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Posts posted by Rockhopper

  1. I don't know why you wouldn't all travel this Christmas. They travel with you, you see your dad, you're there for support, your kids can visit him too and help support your mom. Or they travel there on Christmas Eve. And really, it's just three hours. For me personally, that wouldn't even really register as "traveling" tbh. Is there a reason you all wouldn't just stay at your parents' house?


    It's just a tradition that you don't travel. Not a law. It's not like it's your kids are little and wouldn't understand. And even if they were little, they'd understand and adapt. People do. You do what needs done, what's right or necessary, regardless of whether or not it's what you 'always do.'

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  2. Oh it's so hard! I've been looking for something my dd can wear to church. It is really hard to find anything appropriate that she's also willing to wear in these sizes! So many of the "church dresses/outfits" look so little-girlish... "NO bows, Mom!" And then there's the other extreme...

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  3. Yes, I hesitated on that, but I don't think he calls himself Hispanic. Or Latino. So I dithered a bit, but he is from Mexico and has dark hair and dark eyes. I was trying to say it with the proper terminology.


    :-)  Yes, even as I was typing, I was trying to think what I would've said -- because Hispanic and Latino both scare me! I've never known exactly how those are defined and I'd totally fear getting it wrong.

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  4. Hmm... anyone have thoughts on the following situation?  My dd14 is serious about art (drawing and painting) but doesn't have a clue about digital and has not expressed an interest in digital, though she frequents art sites online and posts photos of her work.  I'd love to get her one of these tablets for Christmas so that she can start to play around.


    We hopefully won't buy a new laptop for another year if we can help it, so she'd be left using the still-kicking 5-year-old Dell laptop that the little kids share now that our ds12s have Surface 3s.  For school, dd has an iPad Air 2, though I'm assuming that's not helpful.  As it is, I'm probably going to install Windows 10 on the laptop because 7 is "broken" and is slow/freezes up no matter how much I clean the thing off with virus scans and I've disabled auto update ever since the bad updates that broke it to begin with.  (As an aside, should I take it to Microsoft and have them install 10 or should I do it myself?)


    I'm thinking I should go with a cheaper one for her to get a taste.  On the other hand, if the drawing experience isn't high-quality, I'm afraid it could turn her off to the digital medium.  I suppose I should spend just enough for a decent quality drawing experience.  If anyone can comment on the Wacoms, I'm all ears - $69, $99, $199...  or would it be better to spring for the $299 medium pro?  I admit I haven't researched this at all  :tongue_smilie:


    ETA, looking at the Huion H610 at amazon, there's a black glove - is this a necessary piece of equipment?  sorry if this is a dumb question...


    Ours didn't come with a black glove. I had to go look at the picture -- that's kind of funny! :-) I can't imagine my dd sitting around drawing with one black glove on, unless she was, you know, channeling Michael Jackson.


    One thing to keep in mind re your computer: thankfully there's not really any way your computer being messed up can mess up the tablet. Think of it like a mouse -- there's a little bit of a driver program to install, but no information goes BACK to the tablet. And the drivers seem to be pretty user friendly across operating systems, IME. (FWIW my dd's tablet has been on computers with Windows 7, 8 and 10 and can even move back and forth between them without a lot of problem.)


    As to price point, we did start cheap to see if dd liked it first -- but after about a year and a half, she's still perfectly content with the quality of the Huion. I will say, we got it for her when she was 9, and it sat for about 6 months because she was uncertain about the whole digital thing. One day, though, she decided to really give it a try -- and after an hour or so she was hooked. She now draws on her tablet at least a couple of hours a day.


    Oh, there's a newer model of the Huion you looked at -- the 610PRO.




    Oh, here's a fairly recent drawing my dd did, to give you an idea of the kind of thing she uses the tablet for. She mostly draws cats, tbh, but she sometimes branches out to other animals...



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  5. It would definitely seem that what your mom is hoping/going for is grandkids who don't look "Mexican."


    But, not to derail or be snarky, I guess I got kind of hung up on Mexican/white. I mean, I know what you're meaning -- but I think of Mexican as a nationality, not a race. Some Mexicans are white, some aren't. 

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  6. My 11-year old dd loves her Huion 610PRO and I love the price point. We just replaced her original Huion, which I've guesstimated had over 1000 hours of use on it -- not bad at all for about $50, IMO. My dd now draws primarily on her tablet over paper - she loves how quickly she can switch brushes, and how she can add and edit layers.


