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Posts posted by walkermamaof4

  1. This is my child who leaves a trail everywhere, who acts and speaks without thinking first. Possibly attachment disorder - adopted - in an orphanage for his first year. We try, but it is an all day battle to get him to cleanup each little thing. I need ideas for how to give him a contained space of stuff he can enjoy while filling his need to create, then have him clean that space up. And I'd love to have a book that might guide him a bit. He loved the Kumon workbooks for cutting and folding and pasting but needs something just a bit more advanced now.

  2. DS8 loves to go in our school room supplies and create. He cuts and pastes and uses string and markers and lots of glue and tape of any type. He makes a big, big mess before we realize he is busy in there. I'd like to help him create with a set of supplies and more structure just to help limit the mess maybe. Can anyone suggest a book he could follow alone and that I could put supplies for in one container just for his use? Thanks for any input. I need help! And I like his creativity; I just need to assert some limits to his freedom.

  3. I am loving this. It is so much more than Quicken. And besides, Quicken makes you upgrade so often and pay more, more, more just to use their download feature. I had zoned out wrt my budget by just using that download feature and no longer thinking carefully about our spending. You Need a Budget (YNAB) suggest you enter all receipts. And the best part is that it uses Dropbox and the cloud to save and sink your budget to all of your computers and your phone. I love this. I enter all receipts now at the time of purchase and can see every budget category at any time from any of my devices and my husband's devices. How great is that?! They do have a referral program too. So if you want to try it, would you use my link?




    I hope it changes your spending as much as it has ours.


    Also, the Dave Ramsey class on budgeting is absolutely worthwhile no matter what your faith or beliefs about cash vs credit. We still use credit and it still changed our lives for the better. It is worth taking with others. The accountability helps.

  4. She's the same one who had an 18 point testing gain on the Woodcock Johnson after plowing through CLE LA 4-6 this year, putting her at grade level in the grammar area of the test. And after doing 2 math curriculums every year since 3rd grade, her math scores are now great. Yet, as I help her with math it is still quite evident that her real area of struggle is with language. She doesn't understand word problems. She can't decipher what is being asked. She has the mechanics of math down. So in her testing, in the test area of general knowledge, she scores many levels below her grade. The test administrator said that as she watched dd answer, she really felt that the issue is knowledge retrieval. All of the questions asked were things I was shocked she didn't know and felt confident she really did know. One of them was, "Which organ pumps blood." She said she didn't know?!?!?!?! Mind you, we literally are doing Anatomy right now and that very day we had this near life-size picture of the body on our living room floor with the heart, kidneys, and skeleton on it and little blood cells as game pieces that move around and carry food and waste and oxygen and carbon dioxide (from Ellen McHenry.) We had just read that week about circulation. Never mind the other times she has heard about it or the magic school bus movies - lol! So the administrator decided to give her another subtest. On that one, she showed her a picture of a funnel. DD looked into the kitchen, looked at her, and said she couldn't remember the name. Then she showed her a safety pin and dd called it a paper clip. This went on and on with her either answering that she didn't know or giving a wrong answer for many of them.


    (If it helps to know this, ds is 3 years younger and scores above grade level in all areas of the test, and he is schooled with her here. He reads more, to be fair, but still their overall exposure is quite similar. But he also tests as gifted in math too and does word problems easily in his head. I feel fairly confident that this is not an exposure to material problem. She may just need mastery programs in every area or something. I don't know.)


    Any ideas on what might be wrong and how to help?



  5. This! You need this! Raining Cats and Dogs by Vocabulary Power. It's like a desk calendar, but not dated, with a spiral top. It gives the saying with an illustration of the literal translation, then tells you what it really means. I'm not sure it has all the ones you mention but is a fun, easy way to learn these.


    http://www.amazon.co...ocabulary power


    Oh why do I always feel compelled to buy so much? I like the looks of this system. I bought it. I was worried we'd never do quizlet and my emails from the other idiom source already started coming even though we aren't ready for them yet. A flip book is perfect.

