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Just Another Jen

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Posts posted by Just Another Jen

  1. Anyone feel like listening to me ramble?

    We enrolled with Kolbe because I figured after buying several lesson plans I was close to breaking even either way. I had thought I wouldn't worry about sending anything in for their diploma. After reading a bunch of threads about having outside verification I started re thinking it. I mean it's not hard to send 1 sample from each class per quarter. But- whine- I just don't want to. I will if there is some compelling reason why a state college would like a kolbe diploma more than my "mom" diploma. If she were looking at one of the big Catholic colleges I would because I know they "know" kolbe. But, I'm pretty positive my daughter is not interested. I think she will follow her brother to our regional state school.

    This is not a jawm. I'm interested in different points of view.



    "accredited transcript"

    outside verification



    someone else deciding whether they will approve my curriculum choices

    We school year round making it hard to send paperwork quarterly 

    (for example she wants to work on a Environmental Science class over the next 2 summers)

    Having to take 4 Theology courses which are a big yawn to her


    Is there some advantage either way that I'm missing?


  2. I would talk to the parents. Use a it's not you it's me approach. Just say that you've noticed that your playset has been moving and creaking. So from now on the kids have to do something else when they are all out there. Just say that you are worried about it falling over if they are all on it. That's true and trust me the parents know their kid is big and will appreciate your tact.

  3. I recently decided to use this for next year, An Introduction to Chemistry. There are pdfs and helps on the website, including lectures. You can buy print copies or use the online versions. He asks for a $20 donation if you decide to use his materials. 


    It's a college level text. I've perused the text and the reading is straightforward and doesn't seem to be as a dense as some of the other chem texts I have. I

    This might solve my chemistry dilemma.



  4. I'm going to make our transcript by subject not year as we are schooling year round. We also ended up switching some curricula which means we are "off" from the regular school year. We are almost halfway through Algebra 1 (now that its clicked for her) and almost done with Biology. I know she needs to be stronger in Algebra before we start Chemistry. She would like to study Natural History after seeing it listed on the college website of a great books school. 

    I found this syllabus and am thinking of using it until we finish Algebra. So I'm unsure if we would make it a half or whole credit. Either way is this a acceptable science credit or would it be more of a academic elective?

     The syllabus does include a long Naturalist type project with essays and lab forms.

  5. That's hilarious!  Love it!  

    My favorite page:


    What would you like Benedict to say to you?


    And how would you respond?  


    My answers:


    BC: Darling, I want to take you away and read books to you all day and make wild passionate love all night.  What do you say?


    Me:  Let me get my bag.


    Now how am I going to top that without plagiarism! Perfect.

  6. I love their book selections. We've been using sonlight in some form for over 10 years. Some of my kids got more out of it than others. I have never been able to stick to their schedule. With the exception of religious books we have kept all the sonlight books that we have purchased. I'm starting core c now with my 8 1/2 year old. Its still fine to be in the middle of their suggested age range. I think they are just trying to make it easier for new homeschoolers to figure out what they need.

  7. I agree with txhomemom. I wasn't sure if I was going to send in the paperwork to kolbe or if I would just make my own transcript. After procrastinating I ended up deciding to make my own. I don't like grading and we do so much orally that it seems like a huge pain to prove the work that I already know is done. 

    Plus I think I am in the minority but every single book order from kolbe has had a mistake. Either something missing or just the wrong item. I waited 5 months for a pre paid school ID. Just my 2 cents....

  8. Just to be contrary here, Scans tend to speak excellent English, so I might think about focusing on another language entirely--one more widely spoken in the world, such as Spanish or French--unless your dc's interest goes beyond a single gap year. 



    Good point. Since we are just slogging through requirements this year it might make more sense to pick a language with more resources. 

  9. My son is going to NIU because he spoke to the head of media graphics at the Field Museum and she prefers graduates from there. He would love to end up at a museum. He also liked that its a little over an hour away from us so he can take the train on the weekends and still spend time with us and hang out in the city. It seems like there is a tight community of graduates in Chicago so I'm hoping that will translate into job contacts in a couple years. 

  10. Written Danish and written Norwegian are so close that if you can read one, you can easily read the other. This does not apply to pronunciation.



    If she chooses Danish, I will gleefully inundate you with ideas for resources :)




    Well, right now she is leaning towards Danish. So please begin the indoctrination.  :)



     LSLC v1 (Lesson 13/30) and they are enjoying it. They watched a bit of a DVD in Spanish this morning and were over the over the moon excited that they could understand little bits of it.






    I'm just listening in as I have always subbed out foreign language study but am thinking of doing things differently with our youngest. What Spanish program are you using?

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