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Posts posted by Momto3indians

  1. My journey began many years ago, to reclaim my body so it can achieve its maximum potential. Watching a sister die of brain cancer also helped me rethink how I was raised to eat/drink. I highly recommend juicing, whether you have the fiber in it or the fiber out of it! Both have nutritional value. The juicing enters into your system faster!


    We were juicing daily and are actually returning to that (husband & myself). Our kids got scared off but come to me when sick/tired and have taken much of this alternative health learning to heart. I understand how hard it is when a teen and in the throes of 'social eating'! At least they don't touch soda now!


    To make your juice taste better, add an apple for sweetness! My favorite juicer juice is celery, kale, cucumber, parsley and rainbow chard. I grew up hating vegetables so it's rather funny how I now eat but I've never felt better! I don't touch dairy...avoid most yeast products...and haven't had meat in a few years but am not against that...I'm just on a path of listening to my body and all that takes time.


    For the indivitual who felt sick afterwards it could be detoxing of the body. Most bodies carry so much acidity that it could provoke pains at first. It's best when juicing to avoid sugar, etc....


    Bottom line...it's extremely good for you and there are countless ways to mix veggies together for a fun drink. (btw I dilute mine with water...if I have 8oz of juice I add the same amount of water. Stretches it out and for that upset stomach might also help in the digestion of it.


    blessings to you

  2. I remember those days so fondly so don't give up reading to them aloud! What I would also encourage you to do is to keep going! Keep it fun...keep the stories short...and watch for 'their way' of listening!'


    My 3 kids (2 boys/1 girl) each had their own way of listening to me read aloud and at first I thought they weren't listening, but then mixed with what age they were at, was their own personal response to listening! One doodled on a tablet of paper while another loved to color in her coloring books. The oldest would like lay there and often time close his eyes. I thought he was sleeping but the majority of the time wasn't!


    It takes time to establish habits! It's worth trying again & again at. I loved reading aloud and even started to get rather good with voices and inflections and knowing when to 'stop' leaving them thirsty for more. I also learned when to read to them..what worked for our own family.


    I hope this helps you! God bless!!

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