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Posts posted by mommybee

  1. And, fwiw, I would never, ever allow my children to knock on doors looking for work to do such as mowing lawns, walking dogs, etc. My son would love to find something to do for extra money but we just don't know anyone that has anything for him to do. I completely disagree that it's easy for a kid to earn money. We only know the neighbors on either side of us and we don't know them well enough to ask about house sitting services. In fact, I haven't lived in that type of helpful community since I was a kid. We live on a dead-end street off a highway where the speed limit is 55. We don't live within walking distance of a store. My son can't do a paper route unless he can drive. My daughter asked if she could sell some window art she creates to earn some extra money. Who would she sell it to? It looks like kid stuff!


    Sorry, but I'm just frustrated. I dislike seeing posts where people suggest things that seem easy to them and frown upon people who don't feel the same way. I'd love to ride bikes and save gas, but there is no where safe for us to ride. We don't even have a sidewalk in our neighborhood. We can't ride bikes at the park because it's only a walking trail (no bikes or scooters), fields (football and baseball), the roads and parking lots (not safe because of drivers). We can't walk to the store (nearest one is 3 miles away) or to the library (6 or 7 miles away). In fact, I have never lived within walking distance of a store. Well, when I was a teen, we did walk to the convenience store because we were so bored but it was an hour walk to get a coke and candy bar and then an hour walk back! And it was on the side of a busy road. I guess I just live in the wrong area for being green!



    :iagree: I feel so bad sometimes because it's just doesn't come easy for me to find ways for my kids to make money either. It frustrates my son because his friends are out there asking neighbors, and I just don't feel like I have that option where we live. I don't know all my neighbors nor do I want to in some cases. I don't know what to do either.

  2. The second was the biggest to me--when my ex had my daughter alone, first when she was a babe, changing tables were ONLY in ladies bathrooms, and he went in to them a few times to change them, first making sure no one was in there, but he had no choice. When she was older, he had to take her into nasty men's rooms because someone in Macy's threatened to call the cops on him if he took her (when she was 6) into the ladies room (and she was about to have a huge accident)--believe me, she was much more scarred by that than she would have been by standing next to a man on line in a unisex bathroom!




    I hate when I hear stuff like this....it's so sad that people would be so selfish to not notice a dad and daughter in need of a bathroom and the sensitive nature of a 6 year old to have to go and to have women humiliate her by overreacting like that.


    To me it's such a different situation and whenever I have seen a dad and daughter I don't have an issue with him needing to change a baby or take a little girl in to go.

  3. I typically sleep about nine. When my thyroid needed fixin' I was sleeping that much but also sleeping for hour long naps during the day. That's how I knew something wasn't right, plus a bunch of other random symptoms...but that's another story.


    I don't think it's abnormal to need a lot of sleep. I believe some of us just need more than others and I only see it as a problem if we are sleeping more than we are getting things done. Sometimes I feel guilty that I can't get up early in the morning, but I just can't. I hate to wake to an alarm. I like to let my body sleep and naturally wake up. Usually I'm pretty consistent


    Off to work, see you ladies later!

  4. TPTB are happy to let controversial discussion stand when it grows organically out of general board chat. (Notice that the single-issue voter threads and others were left alone) TPTB deleted the previous thread not because of the subject matter but because any thread that begins with condescension ("Breathe deep and let's try not to yell") offends TPTB.


    I've spent too many years seeing groups of thoughtful women condescended to. I don't want to see it here.


    And yes, I am aware that civility is in the eye of the beholder. On this board, the eye of the beholder is MY eye. This is fair warning: posts that smack of "Now, ladies, let's not be irrational" are going to GO AWAY.


    We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.




    Thanks SWB-


    That helps me better understand why some posts are removed.



  5. I"m out the door....


    Quickly, I really am loving plurk.


    It is like a cross between myspace and IM'ing. Instant messages that other's can read and respond to.


    I'm not usually into all this kind of stuff but I have to say I find it kind of fun.


    Short quick little things and people can respond. I found twitter not as much fun, but I'm enjoying seeing what people are doing during the day.


    Come and check it out....my page is in my sig

  6. I do check the beds everytime we stay at a hotel. My husband and I pull back the sheets and look really closely at the mattress.



    I know they are hard to see but I've heard you should check for them. I can't say we are completely safe, but it really panics me.


    At this point I can't even relax in a hotel, but if you gotta it helps to check.


    I've heard you can get them in very nice hotels as well as lower end.

  7. :grouphug:

    I have a suggestion for another way of looking at it all.


    You were simply not meant to get pregnant this month. How do you know? because it didn't happen.


    That neurologist is not the right one for your son. Pick another. And if you are still annoyed, write a letter directly to the neurologist to let him know how difficult his staff are, and how your son has suffered in the meanwhile, then let it go.


    Abeka is also not right for your children. Let it go. Man, I would be mad too....what a horrible rule! I think thats grounds for a mass avoidance of Abeka, personally. I would spread it far and wide. That's pure prejudice of the most unethical nature.


    We cannot know the bigger picture, but you never know whats around the corner. I take apparent difficulties like these as a sign that I am going the wrong way and life is trying to help, not hinder me, by putting road blocks in place. After I get stressed, of course.


