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Posts posted by Momto3indians

  1. ...your daughter doesn't have to know that you called her teacher. If the teacher is above board, then she could handle that in confidence. If anything, just to be 'aware' and 'watchful' for any strange behavior from that young lady. It is beneficial to the teacher to not be in the dark over a matter like that. You don't even have to make a big deal over it..just 'let her know' for 'letting her know sake'.

  2. We also switched on math way too much and it caused them to be behind by a year. We ended up sticking with Saxon and for highschool moving onto Teaching Textbooks....but those early years were one math curriculum after the other until I finally settled on Saxon. Yet, not to beat ourselves up too much, we are all doing our best! And now that I can look back on all those years of homeschooling and all those mistakes...it was a far better education then having marched off my kids to the bus to take them to conventional school, any day!!!

  3. ...the book is called The PHmiracle for Diabetes by Robert Young http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001DASIZU/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0446691003&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1YVAG2QJ6D0BN495DGVE It is a revolutionary book but I think worth the read even if one doesn't do 'everything' in it, it makes it point and I have personally seen great results. I had a young man w/us for over a month who was so ill from his type 1 diabetes the drs were telling him he might not make it to 50. We followed this book and his insulin use went down immediately. He felt better after a few days and we were all learning from watching him bravely commit to this. What did he have to lose, was his motto! He is from England and so he had to return and just 'do his best' for he is a missionary and dirt poor. But even in doing 'his best' he has managed to keep most of his diet 'green' and is still seeing tremendous results. Anyway...just my two cents of sharing!!

  4. ...my heart goes out to that family and also to her friends...the confusion it will cause plus eventually the anger as grief takes it's course over time. This reminds me that this wonderful planet is not all wonderful. It gives me a heavenly perspective as our kids are being raised in a world that fights to reject God at every turn. It's a hard world to raise kids in....my son use to cut himself...it was a horror to hear about. Why? He was copying the behavior of fellow swimmers. He had an amazing life and was very popular, but he told me later he was 'drawn to it' once he had experimented with it. It's all satanic...it really is. Satan is gaining more & more foothold on our childlren....thus that same son said to me one day.."Mom, had you NOT homeschooled me, I don't know where I'd be today, for I'd have been much worse."....today he is a young man, married...serving God full time and full of love & joy. God has a plan for our kids but so does this world....

  5. ...this sounds like a 'life lesson' for your kids! I'd find those kitties homes and make it a family project! You'll just be miserable with cats in your garage over time and the kids' allergies will continue to plague you! We had a wonderful puppy once that the family was just not ready for! The kids didn't let me train the dog properly and it was having the run of house. After 2 months we found another home for her...a farm and with one of her sisters...turned out perfectly for our dog. We were all sad, but it was a 'life lesson'. We were not ready yet...lesson learned! (now we do have a dog and she is trained properly!) :)

  6. What comes to my mind is, 'is' that person a Christian at all? We can love God and serve Him but is He truly Lord of our lives? The Bible can be discerned and it's for our day as much as it was thousands of years ago...there are some grey areas, but it's not so complicated. It just that folks down thru the ages don't want to obey.


    God left us His Word for so many reasons and within His Word He does not condone homosexuality no matter how much the Christian community will try to turn it into a 'grey area' ...in some pockets, not all. It is simply a sin...an addicting sin much like any other addicting sin.


    Can I love a homosexual? Yes, I can and I will. We are called to love...but we we are also called to judge. We do it everyday don't we? I raised my kids to have wise judgement..but what do we base it on? Where is my 'line'? For me, it comes from God's Word. The other side of the pendulum judging is not what I'm writing about either! We are not to be 'policemen' of right & wrong, but to live our lives as He has laid out in the Word....what pleases HIM? What does He have to say about sin? About homosexuality? He is holy and so many other attributes. We forgot He is a God of vengeance. He destroyed places like Sodom where such behavior was rampant. He flooded the earth, too, from so much sin and disobedience.


    He has a plan for our lives but first we must lay down our life to be lifted up out of this world of it's own 'religion' of do whatever you like! It's why the early church went to their deaths...their faith was strong and was controversial to those who wanted them to believe another way that was 'acceptable' to that time/religion...and yet..their faith was so freeing and that gave them the strength to not bow to false gods or wrong practices. Are we at all like the early church? Willing to die for our faith? For Him? Do we take God at His Word? Much better to accept what our culture is raising us in...but it'll never be freeing...and we'll never know the true depth of what He had for us. This present day culture is misleading many as in ages past and it breaks my heart....

