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Posts posted by Blueridge

  1. You all have really encouraged me to take pencil to paper and plan. I've put on my big girl panties about this being my last year so now I am focusing on it being a great year. :D I have purchased the Guest Hollow Chemistry and a few of its recommended books to get us started. It looks really fun and since I want to spend time with her it looked like we could enjoy it together. I will read some and she will read some. As far as literature, I am thinking about Learning Language Arts Through Literature Gold (Brit Lit). Those novels are superb and she hasn't read them yet, so they will do well as read-aloud selections. I am making a separate short list of books I want her to read on her own (I can dream!). Although she struggles with motivation she can do things required as long as she makes her own schedule and she reads much more easily after 6 months of OT exercises. I like the Jump In book for those writing prompts so I think that it will take a lot of pressure off her to have a simple, step by step method instead of having to create a research paper and numerous essays off the bat. I hate to admit this but, honestly, I am thinking about using SOTW 3 and 4 for an easy overview of US and world history (We've made it to the time of exploration with other programs and I don't want to leave her hanging lol). It's been years since I've read those but I need easy and low-stress and wide coverage. She has studied some Spanish on her own but wasn't consistent so she requested a class with others. We'll see how that goes. I also have a little Government 101 pamphlet and lots of videos to plug in that hole. In the spring I can find some economics things, Dave Ramsey might fit alongside. Still looking for some interesting things that we can have spirited discussions with like current events and worldview, but at least I am off square 1, thanks to everyone's encouragements. Thank you so much!

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  2. This will be my very last year to homeschool so I am melancholy about that (year 27). I have reached a sort of impasse and simply can't seem to make any decisions so I am asking for your help. Our youngest daughter just turned 18, and this year was diagnosed with dysautonomia, which is similar to Aspergers or autism. She is so bright and intuitive but is often very difficult to teach, short attention span, extremely opinionated lol. I've tried almost everything out there through the years but most materials and methods have fallen by the wayside. She is behind in most subjects despite my best efforts but I press on and I try to hold onto thankfulness for the opportunities to make her life as meaningful and successful as possible. She wants this to be her last year, even though her 11th grade was a disaster. **If you had only one year left to try and give your child a world of worthy skills and knowledge (I am asking too much, I know), what would you choose as the best of the best?** She is still trudging through geometry so math is behind but consistent. I need an awesome writing program (Lost Tools of Writing?), some kind of classic literature guide that could keep her on a manageable schedule (Ambleside, Sonlight?), a worldview program?, a simple world history (MOH 4?), she wants chemistry so I am looking at several simpler programs (Guest Hollow or Chemistry 101?), she will try Spanish again, (with a tutor), and basically some kind of amazing program or guide that will help us both 'finish this race' on a positive note. My most favorite thing to do is reading aloud and having discussions so I always lean toward materials simply for the beautiful books. Even though she acts bored a lot of the time, she still hears me.  :) She struggles with too much reading on her own and has very little personal discipline so this is a big factor that I need to keep addressing. Sorry to ramble but, as you can see, my mind is tired and since all my best laid plans have been a washout, I need other thoughts! Thank you so much for helping me this late in the year but I still have faith that it may be our very best. 

  3. This will be my very last year to homeschool so I am melancholy about that (year 27). I have reached a sort of impasse and simply can't seem to make any decisions so I am asking for your help. Our youngest daughter just turned 18, and this year was diagnosed with dysautonomia, which is similar to Aspergers or autism. She is so bright and intuitive but is often very difficult to teach, short attention span, extremely opinionated lol. I've tried almost everything out there through the years but most materials and methods have fallen by the wayside. She is behind in most subjects despite my best efforts but I press on and I try to hold onto thankfulness for the opportunities to make her life as meaningful and successful as possible. She wants this to be her last year, even though her 11th grade was a disaster. **If you had only one year left to try and give your child a world of worthy skills and knowledge (I am asking too much, I know), what would you choose as the best of the best?** She is still trudging through geometry so math is behind but consistent. I need an awesome writing program (Lost Tools of Writing?), some kind of classic literature guide that could keep her on a manageable schedule (Ambleside, Sonlight?), a worldview program?, a simple world history (MOH 4?), she wants chemistry so I am looking at several simpler programs (Guest Hollow or Chemistry 101?), she will try Spanish again, (with a tutor), and basically some kind of amazing program or guide that will help us both 'finish this race' on a positive note. My most favorite thing to do is reading aloud and having discussions so I always lean toward materials simply for the beautiful books. Even though she acts bored a lot of the time, she still hears me. :) She struggles with too much reading on her own and has very little personal discipline so this is a big factor that I need to keep addressing. Sorry to ramble but, as you can see, my mind is tired and since all my best laid plans have been a washout, I need other thoughts! Thank you so much for helping me this late in the year but I still have faith that it may be our very best. 