    She also draws primarily with PaintTool SAI, and occasionally Photoshop when she's on my computer. She loves SAI and I love that it has layers and general set-up similar to Photoshop so Photoshop seems less intimidating to her. A lot of her favorite YouTube speed-painters use SAI.

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  7. My middle child thinks it's cruel and unusual, but our family rule is that you read HP at his age. So book one is an 11th bday gift here. (We caved at 16; that year gets books 6 & 7.)


    As to illustrated? Beautiful! Gorgeous. Paper, print, illustrations. I don't have anyone to buy Book 1 for this year but I'm still tempted because the book is so luscious.

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  8. There's a point where, for Christmas gifts in situations like this, you can't exclude food altogether...


    I mean, grownups can smile nicely and say thank you even if they aren't going to drink the hot chocolate because it has sugar, or dairy, or chocolate, or isn't gluten free, or corn free or nut free or carb free. These aren't specially chosen gifts for people whom you're really close to -- they're, as you said, token gifts. People can deal.


    That said, I'd give some kind of jam. 

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  9. You've got grain (just ignore that "whole grain" part -- really, it's absolutely no different than Cream of Wheat, right?), fruit/veg, *some* fat for satiety, maybe even some eggs or milk for protein.... Really, how can you go wrong? :-)



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  10. My dd is younger and perhaps not as discerning, but she has logged... realistically... over a thousand hours on her Huion 610 tablet over the last 15 months or so. We did just replace it for her, but only with the newer version. The old one was working but was glitchy since Windows 10, and didn't stay connected to the charging cable well anymore.


    If budget is a concern, it's hard to beat!

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  11. I just wanted to jump in here *really* late on the aperture thing: it takes a really, really good *good* ability to get the focus absolutely right in camera to get tack-sharp photos at larger apertures (1.4, for instance). There's just no margin for error. And most of us (especially non-pros or people who shoot casually or occasionally - weekly, say, not daily) just can't get it consistently. Heck, even 2.8 (and my favorite lens is a 2.8 all the way through) can be tricky to nail. And it's certainly not what you want all the time! If you want a great blurred background for a portrait, a large aperture/low f-stop is great. If you want everything in focus, if you're shooting a landscape -- well, just the opposite is true. (Ansel Adams famously founded the Group f/64 -- named for their "ideal" shooting aperture!)

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  12. You might look at writeathome's payperpaper service for a sense of their pricing structure and what it includes. I considered it when I was looking for outside writing help, although I ended up going with one of their full-year courses because I thought it was a lot more cost effective for me. (Now I'm not so sure -- the writing assignment are scheduled over several weeks, so for the *same* amount of editing, I might've been better of with the pay per service. However, I think what I really would've preferred was *more* writing requirements, and of course that would've cost more regardless...)

    • Like 1
  13. I personally had very poor luck with Target's My Generation clothing. I got the riding outfit for my dd's doll last Christmas.


    Getting those pants on her was worse than getting skinny jeans on after the holidays! Plus the fabric was unraveling.


    And the riding boots! As my dd's AG doll had not had her feet bound while growing up, and has some nice chunky calves, there was no way those Target boots were going on. I finally split them up the back, and now we CAN get them on, but we usually don't bother.  :-)

  14. My guys just upgraded to the One. For people who play online (they do!), the playing pool for the 360 is getting smaller and smaller. If you anticipate that ever in the life of your game system, your dd would like to play online, it would make sense to get the One. Also, as ThisIsTheDay's son noted, they are no longer making games for the 360.


    However, there are about 100 (?) 360 games currently backwards compatible (i.e. they can be played on the One) and my son indicates that he's heard more will be released.


    ETA: He thinks that Skyrim Elder Scrolls is available for the One.

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  15. Anyone have it? What do you think of it? What would you say the recommended ages are for it?


    I have a teen who likes Shakespeare and Legos, so I thought this might be a bookshelf/coffee-table set he'd appreciate. But the amazon reviews seem to be focused on younger kids, and there's not a "look inside" function...

  16. I would either 

    a) not count that question for that class

    b) re-teach the material, then at the end of class, hand back the tests, and let students re-do that question and re-submit.


    If it's most likely that they were mis-taught by another teacher, I wouldn't penalize them for it. But it is a good teaching opportunity for them about not taking the instructor's word as law...

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