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Posts posted by Unicorn.

  1. Texas also has the BBQ delusion. You all think you know BBQ.


    Oh No you didn't!   Them's fight'in words!!      KC  and St. Louis don't know BBQ.  TX is REAL BBQ


    Random facts in one spot:


    I don't recall flying cockroaches the size of your hand in Texas.  We do have some nasty scorpions.  I caught the cat playing with one two nights ago.  It is deceased...and not from Ebola.


    Beans in chili I can take or leave.  True chili does NOT have beans, but who can afford half a cow these days  from which to make chili so it is wise and prudent to stretch your cow with beans in chili.  Dude.  Use common sense.


    Oklahoma has nothing except for the musical "Oklahoma".  Stop messing with Texas.  Game on.


    Bats are friends, not food.


    I love you all.  Except people who mess with Texas cuz that ain't cool.


    How do not remember giant flying roaches?  You must be from W. Texas where there's no trees to house those suckers!

  2. That is exactly my concern, but people are in denial and want to talk about other nonsensical things (like whether we all know Africa is a large continent).  


    In the meantime, what I feared is already going on:




    From your posted article:

    but it's contained to the specific family members and close friends at this moment."

    The director continued to assure residents that the public isn't at risk because health officials have the virus contained.



    And I would assume that those being monitored are probably being "quarantined" at home.. something that's implied in another of your news links by the governor

    No one ever suggested going all chicken little.  


    But your posts do scream w/ a "chicken little" type of paranoia



    "the children had contact with the patient and are being monitored at home, Texas Gov. Rick Perry said today in a press conference."




    Thank you.  I understand.


    He still had contact with medical staff who did not know he had ebola.  I know they mentioned monitoring the EMT's.  Hopefully, they are doing to same for the other medical staff.  How sad is that... that they were exposed doing their jobs.  


    That's the risk of their job, as it is w/ nurses and doctors, and I'm sure they take the  proper precautions dealing w/ any patient.. gloves, proper hand washing, etc, etc.   

  3. But this puts some people in a really awkward situation.  Especially close family members.  We have a close family member who is considering a destination wedding.  We are expected to attend.  Some or all of us are likely expected to be IN the wedding party.  However, we cannot even sort of afford plane fare, hotel, and all the other expenses that goes along with this trip.  Sure, it weeds out the not-so-close people but it is also going to cause a great deal of drama because we simply cannot do it.  We have stated this upfront as the options are being considered but everyone keeps brushing it off as "not a big deal."  Etiquette says we are 100% free to decline the invitation but family dynamics does not.  Our current tactic is to just keep our fingers crossed that they will decide something else.  If that fails, there are going to be a lot of hurt feelings.

    You need to let them know that you can't afford it, and wouldn't be able to attend.  Either it's more important to have their dream destination wedding, or it's more important that you be there.  Either way is perfectly okay, but they need know that it's just not an option for you to go.  Holding back only causes resentment in the end.  Either for you, for having to figure out how to pay for it and being put in that position, or on their part for you not speaking up sooner.  .

  4. I would find it curious if they were also not interacting with each other. We have family friends that are not comfortable in large groups they don't know but you will see them chatting with each other.

    Just quiet, no.  One child, or two, no.  A whole family of kids, maybe a little bit.  


    Not interacting w/ each other, listless, or looking toward parent for permission to speak, even if you or another adult spoke to them, would have me being very observant for other red flags.  I also want to say, you should probably listen to your gut.  


    Quill, from what you describe, I would probably be watchful.  

  5. http://www.shaklee.com/us/en/


    You need a distributor. They are not cheap, but they have studies backing up some of their products. A good distributor can talk you through this stuff. I am not above carefully selecting from the health food store either.


    Nordic Naturals gets consistently good reviews for their fish oil. I don't know much about what else they offer.

    I second Shaklee.  I have found that Nordic Naturals don't even come close to the quality of Shaklee.  And you don't have to have a distributor.  I paid something like $19 to join as a member, and get a discount.  They can be a bit pricey, but they are worth it.  

  6. I just heard from my daughter in N.W. San Antonio, two of the grAnd babies are sick. Trey is being watched closely. She was given extra Albuterol as he usually uses Xopenex in his nebulizer. She also has steroids on hand. With instructions to stay home unless she needs to go to the ER.


    Hope they feel better fast!  I took both of my girls in this morning, and got z-packs, because theirs is turning into sinus infections.  So far, lungs seem clear, but ears are filled w/ fluid.  She did tell dd1 to use her inhaler that she has for swimming, if she felt it going to her chest at all.


    She said she didn't know if it was the entovirus, but that there are an awful lot of people w/ cold symptoms, and it's really early.  

  7. I am terrified of this, as I have one with bad asthma who is often in the ER for a common cold. If anyone in Texas thinks it is here, please let me know.

    I'm north of San Antonio, and there is something going around here.  Don't know if that's what it is, but there are a lot of people in town complaining of cold like symptoms. some people have said theirs turned into pneumonia.  Dd1 came home friday all nasally, low grade fever, sore throat, and no otc meds are doing anything.  Sudafed, mucinex, allergy meds.. nothing brings any relief.  Dd2 came home w/ it yesterday.  Taking her to the doc tomorrow, as she actually has fever over 100 and is complaining of ear pain on top of everything else.


    I'm not one to worry about this stuff- didn't worry at all during the h1n1 scare, but I'm being more watchful over this one. 

  8. If it was a picture of one person, with both breasts and a penis, I can see some level of concern about that, but more of a red-flag, keep an eye on it sort of thing.


    I can also see "you should have been doing work not drawing (nude) pictures" as a discipline issue.


    I can also see a potential bullying/harassment/disrespect issue if the drawing was intended or assumed to be intended to represent someone in specific... Or if it was being shown to other students with the intent or effect that the other students didn't like it: "Hey, look at my drawing! Naked person! You looked! Ha-ha!" ... That sort of thing would be a discipline thing.


    In combination, with context, including emotion-oased reactions from the adults, I can see minor "detentions" as a short-term reaction to this kind of drawing.

    Why in the world would that be any kind of red flag?  Maybe the kid is transgender, and knows it.  Maybe he/she loves mommy and daddy equally and rolled them both into one cool person.  But a red flag?  Seriously?


    OP, I agree w/ Kinsa.  A kindy-3rd grader, I don't see an issue, but a 4th -6th grader should know better. However, I don't see detention as necessary unless the child was asked to put it away, and refused. 

  9. I'm sure you're right, but I know I have dropped aerosol cans in the past and never had one break open, so that's why I was curious about it.

    You must not drop as  many as me.  :D   I think they have to land "just right", to bust.  And if I drop it, it will land just right.  

  10. Curious and just have to ask...how did a can of wasp spray break open? Is this an aerosol can? I'm just trying to imagine.



    I'm wondering about that, too!

    Not the op, but I assume it fell on the floor, and busted open.  It happens.


    eta:  it can also happen if it gets overheated

  11. I think calling poison control and or a professional cleaning crew is a bit over the top.  Okay, a lot over the top.  Open some windows if the smell is bothering you.  Mop the floor w/ something like Dawn that has a degreasing agent in it.  I promise you aren't going to die.  

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