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Posts posted by mommylawyer

  1. I've heard of it but, until a few minutes ago, had never seen it. My husband, of all people - the guy who used to shun pop culture - practically made fun of me at dinner, in front of our children, mind you, because I had no clue what the Harlem Shake is. So he showed me. He and our children found it hilarious. I found it tedious and stupid.


    Maybe I'm turning into an old fuddy-duddy. Maybe it's because I'm 37 weeks pregnant and just don't care about anything.


    By the way, I don't get Gangnam Style either...

  2. I am a semi-CG user. I shampoo my hair once a week, but minimally (I just put a little on my scalp). After rinsing, I use a lot of conditioner. I only brush my hair before I shower (I have a mixture if Botticelli curls and waves, no ringlets). I also only wash at night two nights a week and go to bed with my hair wet. Ever since I read CG, albeit with my modifications, I am so happy with my hair.

  3. I'm just curious to know why your husband is telling anyone he's going out of town. When my husband goes on trips (maybe two or three times a year), we try not to tell anyone besides family that he is gone. If you need help while your husband s away, I'm sure you can find someone to help. So, in addition to dealing with your feelings about Creepy Guy, maybe you can ask your Husband not to tell people he is going away ... For safety reasons.

  4. Make him play. You've spent the money based on his desire, now he needs to live up to his end of the bargain. If, after the end of the season, he no longer wants to play, then okay. If you keep letting him quit - especially after you've already dished out the money - you're not teaching him any responsibility for his decisions. His desire to play had a consequence (you spent money) and now he should do his part.


    My children take karate and I can't tell you how many times we've seen kids start, parents buy the uniform, and the kids quit after 2 or 3 weeks. The instructors get very frustrated because they see the kids ruling the parents - the kids not wanting to exhibit self-discipline and the parents not encouraging the kids to continue. If you keep letting your son dictate your actions now, what are you teaching him about committing to something and following through?


    Good luck - and let us know how the season goes!

  5. History - SOTW2 (because I also have 3 younger kids) with HO and other resources for reading, summarizing, and outlining.


    Science - Story if Science: Aristotle...


    Math - Saxon 6/5 and 7/6


    Language Arts -


    R&S 6 Grammar

    Worldly Wise

    I may drop spelling for her and just keep Wordly Wise


    Latin - Latina Christiana 1




    Catholicism - History of the Catholic Church


    Art - various artists and styles I've pulled together


    Music - an instruments study and a composer study I've pulled together


    Geography - ?


    Extras: piano lessons, voice lessons, karate, theatre

  6. I've always waited to potty train until my kids are around 3 years old. My current 3 year old did the same thing as yours - telling me after the fact that he pooped and/or peed. So I thought I try to train him then (he was 2). It was a no go then - he just did the same thing while wearing underwear - he told me AFTER. Ew! I'm not the type to keep this sort of thing up for a month or more. If my child can't stay dry after a week of trying, I stop and try again a few months later. Given that, I always get the little potty out when they're around 2 or so, and occasionally ask or encourage them to use it, but potty training happens when we are BOTH ready (I can't stand having to take changes of clothes and plastic bags with me everywhere; I have to work myself up for that). On the positive side, because I wait, potty training usually happens in a weekend. A weekend. Not weeks or months. 3 days! I don't use pull-ups and three of my four children have not only successfully daytime potty trained in that amount of time, but have stayed dry at night, too. I say wait.

  7. My DH is the zit-popper in our household. I get blackheads in my ears and he takes care of them for me (I actually find it kind of relaxing). Our children, although they aren't teens yet, get blocked pores in their upper arms on occasion. While they hate it, DH does get rid of those.


    As for the tool that's been shown, you can find those at almost any drug store or retailer with a makeup section. Just look where they have the tweezers on display. They aren't very expensive and are less painful than using hobby pins.


    BTW, I'm kind of grossed out by talking about it, but we do it, so...

  8. I've felt a little odd in my homeschooling group because we are the only Catholic family, but not really left out. I make it a point to mention our Catholicism from time to time (I almost feel as though I have to, I suppose).