  6. She is in 7th grade. I realized that she was really lacking in the area of LA. We had used Shurley 1 and 2, then MCT Island and some of the next level. So, I bought CLE and decided to start her back in the 400's level. She plowed through it at a really rapid pace, and is now in book 605. We test with Woodcock Johnson. Her score in the punctuation grammar area increased 18 points, an enormous gain! I knew it should as she had clearly advanced so much in her knowledge in those areas. I am very pleased with CLE. It works for us!


    Edited to say we have also done a lot of JAG and some Cozy Grammar right before CLE too, in my effort to find something we like. And we did Sentence Family a few summers ago.

  7. 1100 Words You Need to Know. A vocabulary program that includes idioms.

    To quote reviews: "You work on 10 words for each of 5 days, and then a weekly quiz. The text stimulates and preps your mind to soak up the definition of each word by first showing you its use in a paragraph, then testing you with fill-in-the blank sentences. Finally,you learn the definitions via a matching quiz. But, after the paragraph and blank sentences, you almost know the definitions already! Also, each day a language idiom is presented as a further boost to a highly functional vocabulary."

    "Each word is used in context, and you are encouraged to guess the meaning. Then you review the meaning using a matching test and a fill in the blank test. It is a stroke of brilliance that the words you have already learned are continually reviewed by being used over and over again in the following chapters. Each week has 4 lessons plus a review lesson, and a different storyline is used each week. These stories are of high interest and very clever."


    I used this program when I was in middle school, and I find I have a *very* good knowledge of idioms, even fairly unusual ones.


    There is a quizlet already created for this! BONUS! Thanks. I don't know if they included the idioms, but even so, it is worth it for me to have the kids each have an account to practice this for vocab!

  8. Oh my goodness! I've been watching this thread and was excited about investigating PF Chang's. What happened to your DD? My DS is anaphylactic to sesame, and I shudder to think what could happen.


    Our restaurant choices are very limited due to LTFAs in addition to dairy/gluten allergies (not LTFA so far), but Red Robin has always come through for us. Their allergy protocol is good. A manager always greets us, cleans our table/chairs with a clean rag, and personally prepares DS's food from the allergy menu. For people for whom this us a lifestyle choice, that may be overkill, but it's wonderful for anyone dealing with anaphylactic allergies.


    Chipotle is good, too.


    Has anyone here used the AllerEats website lately? That might be useful for gluten/dairy issues.



    dd just gets stomach cramps from sesame and that is what happened.

  9. He loves to work with his hands, loves to be outside, hasn't ever enjoyed his current job, which he has had for nearly 20 years. I'd love to see him doing something he'd love. He is not good in crowds, but is great one-on-one. He is the hardest working person and kindest most thoughtful person I have ever known. He has had to do ordering, training, running of crews of men on multiple jobsites for years. So while he can do these things, I am not sure he enjoys doing them. He is very handy - once remodeled our home by himself, including tearing out walls, electrical, plumbing, and even the staircase - and a perfectionist so very slow but the job he would do would get noticed as being phenomenal. He is also very neat and precise. He does not love to read books, but has devoured information on the web about landscaping and gardening.


    How much could he make working for a garden center? Owning one (i'm not sure he'd really enjoy all that this option would require)? What other ideas seem like they would suit him?


    it would be amazing to see him make as much or more money doing something he loved.

  10. Mine came back. The first time it came back, I got another prescription. The 2nd time, I did a quadruple dose of d-mannose immediately, a triple dose later that day, and slowly decreased the dose, and took 1 dose daily for several more days. 1 dose after s*x, and a dose anytime I think there is any chance I might be getting one. So far so good!

  11. I called ahead to PF Changs and told them we have both dairy and sesame allergies and asked our options. The manager said that all of their chicken is coated in a liquid that contains dairy, but that he would put some aside before coating it. I was thrilled then, but not so thrilled when ds has a dairy reaction that night. Clearly something did not go right with their preparation of his "dairy free" meal. Bummer. My sesame free dd also had problems that night.

  12. My right brainer loved Rightstart. I switched him to MM for my sake bc/ I didn't want to take the time as a teacher that RS requires. He also loved Beast. MEP is more teacher intensive than MM but is excellent as well. My right brainer likes LOF (doing fractions now-age 10) but I would never recommend it highly for the reasons others have stated. I just thought he'd enjoy it for summer math work.

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