  7. ...I found as my kids got older they pulled away more and that is normal...and for us homeschoolers I saw that in our 'homeschooling day' routine. They all wanted to be homeschooled but that mindset of obeying 'mommy' for every part of their education started to wane. I was not a co'op fan but had to go down that road for their middle school years. They all worked their tails off for the teachers and learned tons! As they got older if we didn't do co'op, I found a mom to privately tutor. I couldn't afford this until I was down to my last child but it made a world of difference. I also just found small groups where a mom opened her home to up to 12 kids for say...biology ...and one year it was for 'english/writing'...and it worked out great! I also changed curriculums and found a math (teaching textbooks) that all my kids loved and could work on rather independently.

  8. ...and really the 'snack foods' are expensive so we cut those out. No more soda, etc.


    A rice cooker is handy and a great healthy filler

    Homemade chili is the best and goes a long way

    Homemade soups with that homemade bread of yours

    Wraps...having the 'fixings' ready to go so anyone can fix their own

    Homemade hummus...it's easy...much less expensive, too

    We don't drink milk here...water, water, water...but we do drink almond milk or hemp milk...just not 'in' a glass. We add it to everything instead of 'milk'.

    We don't buy ice-cream anymore - you can either make your own or have that as a 'treat' occasionally. We use to always buy that to have on hand...and it adds up after awhile!

  9. It very might well might be a muscle strain and I have had those many times in that same area! Yet, you were on the money when you were suspecting high acidity in your body. That can and will reek havoc in time....the symptoms will be much the same except it grows worse and then you have dr's 'medicating' the symptoms. It might be a good idea to say bye bye 'one day at a time' to drinks and foods that are highly acidic....soda being one of the top! I thought I was having a heart attack once in my 40's...it was a back door way of finding out my heart was perfectly healthy but it scared me to death and the only thing they could say was 'acid reflux'. I went off of pizza...milk..soda...spicy foods..and it never came back. Anyway...thought I'd throw in my two cents worth!! :001_smile:

  10. When you think of gluten think of 'glue'.

    1. Tinkyada Brand Pastas: Wonderful! Follow directions as they're a bit different. You can enjoy spagetti and hot or cold pasta dishes galore! I love to make a cold macaroni salad using 'Vegenaise', which is a safe substitute to regular mayonaise. No one is the wiser and it's good for you! Add spices and fresh veggies of your choice, etc...

    2. Namaste: Carries mostly all gluten free products and do a wonderful job. Our favorite is the Waffle/Pancake Mix. What we do here (since we are also dairy free) is add 'unsweetened vanilla flavored hemp milk' along w/the required oil. I also add a few shakes of organic cinnamon powder and we have terrific waffles, topping them with Earth Balance and freshly cut strawberries! Add blueberries....etc...they're fantastic! http://www.namastefoods.com/products/cgi-bin/products.cgi?Category_Id=5

    3. When shopping if you can, try to find a local 'natural foods market' to shop for your gluten free items, especially freshly made ones. Rudi's breads offer a gluten free bread that I enjoy using....toasting it makes it even better. I do not trust the big name companies (Kellogs, etc.) for their foods as they are just joining in the $$$ rush. Suddenly it is becoming a new buzz word and I get leery of big companies claiming 'healthy foods', etc. They also use GMO in their products/grains, etc....

    Good luck!

  11. It is not always fun...it's work...and at times overwhelming and at times a blast and other times a total train wreck!


    Having homeschooled all my kids thru (all in college now) I can look back and see how worthwhile it was. I would do the same all over again.


    One of the things I told myself every year and was also told this by my homeschool moms/friends surrounding me...was to relax!! Take a day off! Give it time!!!


    And yes...for you, with your kids so used to the school schedule and leaving home to go to school might also need an adjustment time to this new life! Make sure you have some key homeschool moms to guide you thru these first months! I know some who didn't start reallllly schooling until well into October but they still learned enough for the school year!


    To get their attention....you could show them your schedule for the week on Sunday. Add perks...like 'cooking class' and baking cookies after they have completed a morning of math, history, etc...


    Or take them out...field trips are all school days. It's science...or history related and I counted them all as school days and they did learn tons!! We were able to really take our time and learn about something vs. read a textbook, answer a few questions and move onto the next subject.


    I hope you stick it out and can encourage other homeschool moms in the future of how that first year went or first few months and what perks and fun you added to it to grab their attention for learning thru you! (and yes..like other moms suggested we had 'quiet times' each day. I needed to just take a breather, too, and that is okay to do!


    Not one of my kids regret being homeschooled. Yeah..no system of learning is perfect, but they have all told me they'd have been completely different people had we not been a homeschool family. And we swam year round...played soccer...did drama...plays...co'ops for some years...they were busy and it was worth it!!

  12. I really believe that anything is an improvement to the conventional method and traditions of eating. We've strayed so very far and now have so many syndromes and diseases anymore THAT is daunting to me! :001_smile:


    Anything that can improve one's health to keep us away from the meds that are scripted out to our families, I'm all for it. So much so that I've been on my own health food journey quest for several years now..making many mistakes, but always learning and have never felt better. Actually am now heathier in my mid 50's than I was in my 40's.

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