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Posts posted by KellyGirl

  1. My ds4 has been begging to do spelling and have regular spelling tests (like his big brother). He is reading on at least a second grade level and I have been giving him pages out of an old 1st grade phonics book that is really easy for him, but gets him writing. He can write although he hasn't much formal writing instruction yet.


    My school budget for the fall has already been exahusted (and then some) but I can swing one more workbook if I really need to. My 9yo is using Spelling Power, and I did see there is a way to adapt it for youngers...should I do that? Of course, with the boys in the same cirriculum, there is the fear of 4yo outpacing 9yo (not gifted). So, what would you do? If not Spelling Power, then what?

  2. Musicians Friend is a great source, as is www.americanmusical.com. If there is a Guitar Center near by, they are pretty reputable and will price match from either of those places (they are owned by the same company as Musicians Friend). My husband and I are both guitarists (both hold a BA in music), and have done LOTS of buisness with all three of these places.


    A guitar with "plastic strings" is probably a nylon string guitar, which is a real guitar but generally only used for classical and folk style music. I would say 11 is probably okay to go with a full size guitar. An electric would have a smaller body, making it more comfortable to wrap ones arms around if she is small.


    Ibanez electric guitars are great (my husband prefers them, and I love their basses), their accoustics are probably good to, but don't have the same good rep as their electrics. A squier would also be an okay first choice.


    I could write about guitars all day, but I'll stop now. Let me know if I can answer any specific questions for you.

  3. but I'm running on Tues, Thurs, Sat schedule. I have noticed that if I pig out one day my run is more sluggish the next. I'm into week three of C25K.


    I'm not watching what I eat as much as I should because I love to eat! But I am trying to significantly increase my water intake - from about 8 oz a day to more like 100 oz. Most days I probably get about 36 oz.


    Your running plan makes sense to me, as long as you are pushing yourself to run a little more each day. Those bursts of running are the best way to train your body and it will up your metabolism so you don't have to feel so guilty about those oreos.

  4. My kids are young, and I try not to expect anyone to responisble for entertaining them...not even me! I think they should be able to entertain themselves. If we are going someplace where that may be a challenge, I pack a little bag of toys and books (or ask them to put things in a bag for themselves). But, not everyone is like me.


    If I were you, I would tell your girls that it is good to share and spend time with their cousin, but they shouldn't have to babsit and they shouldn't have to erase their own saved games to make room for hers.


    I agree with PiCo that family get-togethers should ideally be a time for family to spend with each other. Can you maybe facilitate some games or different activities that lots of the kids could participate in together?

  5. My oldest ds stuck a lego in his nose when he was about three - one of those little round ones. I called the pediatrician, who suggested that I close the good nostril and blow, but the lego wouldn't move. I had to take him to the ER. All the way to the ER he was sneezing. Every time he sneezed I pulled over to look and see if it was still there, and it was. After an hour or two sitting in the ER and going through triage "yep there is a lego up there" he sneezed it out. Thankfully I never saw a bill.


    The same son, who is now 9 came to me in a panic a few months ago, because he had swallowed a small lego! I said "Don't worry, it'll come back out", but he gets panicky so I had to call the doctor...thankfully they agreed with me. But they said I had to check for it everytime he went to the bathroom (to make sure it made it out). Guess what piece of advice I ignored?

  6. I have an iPod nano, but my son just got a Sansa... and his is nicer than mine. Plus his was probably $40 or $50 cheaper than mine! My iPod was a gift from dh, but I had it to do over, I would buy something different.


    My son's Sansa e250 was somewhere in the neighborhood of $80 with 2GB memory and an expansion slot, so if he ever needs more memory he doesn't need a whole new mp3 player. It also has video, a radio tuner (I believe that would let you tune in to the tv at a gym), and a voice recorder function - all of which my iPod doesn't.


    Shopping for electronics stresses me out...good luck!

  7. I got mine the day they came out, it was lucky timing for me too. I have fallen off the bandwagon for a week or two (my in-laws were in town), but didn't see any real change until I decided to add couch to 5k - I've lost 3 pounds this week. While the hula hoop is great aerobic exercise, I don't think it offers intense enough cardio for me...I don't run as hard when I'm running in my livingroom.


    But I do think it is great for the toning and yoga stuff. Who knew yoga was so hard? And my balance posture has def. improved. So, my opinion is it is great to use in conjunction with some other cardio, but maybe that is just me...

  8. We are not huge DIYers, but we put in a click together laminate floor this year. It wasn't from Costco, but I think they are all the same. Our living/dining area is over 200sq ft, the house is older (not level) and there were all kinds of wierd cuts we had to make around moulding and stuff. All that considered, it took us close to 20 hours of labor - all the stuff I read on-line said it should take 4 to 6 hours. BUT, if you have help from someone who has done it before AND a fairly level, squared room, you shouldn't have a problem. Now that I have done it, I would do it again. It was worth the money we saved.

  9. We do tithe on our rebate/stimulus check because our tax rebate is usually all tax credit, dh pays almost nothing in and we get a big fat check back every year. So he looks at that as increase. But even if it were otherwise, we look at it as an opportunity to be generous and try to give some of it.


    Sometimes on the big unexpecteds like rebates (or inheritance) we give 10% or a little more, but not to the church...we may send a money order to someone who is out of work, support a missionary, help a needy friend with a car repair bill... we look for opportunities to bless as we were blessed.


    I don't know that we would tithe on help given for medical bills, but that would probably spur us to want to help another family in need as soon as we were able.

