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Aunty Social

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Status Replies posted by Aunty Social

  1. Ds sees The Hobbit -> ds reads the Hobbit -> ds starts writing in dwarvish -> ds starts Fellowship of the Ring -> ds now does smeagol impressions and talks about LOTR for at least 2 hours out of every day. Is there anyway to stop this train?

  2. Yup. The boy is better. Another lesson on given how to pass a test by regurgitating the stock answer given instead of debating the point and ranting about how they are trying to stifle his curiosity and creativity. And no, you cannot write in an additional multiple choice answer and choose that. It will still be marked wrong.

    1. Aunty Social

      Aunty Social

      Every subject somehow turns into a class on debate. :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. We've only been back in school for 2.5 hours, and I've already threatened death by math book if they can't.just.FOCUS!

    1. Aunty Social

      Aunty Social

      Always more coffee! A half a bag of mini twix, 2 cups of coffee, and a 'scary mom voice' ultimatum later, things seem to have calmed down.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. The eldest just asked how I ladled the soup out of the container and into a bowl....I used a ladle.

    1. Aunty Social

      Aunty Social

      I should have answered 'carefully', LOL


  5. I'm wondering what this does.

    1. Aunty Social

      Aunty Social

      Cool! Now I know. :)

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