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Virginia Heather

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Posts posted by Virginia Heather

  1. Next year we're going to be much more disciplined w/ regards to our Latin studies (that seems to be a theme in this thread!). Ds9 will do latin *every* day, and ds7 will start his studies w/ Lively Latin.


    We're also adding in some geography via the Holling C. Holling books and the BF map/lit guide-- I've been looking forward to this study for years now; I think my boys will be ready to tackle one or two next year.


    Lastly, I think, I am going to really focus on my boys' narrations (doing more of them, across the curriculum) and their writing, as well as a few other Charlotte Mason-inspired techniques... I'm trying to implement some of it now so that by next year it will all be like second nature... we'll see!

  2. Please pardon my ignorance on this one, but does the *amount* of liquid I drink greatly influence the amount of milk I produce?? I know that my little one's demand for more (more frequent nursings) will increase supply, but I'm wondering if there's a ceiling, so to speak, on how much I'll produce based on how much I'm drinking each day.


    My babe is 2.5 months old now and nurses much more frequently than my others did at this age, sometimes as often as every 2 hours (as opposed to a solid 3 to even 4 hrs)-- I don't know if it's a growth spurt, or if I'm just not producing enough to keep her satisfied for longer stretches. I've never been good about consuming enough water as it is, and I'm trying to do better b/c I know *she* depends on my healthy habits as much as my own body does, but I'm still curious...

  3. Family devotions? Recitation of memory work? A read-aloud? Or do you jump right in to some of your more demanding subjects, say math or latin?


    Up until now, we've done the latter-- having my 2 older boys tackling their math lessons while I tend to our 3 yo and newborn seemed to make sense, but now that we're getting back into our groove, I'm thinking I'd rather begin our day w/ some "together time," so to speak... some time on the sofa, perhaps, gathered around a good book or a Bible lesson before the boys head in their separate directions. Do any of you do this? Does it work well for you? What do you do?


    Any insights into your day would be wonderful... I learn so much that way! Thanks!

  4. Ladies, thank you so much for sharing your concerns with Simply Spelling, as well as the modifications you've made to the program to make the most of it in your home. Isn't it so nice to see how we are each able to tailor fit a resource to maximize its usefulness for our little ones?? Anyway... you've given me much food for thought-- thanks!

  5. OK... so here's the situation-- this year, we've been studying American history via SOTW and Truthquest. We've read lots of great books and we've talked about what we've read in great detail. The boys (1st and 3rd) have made corresponding notebook pages w/ pictures & maps and they've copied sentences that *I've* created to summarize the main points. I have not been writing down their narrations; we've simply discussed the material until I'm sure they "get it."


    So here's my question... am I making a mistake by not having them record their own narrations for their notebook pages? Should the written material in their notebooks be *their* words and not mine? Does it matter? As long as they're able to recall and comprehend what we've read and discussed, does it matter whose words they copy?


    This has been bothering me for a while b/c everything I've been reading suggests that mom record these narrations to then use for dictation, an important step in the writing process. I don't want to mess this up... am I making a big deal out of nothing, or do we in fact need to make some changes... please tell me what you think! Thanks :o)

  6. You know... you're absolutely right! In fact, as I was typing my OP, I thought to myself, should my ds get bored, and should a problem arise, then I'll deal w/ it, just like anything else. In the traditional classroom, kiddos don't get to gripe their way out of assignments, and by golly, mine won't be able to do that either, lol. It's a discipline issue, plain and simple... so thank you for articulating so nicely what I was just beginning to see for myself. Once again, you've been most helpful-- I really appreciate it, Jessica!


    Hope you have a wonderful day,


  7. A quick question for you, if you don't mind :o)


    Jessica, I realize that you are planning to use Simply Spelling next year, so you can't give me a positive, for-sure answer , but... do you *think* your dd will get bored copying the same passage each day for a week? Is this a concern for you at all?


    As I tweak my plans for the fall, I find myself drawn to this program-- I love the approach; it just makes perfect sense. I'm concerned however, that my ds (he'll be in 4th) will do a fair bit of grumbling when he's asked to copy the same passage each day. Obviously I'm in charge and he'll do the work I require-- w/ 3 young'uns under him though, and a very full plate (don't we all have our hands full, lol!), I don't need to invite frustration, you know what I mean?


    I'd love your thoughts on this one when you get a spare second... thanks!

  8. Thanks, Jessica--- what you mentioned (about the coloring part taking up so much time) is exactly what concerns me. I like the idea of the topics already decided for me, but I'm not sure my boys will be excited to color a picture every time-- they're interest in coloring is a hit-or-miss sort of thing, depending on the day, and when they do want to color, they like to take their time to make it just right...


    Anyway, I sure appreciate your quick feedback-- I'll keep searching :o)

  9. These pages look like they might help direct and enhance our notebooking efforts as we make our way through American history. We haven't done much in the way of crafts or projects this year, and I am currently feeling the need to add a bit more writing into our weekly routine-- these just might do the trick. For the price, it looks like you can't go wrong, but at the same time, I don't want to waste my time if they're not worth it... have any of you enjoyed them?

  10. All along I've planned on spending this year and next on American history (in lieu of SOTW 3 & 4), but due to extraneous activities (moving, preparation for a new baby, etc.) and my lack of motivation in general, our study has sputtered and died. I was using homemade plans (to include TQ, Guerber and the VP cards) but they aren't working out too well. Guerber, while beautifully written, just isn't holding our attention at this point, or perhaps I'm just lacking enough discipline at this moment to keep it all together. I know my boys (9 & a new 7) could really dig this if I get my act together... I just need some help... please!


    Is there a different spine, or perhaps an entire program, that really worked well for your younger set, that you can recommend? My brain needs refreshing-- what *are* my options and how can I make this study more enjoyable?


    Thanks so much!

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