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H.S. Burrow

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Posts posted by H.S. Burrow

  1. I have a set of these. I've had them for 2 or 3 years? DH has a set too. I use mine in my school room and take them to events. DH uses his when he travels. They aren't nearly as good as the bose speakers I have in my living room, but they are inexpensive, portable and easily plug into an mp3 player.


    I have something similar to this in my bedroom, it works well too.


    Oh! We also found a set similar to this at Kohl's for under $50. We use them for parties. They were a return. There are a lot of comments on amazon that indicate a lot of people return them because they already had one set and couldn't get the second set to pair up with the first.



    I am soooo not techi so please forgive my ignorance, but will these work only with iPods or will they work with any MP3 device?


    My DD has a Zune, and my DS has a Sansa something or other. The only "docks" I've seen are advertised for iPods, so I've never paid any attention to them.


    I have also been missing my music. We have an inexpensive DVD player hooked up to the TV that we play CDs on, but it just doesn't sound "right".

  2. I'm also interested in looking at anything geography-related for logic stage/middle school. I don't want to reinvent the wheel if unnecessary!


    I'm interested in a mix of physical and cultural geography, just as an introduction. I'm toying with the idea of the AP Human Geography (materials, not necessarily sitting for the exam) for her 8th grade year if she should enjoy the topic.


    I've never seen Mapping the World with Art (hey, I've never seen anything in person besides what we're currently using!) so thanks :)



    I have Trail Guide to World Geography, Trail Guide to US Geography, and the Prentice Hall World Geography Building a Global Perspective textbook with the syllabus that my DD's teacher used for her 9th grade (public school) PreAP World Geography class that I can bring.


    I also have the Aesop & Homer cores for CW and the OlderBeginner student book. Oh, and CW Diogenes: Maxim. I can bring those.

  3. National Air and Space Museum is having a Become a Pilot day at their Dulles area facility on June 18 from 10am - 3pm.


    Looks like it would be a lot of fun.


    I think that there will probably be a lot of pilots showing their aircraft as well as other organizations with booths. I know that the Naval Academy is planning to have a booth staffed.



    Thank you for sharing this! I have just added it to our summer plans! :D

  4. I don't but I got it for next year (Algebra 1). For those who do every problem, how do you keep it from taking 20 years? Would you make them correct every error or just go over the mistakes with them? What about sloppy mistakes? Maybe I'll try just making her correct her sloppy mistakes but "real mistakes" go over with her?



    We do math first. :)


    I have found (with my son) that doing math after lunch takes him twice as long and there are twice as many errors.

  5. So Stargate on Netflix is bad for kids?:svengo:DS son has been watching. Should I be concerned?



    I was wondering what she's referring to. :confused: We own all of SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. We've seen all of SG-U to date. I would watch the Children of the Gods episode in SG-1 (very first episode) as that originally aired on Showtime and has brief frontal nudity. They have since made a DVD of that episode without the nudity. I don't which is on Netflix or in the new boxed set. The original DVD set has the brief frontal nudity...we skip that part.


    The only thing that I can think of is a couple of SG-U episodes are more in line with the new Battlestar Galatica. There's a closet scene in the first SG-U. Overall, SG-U has more mature themes.

  6. Don't want to hijack this thread but could use some feedback...I get to choose my own six sessions! Could I get some input on what you'd like to hear?


    FYI, here are the session descriptions I currently use (not including keynotes). Could customize/branch out too if there's enough organized agreement.






    New for 2011!


    Homeschooling the Real (Distractable, Impatient, Argumentative, Unenthusiastic, Non-Book-Loving, Inattentive, Poky, Vague) Child



    The Well-Prepared Student (Middle School/Logic Stage): How to Get Ready for the High School Years




    Other Workshops



    The Well-Trained Mind: Academic Excellence through Classical Education,

    Grades 5-8


    The Well-Trained Mind: Academic Excellence through Classical Education,

    Grades 9-12





    A Plan for Teaching Writing: Focus on the Middle Grades



    Teaching Students to Work Independently


    What is Literary Analysis? When, Why, and How Should I Teach It?



    OK, people, thoughts?





    So many choices!!! I could only narrow it down to 7.



    My DS is currently in 6th, so I'm interested in anything related to distractable boys, middle school, and high school. :D The ones in the quote are the ones that I am most interested in for *this* conference.



    I would absolutely LOVE to attend (with my son) both of your all-day seminars, but I'm not bringing him with me to this conference. If you ever schedule one in Virginia, I'd make the drive to attend....just sayin' ;)

  7. No one is asking the really important question: if this is a Bible college, is it a dry campus? What about the wine?!?!


    :crying: From the college website:




    Q: What items should I Not bring to college or leave at home?


    The following Items are Prohibited:


    • Cooking Items: BBQ Grills, George Foreman Grills,


    Microwaves, Hotplates, Ovens and Toaster Ovens


    • Candles and Incense


    • Tobacco, Alcohol, or Illegal Drug Products


    • Fireworks, Firearms, Weapons or Soft Air Guns


    • Sexually Suggestive Materials/Posters


    • Rated “R†Movies


    • Video Games with Inappropriate Content


    • Music with Explicit Lyrics


    • Stolen Property (including street signs)


    • Pets







    Maybe we're exempt since we're not students...:o

  8. I've been reading that very amusing and irreverent (especially if you don't like men in dresses) thread, and I came across a serious post that has given me pause. Do you think a significant number of people have left the boards recently? If so, that really is too bad. I've learned so much from the people here, and I'd be quite sad to see the beautiful variety diminished. I know people make their choices, but it still seems like a loss.



