks and beaglebooks are good too! HTH

  4. I am just finishing Sonlight Core 1&2 combined world history with ds9. We will be doing Core 3 next year and I will include my ds4 in most of the read alouds. The "core" includes history (with lots of geography), Bible, reading, and read alouds (which in core 3 tend to correlate with history).


    You absolutely don't need to buy all the books! I make great use of my local library (where everybody knows your name...) and some things like the Indian prayer guide that are not at the library are listed as optional. I found that this year there were some optionals that didn't get used ofter (like window on the world), although you may want to have all the options on hand ...


    You could probably use it as your basis for all the kids. The youngest one (or two) may need different readers, but the guide does give you a plan for regular and advanced readers in the same spot. Some stuff may go over the heads of the younger ones, but they will hear it all again if you keep cycling through history. And you can always have the oldest supplement if needed - extra writing assignments, finding more books on interesting topics, etc. There really is a good deal of flexibility within the cirriculum, esp if you remember "use the cirriculum, don't let the cirriculum use you."



  5. My 9ds is diagnosed ADHD and was on Metidate. We took him off because we didn't feel like we were seeing consistent results and when we tried another drug, he saw purple spiders all night long. We are getting by, but are often frustrated and I worry that it is bad for my son to deal with the frustrations...if he were on meds, how often would his day (and mine) go smoother, making him feel sucessful?


    You certianly have to weigh risks and benifits, but I agree that you should not feel the "homeschool pressure" to not medicate. Some school kids are medicated for wrong reasons, but kids with real problems need real solutions. Good luck!

  6. My 3yo just drew on the walls in the hallway with a Sharpie (I don't know how she got it!!!) I tried one of those Magic Eraser sponges and that took a lot of it off but it is still there - it looks really faded now. If I scrub hard enough to take the marker off the paint starts coming with it. I also tried hairspray in one spot (works great on regular ink) and that didn't do anything...

    Any suggestions?

  7. If the other 6 games are each a $50 title then $500 is reasonable. We Wii in GREAT moderation, and I find that it is some incredibly fun family time - much more interactive than your average video game. And in defense of the cost, you aren't paying that money for one or two days of entertainment, it should last years. And I am excited about Wii Fit too! But even Wii Sports can be a workout if you stand there and box for 20 or 30 min...


    Anyway, you should be able to sell the titles you don't want on ebay for close to full price.

  8. Hi, my name is Kelly. I have been married to my dh for almost 8 years (and forgotten our aniversary 3 times!). I have a ds, 9 from a previous relationship and we have ds 4 and dd 3.


    I myself was homeschooled for 11th/12th grade in one year bcz I hated school (both public and private). My 9yo ds was homeschooled (1 1/2 years), public schooled (1 1/2 years) and came back home this year. 4yo ds (turned 4 in Feb) seems to be "gifted" and is currently reading on a 2nd grade level. It is mostly because of him that I have joined...I never quite know what to do with him:confused:


    As a family, we have choosen to educate at home because we try to be "strength based" in our approach to life. My husband read Now Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and we felt that those same ideas should be applied to our kids in their education - esp. as we realized that we had a really bright one on our hands.

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