  4. Last fall I posted that I was unable to pick between 2 lovely blues, and your opinions that SW Upward was the better choice proved perfect! I cannot tell you how lovely it looks in person, now that the horrible dark 80s mauve walls and dark wood trim are a peaceful blue and the trim is SW Creamy. I love it so much. Dh took me to Ikea for our anniversary and we got some beautiful things to complete it. So I just wanted to show off our lovely 'new' bedroom. :)  Sorry my iPad pics are a bit grainy, but you get the idea lol. Thanks everyone for your help!

  5. I *really* appreciate your help everyone! I took some time this afternoon (instead of helping dd16 with geometry lol) and painted a large wall section beside the dresser with the lighter shade. It is gorgeous. On the opposite side of the dresser I painted a small portion with the darker and it looks terrible next to the oak. I've made up my mind to do at least 3 walls in the lighter, and the 4th wall with the window I will decide after the rest of the room is done. So glad I tried it next to the wood, because it looks totally different there than it does beside the light curtain! Wow, thanks everyone! I am happy!  :hurray:

  6. Thank you all! I've been thinking of perhaps using both, but I am timid about choosing paint colors. The room is on the small size, and I was worried that the walls might close in on me or the oak furniture would not be as pretty next to the darker shade. I also don't want to sleep in a cave lol. I have neutral paint everywhere else, so this room will have more color than the rest of the house. I may try just the bed wall with the darker and see how I feel tomorrow. ;) Thanks again for your input!

  7. I've waited 8 years to get rid of this horrible 80's mauve paint, and the time has come lol. I've gone around and around for a week, and still cannot choose between these 2 colors. I am attaching a pic, and apologize for the dim lighting, but that is all the light this room gets during the day. :) The 2 colors are both Sherwin Williams. The colors are both on the same paint strip and can be seen better here:  http://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeowners/color/find-and-explore-colors/paint-colors-by-family/SW6239-upward/         The lighter shade on the left of the curtain  is 'Upward', and the darker on the right is 'Bracing Blue'. I am torn between the 2, since the lighter shade makes the room seem more happy and bright, while the darker shade makes it feel more cozy and romantic. Please ignore the ugly bed linens and tables and things that I plan to replace soon in colors of cream and darker wheat, with a few accent colors yet to be determined, but the curtain is staying (it has both shades in it). I have medium shade oak dresser and chest on the other walls, oak flooring and a dark navy and wheat rug in front of the bed. Trim on the closet side I am painting with 'Creamy'. So, which should I choose to have a beautiful new bedroom?? 


    ETA: Because of all the fantastic help I got from everyone, I was able to make the final decision of using the lighter shade, 'Upward'. I have, so far, painted 2 walls, and am absolutely in love with this color.  :001_wub: Thank you all!

  8. This conversation has been very encouraging and helpful to me, so thank you! Yesterday Dh and I went to get some groceries and also bought lots of extra TP and water...and one of Trader Joe's pound chocolate bars. Just that made me feel less stressed lol. I need batteries and candles for the winter anyway, so I will get them now. The cars will get a full gas tank, and I have a plan to get to Aldi this week to stock up on canned meats and pantry goods that I don't usually buy often but can be so handy. All my curriculum is on the shelf and I feel generally more organized from putting just a little more energy into thinking about preparedness. Praying all will be well in the days and months to come!