    I don't think so. I've been a member on this forum for 3 years. I usually read the threads while I have my morning coffee, but I *rarely* post. I feel that I usually don't have anything new to add to the conversation.


    I would imagine there are a lot of people who rarely post, but are always here.

  9. This and the big farewell flop have to be the two VERY BEST threads I've EVER read here! :lol::lol::lol:


    Oh the mental picture I have of Mrs. Mungo lobbing dead animals at her neighbors and then knocking on the door and saying, "May we please have our animals back? Our Pagan card has been revoked and we must return our kit."




    :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:I have got to stop reading these threads while DS is working on his algebra!!!

  10. Then let him read this: It is power hungry men like himself that turn about people from the Christian faith. It is divisiveness like his that makes people NOT want to see out any spiritual authority other than their bible. It is words like his that cause many wonderful deeply Christ-centered christians to give up on organized religion and finding community.


    Simka is right, this is a safe, albeit public, place to hash out views and vent. It is also a place for me to see people are OUTRAGED by this sort of name-calling behavior.


    I look back at the experiences I have had in faith based groups and church. I have two major scars in memory. One I'm still processing and trying to find some conclusion. Ham's behavior has only yanked the scab off the wound. If I sincerely thought his was the only view I'd turn my back on all religion. I *NEED* to know that there are other learned men and women, strong in their faith, that are calling these actions wrong.


    No one around me IRL is discussing this. This is my teacher's lounge, my homeschool community. Stepping away to process this is my own mind won't work. I *NEED* the support and words of others to help me through this. And it's not just this, it's the wound from my real life issues that it's helping too. I *NEED* to know that power hungry men do NOT own God's word. This is the place that confirms that for me.



  11. Oh my gosh. I didn't know Ken Ham was involved in the Sonlight thing.


    So, you're telling me this is his modus operandi? Wow. Just wow.



    We didn't know who Ken Ham was before all of this started. I mean, we had heard of AiG, but not him specifically.

    So, my DH did some looking around on the internet.

    This is just one example of what's out there. It's about the Virginia Tech shootings a few years ago.

  12. ugh. Here.



    1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
    2. No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
    3. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.
    4. Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.
    5. There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
    6. Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
    7. There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.
    8. Followers feel they can never be "good enough".
    9. The group/leader is always right.
    10. The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.

    Here's another one.



    1. A movement that separates itself from society, either geographically or socially;
    2. Adherents who become increasingly dependent on the movement for their view on reality;
    3. Important decisions in the lives of the adherents are made by others;
    4. Making sharp distinctions between us and them, divine and Satanic, good and evil, etc. that are not open for discussion;
    5. Leaders who claim divine authority for their deeds and for their orders to their followers;
    6. Leaders and movements who are unequivocally focused on achieving a certain goal.


    Does he hit all the marks-no, or, I don't know enough about him to know. But by what I've been reading the past few days (not just his FB page, but the history of this whole movement) I think he hits a lot of these.


    I think there is a zeitgiest out there. People are afraid. There's wars that are horrific, earthquakes, tsunami's and people crying God's judgment. I hear of prophets saying that the worst days for America are nipping at our heels. I think this quest of Ham's is not only motivated by money, but that this is an opportune time because of the fear out there right now. He is using this as a litmus test. If you believe, you're a real Christian, if not, you're an enemy of Christ. He scoffs at those with higher education, he refused a public reprimand, he praises those who follow him in icky ways. He is making himself into a spiritual authority figure. It's not stopping, every day he's coming out with another attack.


    I'm saying that he's starting to check off the boxes for being a cult leader. Having had been in one, I sensed it before, but I knew nothing of the history of it. As I read up on the history of this movement, I started realizing why it bothered me so much. Because it was so familiar.


    Had he stopped I would not have thought twice about it. But this is a pattern for him. And now he's gaining a larger audience because his targets are bigger.



    This is very similar to what I've been thinking as well.

  13. I realize that you didn't ask for any suggestions but these are some books I've read that might be helpful:


    The Language of God- Francis Collins (The genetic code)

    God and Evolution- David Wilcox (A discussion of Genesis based on modern knowledge of genetics)


    I wrote to Dr. Wilcox to thank him for his book and he sent me to the biologos site and recommended a couple more books. I'll go look for his e-mail.


    Found it. Here is what he says: "I agree that the question of Scripture - and the theological doctrines which it supports - are of critical importance. You might like to read the work of a couple Wheaton Theology Prof's as they try to work through it. The Lost World of Genesis John H. Walton, and In the Beginning Henri Blocher - both published by IVP. You might also find interesting a composite book edited by Keith Miller, Perspectives on an Evolving Creation published by Eerdmans."


    I recently read A Shorter History of Time by Stephen Hawking. In it he makes a statement admitting that the big bang model is actually one in favor of a creator. However, many modern physicists, Hawking included, have moved beyond that model and are advocating a kind of self perpetuating eternal universe that doesn't need a first cause. I find the physics of the solar system, our galaxy, and the universe to obviously support an old earth.



    Oh, all of these look wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

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