    I haven't yet mentioned to my group that I teach Old World Creationism and evolution and dinosaurs (not the ones that lived when Adam and Eve did -ha, ha). I'm waiting for that conversation to happen.

  9. I'm trying to do the 52 Books thing this year, but I haven't "joined the club." I generally have a fiction book and a non-fiction going at the same time so I do two books in two weeks (alternating my finish time, usually). If it looks like I'm not going to finish a book in the two weeks (for example, I'm on book four of the Game of Thrones series and it is VERY long and I'm not going to finish this week), I might pick up something I can read in a day (such as "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" by Lynn Truss) just so I can keep up with my self-imposed commitment.

  10. My kids love the reading and summarizing section of WWE, but the dictation is something I scrapped a couple of years ago with my oldest. If I can't even do the WWE4 dictation, I don't think my children need to. Every now and then I make sure they can summarize the dictation or take notes on it, but verbatim dictation doesn't happen for us. Besides, I never took verbatim notes in college or law school (even when using my laptop and typing 110 wpm). However, WWS has been a fabulous success (no more dictation).

  11. I can't really speak as to age gap - other than the fact that my oldest will be 10 years older than my youngest (when the youngest is born in the coming weeks), but there are 3 kids in between. What I can speak to is your age. Don't worry about being "older" and having a baby! I'm almost 40 and, while this pregnancy hasn't been as easy as the previous four, I haven't written off having another baby in a couple of years.


    By the way, I am an only child and would have LOVED to have had a younger sibling!

  12. You don't have enough damages at this point to sue. Not to mention that if you went to a Personal Injury attorney with this, no one would take it as a case (at least none worth their salt). It was an accident; this is one of the many problems with our society - everyone is so quick to sue or threaten lawsuits without weighing the damages and consider who is really at fault.

  13. Stores have built-in, expected product losses and this counts as a loss (so does the broken jar of spaghetti sauce). In all honesty, if you're buying from a big chain store, let the cashier exchange it. If it's a small mom and pop store, buy it. I wouldn't make it a habit nor would I put it back on the shelf. Let the cashier take it, get a new one, try not to do it in the future, and forget about it.


    Yes, I'm cold and callous that way. And I buy white bread, too - simply because french toast and pb&J are SO MUCH BETTER on white than wheat (IMHO). :hurray:

  14. I've gone into labor 3 times while wrapping or unwrapping Christmas presents! However, since it isn't Christmas... Try Evening Primrose oil (take two 500mg orally per day and insert one vaginally before bed -every day), spend some "quality time" with your husband (daily), and try not to dwell on it. All of mine have come between 4 and 9 days early. I'm hopeful that my next baby (I'm 34 weeks) will be a few days early, too. (I'll be in this same boat - the wanting to jump start labor boat) this time next month!). Good luck!

  15. I wanted to start off by saying I have a FREE Pregnancy Checklist that I created and just uploaded to my blog. Please feel free to download and use it. It doesn't have baby growth info or medical developments; it does, however have reminders of things you can do for yourself during your pregnancy. It can be found here:




    Enjoy the Checklist!


    Now, for the answers...



    How far along are you?

    34 weeks tomorrow.


    Do you know what you are having?/Are you going to find out?

    Yes, we know what we are having; we found out last week. We weren't going to find out, but when we couldn't see the baby's face at the 3D/4D ultrasound, we decided we couldn't leave empty-handed, so to speak.


    Have you talked names yet?

    Yes, but we aren't telling anyone outside of our families for the time being.


    Have you done any shopping? (Pics of nurseries would be cute!)

    I've purchased a few newborn baby things, but this is our fifth child, so we don't really need much. We don't have a nursery; baby will sleep in our bed until weaned (18 mos to 2 years).


    How was your last appointment or when is your first appointment?

    My last appointment was two weeks ago; my midwife will visit me again this Thursday. I'm having a home birth, so my visits happen at home.

  16. Thank you for all of your stories, advice, and encouragement. My midwife has assured me that she's not worried. She has pointed me to spinningbabies.com (I think I've printed out everything on and referred to by the site). I've got six weeks of (trying not to) worry to get through. Of course, if my midwife isn't worried, I guess I shouldn't be either. Thank you again for the support - I need it! :001_smile:

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