    :iagree: That's how I would try to look at it after I got mad as hell! For your own sanity, you need to come up with another plan.

  8. I'm going into my 5th year of Homeschooling....6th if you count K4....9th if you count birth on....


    Until very recently, I've been "it's not for everyone" in my approach.....but, the more I do it, the more my kids grow, the more I see the blessings that are my family, the more that opinion shrinks and it's replaced with a bolder approach.


    Does this get worse as time goes on? Veteran homeschoolers....do you get bolder and more opinionated with AGE, or do you mellow with age?


    I don't know. I'm in my 7th year and I am still of the opinion that it isn't for everyone.


    Part of my problem is that the older my boy gets and the more I worry about getting through these older grades and I actually feel like my friends who put there kids in school have it so easy. I would never trade homeschooling. I love it and it's what works best, but I am a bit scared of how much work is involved with the older grades.


    It's probably just my anxiety showing:)


    So I would say no, I haven't become any bolder than I was before. I am on the board of a large homeschool group and even then I feel like I can't recommend it for everyone. Other's on the board are more die hard and feel anyone can do it.


    Maybe a few more years..........

  9. I sang that song in elementary school! I still remember all the states in alphabetical order. :)



    I'd love to know this too. I think I found it a while back. I will see if I can find it again. :)


    Thanks to this song I will never forget the states.


    There was an episode of friends where Ross kept trying to write all the states out and every time he was missing one or two.


    My husband tries this constantly and always thinks he will get it this time and when we check there is always one or two missing.

  10. I HATE TELEMARKETERS! Okay, not all of them, some are very nice, but the one that calls me repeatedly, daily, using different phone numbers each time with the same recorded message asking me to lower my interest rates is driving me crazy. I finally decided to press 1 to speak to a live human being, and I got a rude lady that wouldn't let me speak to a supervisor, insisted that different phone numbers meant that the calls were from different companies, and finally hung up on me. Am I stuck forever receiving these annoying calls? They never use the same phone number twice.


    Yeah this is such a scam! I waited once also and the minute I told them to take me off their list, they hung up on me. Which is not ok since they are supposed to comply but it's impossible to get them to at this point. This is the only call I still get after being on the do not call list.


    It makes me so mad, too!!:mad:

  11. Oh, I hate scary movies! You guys would not BELIEVE what a huge chicken I am when it comes to scary movies!! I'm not a chicken IRL. I have no problem with telling people off or calling strangers on the phone or snakes or fixing a toilet or anything except bugs (*shudder*) and scary movies. I'm such a dork!


    My hubby was deployed when The Ring came out on DVD. Everyone told me how good it was and how I just had to see it. I rented it, watched until the phone rings and turned it off. THEN I rented it again and still chickened out! I had to wait until hubby came home before I watched it!


    I love to see scary movies, but I hate too much gore and I have some weird fear of masks!! Always have. I am adjusting more but it was so bad that every time I went to Universal Studios I would absolutely freeze with fear when the Scary guys would come near. The ones who look like Frankenstein and Dracula. My first date with my husband we went there and he just stood there and didn't realize that I truly was in terror as one of those guys would not leave me alone. I wasn't kidding, I was frozen in fear!

  12. If you enjoy reading his books try listening to Duma Key on cd it is amazing. Funny, tragic, haunting- all the usual suspects as well. I always have had a soft spot for The Shining as my family used to go to a hotel in Excelsesior Springs called the Elms that had hot mineral springs in small caves near the hotel that just were not right...it was huge ,rambling ,built in the 20s goosebumps recalling it. It is under renovation presently but what a great old spooky place with history. I have enjoyed his forays into non-horror work and particularly loved Hearts in Atlantis. For those who consider him "lowbrow" I offer the following link in which it is proposed that much of what passes for brilliant literary fiction is bullroar.... I agree wholeheartedly. http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200107/myers hope you enjoy the article.



    Oh my that sounds absolutely creepy to me!


    So nice to see how many people have experiences and opinions on Stephen King. I love, love The Shining!

    one of my favorites.


    Thanks for adding to this thread. I have been working on the Tom Gordon book.


    As a side note I just saw The Strangers and enjoyed being scared. So many movies just don't scare me anymore, but I've read a lot of true crime and that stuff scares the heck out of me. I want to read more Stephen King but some of his books are just so-o big, it's overwhelming to me.

  13. One funny and somewhat TWTM-related incident -- when we were receiving our "education" about diabetes, the endo of course asked where dd2 went to school. We said that we homeschool. The doctor CHEERED!!!!! Apparently dealing with schools, nurses, field trips, peer pressure, etc. makes taking care of diabetes in school challenging. The doctor was SO psyched that we homeschool!



    Our Dr is always excited when we remind him we homeschool:lol:.


    I am happy to not have to deal with schools, diabetes is a pain enough without the added pressure.

  14. I pierced my own nose and one earlobe. Although I can't believe it now. I don't even wear the nose ring anymore. It was a short lived thing.


    My only concern with a lip piercing would be damage to your teeth, which is what I've heard people say can happen. But what can you do now?


    My dad made my sister take out her tongue ring right after she had it done. It was still so new. She was just a teenager. She took it out and never did pierce it again.

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