  9. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way, I have faith, but I can't help it...with all the unrest in the world right now. I can't shake the feeling that I should be preparing for the future more than I have been. I would miss electricity if it was suddenly turned off, whatever the reason. We wouldn't eat very well. And we would be thirsty. Is anyone else buying a bit more food and things for their emergency shelf? Stockpiling chocolate? Hiding a bit of cash in their sock drawer? :leaving: If you are, what are you doing? Buying? Opinions anyone? I think the chocolate idea is good!


    ETA: I can see that my post could be offensive to some and of course I never meant that. Feeling very embarrassed now that I posted thoughtlessly, just speaking to a group of homeschool moms. That is all.

  10. I wanted to share a follow-up! Last evening Dh got home and I wasn't sure if I should start a conversation since he was so tired, but after supper I did. I had jotted down some discussion notes but decided to focus on the main topics of new car and house renovations and not muddy the waters too much with my other details. ;) He seemed to be getting a little tense but I kept my voice calm. After 20 minutes or so of not making much progress, same old 'we can't do all this...can't afford all this...' reaction, he went downstairs to the treadmill...his thinking spot. After he returned, he had apologies and all sorts of encouraging ideas! He said his top goal is to take care of me and make me happy. What a tender confession! I learned that I tend to gather all sorts of details and consider lots of projects and compartmentalize them, while that overwhelms him. He likes to tackle one thing at a time and get it done. So we've picked a weekend house project to do together. He has also made a great suggestion of using our camper as a down payment for me an even better car than I had hoped for! So things are just working out so well! I am being patient and he is responding with action! I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your listening ears and wonderful wisdom! Happy dance.

  11. Thank you all for the honesty. Admission...I really didn't see us involved in the whole patriarchy thing until the Doug Phillips fiasco came out. I sat there reading all that junk and thinking, wow, we know lots of people just like that. Oh my gosh, we are a lot like that (but not at all to the extent that he was, I would NOT stand there and say everything was just lovely when it was disastrous). I have questioned so much in these past months and honestly it has left me feeling like there isn't much underneath my feet anymore. I felt embarrassed to admit that I blamed all my unrest on getting older and feeling unnecessary. My dh is a good person, but calls himself a 'Mr. Steady'. So he doesn't accept change well at all because it makes him unsure and insecure. I love a little change here and there and think it makes me feel younger. But I digress. :)  I am thinking that I really do need to seek a part-time job. Thank you.

  12. Yes, I agree that it sounds confusing. Maybe that's a part of why I feel stuck. I have not worked in such a long time. I truly love being at home. Dh does not want me to work. I know this even though we have not discussed it. He complains weekly about his co-worker and all the problems his working wife's schedule causes him and his family. It sounds obvious that she takes advantage of him by expecting him to do all the childcare, child transportation, cooking, etc. (his story, anyway!) Their life is a mess and dh hears a lot of negative. I know working moms who do a great job of balancing. I could probably do that, too, if I could find the right situation closer to home. But prospects out here are limited. :) I also believe that, through careful planning and budget-conscious spending, we could save on a regular basis. I try not to manipulate but when I make a request or suggestion, he almost 100% of the time will say, "No, I don't think we could xyz right now." Habit. 

  13. I think we could do SO much better with a firmer budget in place. The man has a degree in finance for goodness sake. But he sees budgeting as restrictive or unnecessary?? Or something. So a payday will come, he goes by Walmart and grabs a bunch of silly stuff we could have done without because it makes him (I think) feel like a good provider. He works hard and I appreciate that. But he is a spender and I have to be a saver and he is winning. :( We are usually with just a few $$ left the week before the next payday. I have tried free online budgets and things but they never seem to be effective. I usually do all the bills, checkbook, etc., but this past spring he took that over while I worked on Lyme recovery. It was just awful, the bills he would simply put off paying so we would have more to spend! So I have the finances back in my hands and want to be wise. I guess I saw a new car, *my* new car, as something tangible that I could count on. That really does sound pathetic. I want to work with him, if that is even still possible, to create a few future goals so we can live peacefully and have some kind of hope for our lives, but the days just roll into years, all the same. A few weeks ago I asked him to please stop saying the phrase, "We can't afford it." That is a habit so deeply ingrained he cannot stop even saying it. 

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