  10. My 4 yo suddenly knew all (or at least most) of his letters and numbers when he was about 30 months old. He had been obsessed with books since before he could crawl. Having already taught a child to read, I decided that I should teach him to focus on the sounds of the letters rather than their names. I bought a little box of letter flash cards and introduced them 2 or 3 at a time. He LOVED it. And after a month or two of that, he was begging to really learn to read, so I got 100 Easy Lessons and he basicly never looked back.


    I do believe that if I had "left him alone" he would have taught himself, but he and I both really enjoyed those early lessons. I would NEVER suggest pushing your child, but if your wondering if she is bored I don't think it would hurt to see if could retain a few letter sounds - see if she enjoys learning it or if it stresses her out, kwim?

  11. I have always needed lots of sleep. Eight hours will do, but to really feel refreshed and energized I need 9 or maybe even 10 hours. (I can't remember the last time I got that much sleep) If I go more than a few days on less than 8 hours I will end up sick.


    When I was in middle school/junior high, I would get home from school, do my homework and go to bed at about dinner time then sleep until 6:00 the next morning. I probably did that once or twice a month.

  12. Phred, I agree that it may be time to consider some other issues. In every election I have ever voted in, I have gone directly to the pro-life candidate. I badgerd my husband about being a registered voter in the "wrong" party - "How could you support the death of unborn babies?!!" But I am begining to see things differently...


    I have come to see sanctity of life as something that encompases all of life, from conception to death. How we deal with poverty (at home and abroad) says a lot about how we view human life. And as I believe someone alluded to earlier, it is something of a difficulty if we push the poor single mom to have the baby and then do not offer her the support that she needs to sucsefully raise the child.


    So yes, I used to be a single issue voter, but times are changing. Jesus was a champion of the poor and outcast of society, and if I want to be like Jesus I need to model that. It is really hard to find someone who lines up with everything I care about, but I won't ever vote pro-life without thinking about it again.

  13. I found myself thinking the same thing just the other day. Sometimes my littles want to help me hang the clothes, but more often than not I can slip out of the house and be left alone for the 5 minuets it takes to hang a load of laundry. It is a peacful little moment in the middle of my day which offsets the fact that would be quicker to just toss the clothes in the dryer...


    Dryers also get rid of lots of dog hair....;)

  14. A little bit of learning the hard way is sometimes a lot more effective than a lot of being told what is right over and over. But it should be controlled, in little doses when mom and dad can see that there is no real long term damage to come from those lessons.


    To leave a child totally to themselve to learn all they need to sucseed is probably not the best option. But always being there and meeting every need isn't either.


    I landed on my own at 17 since my stepfather hated me. I did get pregnant at 19, but other than that have made it this far with very few bumps in the road. My mother had taught me to be responsible with money. I learned on my own (and rather quickly) to make phone calls, pay bills, clean, cook and do laundry - all things I had not really been taught.

  15. I have often been where you are. And when I don't find joy in my family, it makes me feel guilty and then I find even less joy in them. But take heart - seasons DO change.:grouphug: Some of the times that I have been really down, there is a song I listen to (over and over) by the Robbie Seay Band called "Here Come Better Days". And I fix my eyes on what matters most. I am here cleaning up after these kids all day long because we chose to invest in their lives.


    I recognize that sometimes I need to give myself a big old time out - I'm shutting the bedroom door nobody talk to me for 5 min. and just don't kill each other. Then I can focus better on their needs without blowing up, (which I do far to often).


    I'm saying a prayer for you

  16. We read several of her books this year in Sonlight 1&2, and White Stallions was def. one of my son's favorite books of the whole year. I also found myself not being able to wait and see what would happen next. It was truly a joy to read...unlike some of the other read alouds like Ginger Pye Eleanor Estes.


    My son would die to be able to attend a performance! We did watch a few brief clips on YouTube after we finished the book.

  17. We didn't have any trouble. Gamestop is all of 5 miles away and we got both the wii and the wii fit there the day we wanted to buy each of them. I haven't looked for the DDR.


    BTW, as of this morning, I'm down 13.9 pounds. I'll skip telling you how much that leaves, but it's working :)


    Congrats on your sucsess!!:cheers2: Are you dieting too, or just spending lots of time playing Wii??? I'm only down about 2lbs as I haven't quite gotten around to the nutritionn part of my plan yet...

  18. Gals, are you having trouble actually purchasing the extra hard-drive components for the Wii?


    I'm caving under serious Wii pressure (and also to make giving away our dog an easier pill to swallow), but the nice man at the gaming store told me getting Wii components like the balance/fitness bit or the dance pad was next to impossible.


    Your experience?


    If your willing to pay extra, there is always ebay. If not, google "wii fit tracker" or some such thing...there are a number of sites that you can sign up for to get notice when Wii Fit is in stock. I happened to luck out and catch one on the shelf at Best Buy the day they came out.:D

  19. But when mine says something is okay, he really means it. Even if he had wanted to go on the vacation, he may have recognized that it just isn't working out. I know sometimes I carry guilt and feel this pressure to try to be "miracle worker" even when it is NOT what dh is looking for. Take him at his word - maybe you can spend the vacation time (a different week) a little closer to home...

  20. "How do you know that he loves you?"


    I can't have been the only one who immediately heard the "Enchanted" song in my head, right?


    Yup, it was playing in my head as I read:lol:...

    I'm starting to wonder if I should order some tests to test my 4 yo over the summer.

  21. Which is the best basic Wii set up to start with? I was looking to have dd12 take yoga and Pilates to help with her back. The Wii Fit sounds, in the end, to be cheaper and possibly as good. So I guess I need a Wii first. The ones I see are $500! Ack, are there any cheaper? Where should I look?


    Check out "

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