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Posts posted by 4arrows

  1. Thank you.


    Josh molests two sisters. They tell mom and dad. Nothing is done.

    He does it again, more sisters, including the then five year old. They make him confess his sin to a police officer on suspension pending investigation for child porn who had CONFESSED to the men in the church already, JB being one of the eldership! He "counsels" with the pervert. Same man sentenced to 56 years shortly after the "counseling" took place. Again no attempt to get real help. No professional counseling for the girls by parental admission.


    More incidents, and Josh is shipped off to work with a contractor friend for a few months.


    No police, no therapy by licensed professionals, no nothing. The girls were sent to ATI camp for counseling. Gothard's sex abuse counseling material requires victims to accept responsibility for sex assaults because "men can't help themselves" and says they must ask the perp for forgiveness for not being modest enough, or being without chaperone, or for leading on, or giving the wrong impression, or whatever trumped up crap the perp claims caused him to sin. That sick and twisted camp is right here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and VERY well known for its abusive tactics which include "isolation therapy" , ie solitary confinement until the young lady confesses her sin, and food deprivation as well, along with personal counseling with BG himself if the young lady is his type which includes medium height, thin, brown wavy or curly hair that is worn long with bangs and never pulled up, and pink eye shadow or similar pastel shade because Bg has a thing for pastel eye shadow and pink is his favorite. In his "wisdom booklets", tells girls to color their hair brown and perm it if necessary in order to be the most attractive.


    When social services came to talk to the Duggars after the Oprah report, they hid the kids. When they were served a subpoena to produce Josh, they sent him to BG's boy camp in Texas. Since the statute of limitations for a full investigation had expired, the prosecutor did not pursue charges for failure to comply.


    Josh then gets caught in the Ashley Madison mess, and shows his perverted side yet again. What do they do? Take him to a "camp" run by a church organization founded by Jack Hyles - a man who during his ministry used church funds to keep his mistress in style for morw than fifteen years and then later got in a heap of trouble for trying to coerce a family in the church to NOT report the violent rape of their special needs daughter by one of the elders, a buddy of JH's, followed by his unwavering support for his son-in-law who was convicted as a youth pastor of statutory rape with one of the girls in the youth group and taking her across state lines for an abortion. All well known facts within ATI and IFB circles. And this is where poor little joshie is sent for "counseling".


    And when one of Anna's married siblings who is no longer ATI wanted to come get her and the kids and take them home, away from the crazy, JB took her and the children to their vacation cabin and her family was allowed no contact according to Anna's siblings.


    If this is "strong" and "family focused" no thanks.

    Good Heavens!  I wasn't aware of most of this!

  2. Our almost 21 yo dd bought a car last year.  The title is in her name, but she is on our insurance since she still lives with us.  We will be selling our old van to the 19 yo this summer.  


    I think that as along as the car being titled to your ds does not mean he has to get his own insurance policy ($$$), then I would go that route.  I'd definitely talk to my insurance agent, as that requirement may vary by company.

  3. I have been using tea tree oil on my toe nails.  I soak a Q-tip in it, and hold it on the nail for 30 seconds.  New Q-tip for each nail.  I do this twice a day.  I was getting good results, and had almost completely cleared it up on several nails, when I ran out and had to use the cheap stuff from Walmart that dh had.  My nails immediately started getting worse.  I bought a different brand on Amazon, and I'm not sure that it is working as well as the first brand.  I think it really does matter what quality you get.  

    • Like 2
  4. I don't blame you for being discouraged.  You're getting some pretty annoying input that God doesn't actually promise.  We don't know why, and God doesn't always have something fantastic in mind for us, short of heaven.  If He did, there would be a whole lot less martyrs.  I think that God wants us to walk with Him in trust either way, as you are doing, and good for you for doing it.  


    One thing He does promise, is that 'all things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.'  So sometimes when times are tough the best thing I can come up with to pray is, "God, please let me SEE the good, because right now I don't."  And I know that it might be good for someone else, instead of for me, but I would feel better if I could just see it, KWIM?   


    Anyway, joining you in prayer for a better situation for yourself and your family.

    Thank you for this.  I know it was meant for the OP, but it did me a world of good to read it.


    Pinkmint, i'm so sorry this fell through.  I don't blame you for being discouraged.  I hope you will continue looking, and that something will turn up that will meet your needs.

  5. Nope. I nearly cried when they got rid of that program.


    I buy my younger boys'shoes from LL Bean now. 100% guarantee. It's not as convenient since I have to order online, but they stand by their merchandise.

    They got rid of it???  I would have cried if my kids were still wearing that size.  Saved me a lot of money on jeans and socks!

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