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Posts posted by rhrice3

  1. HEY, I had this made at Whole Foods, but my daughter brought them in a picture. It was just a big chocolate cake with a Mardi Gras mask/Venice opera mask. They simply took a white plastic mask and put colored fondant over it. I think that you could just put a really cool mask from Michael's or somewhere on it.


    Anyway, it as a double birthday party with her best friend - they share a birthday 3 days apart. They wanted all the girls to dress up and wear masks. It was very fun, and we played twister and other games.


    have fun


  2. I learned this years ago - a light bulb went off, I think. My husband is home most days until early afternoon. He works from early/mid afternoon until late night/midnight. My kids as they grew were busier and busier at night so I started cooking a big lunch. DH could have lunch before work if he wanted or left overs later, I never felt stressed about cooking dinner, and we had plenty of food to eat. We eat mostly raw salads with our meals anyway so that was easy.


    When we lived in TN, it was nice to cook meals during the day to heat up the kitchen and have hot meals during the winter. Now that we are in south Fl, I am glad to get in and out of the kitchen when the kids are doing math problems during the late morning.



  3. Hey, we just found out our son is allergic to eggs. He has been experiencing choking, GI issues, etc After being scoped, he was diagnosed with eosinaphilic esophagitis so they tested him for food allergies this morning.


    Evidently, along with much stress at college, he was eating scrambled eggs every day!


    Anyway, since he is home for the semester, what can I substitute for eggs in recipes? Is there a good egg substitute out there?




  4. Well, we are less than a mile from beach and on the water. We have been here in Naples 3 years so this is our first hurricane. My husband has to stay since he is an Emergency Physician. I decided that he is off and all the kids are home (college student was home for medical testing) so I feel good about that. We have plenty of food, water, candles, etc so I feel as prepared as I can be. We don't have a generator, but I have industrial gas range inside and out. Our neighbors assure me that they have ridden out cat 4 and 5 with little damage and no water close to the house so I feel good about that.


    Mostly, i wish my car was in the garage, but the garages here are small and right now it is full of my hubbie's car and all the stuff from the pool/lanai.


    We continue to pray for the least destructive and populated path -


    God bless to all,


  5. I tell you what I saw last year - colleges want to see high scores and AP test scores and grades to back them up - in public/private hs - but they, also, want to see interesting kids. The more the kids have done - community service, travel, group involvement like orchestra, scouts, athletic teams, etc. These are the things colleges look at.


    My son was schooled K-10. When we moved to Florida he wanted to go to public hs so we let him (it is an A high school). He did not graduate in the top 10% because he was hs for the first two years and his grades were not weighted, but he graduated with 10 AP classes with 4 and 5 scores and ACT score in the mid-30's and many different travel experiences locally and abroad plus orchestra and athletic involvement. The state school's offered him a near full ride and some of the kids that he graduated with did not even get accepted to the most competitive state schools.


    Don't listen to anyone that says colleges want to see public school kids with objective grading. Colleges want to see interesting kids that can hold their own and know who they are and have worked or found a passion for something. And I don't think this is just for the smartest of the bunch - I have seen it with friends whose kids are above average but don't score 30 on their ACT but who have worked all through high school or spent 1/2 a year in India or just worked in their inner city.


    I am rambling - sorry got up too early today.

    Renee R

  6. Our son was diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis last week. While we are happy to have a diagnosis and reason for the choking and difficulty swallowing while eating, we are now on a non-gluten, dairy, egg, nut, soy, fish/shellfish diet so he can be tested next week.


    Our family loves ALL food so this has been a challenge. I have to read label sooooooo carefully. Luckily, we have potatoes and meat/chicken and he loves fruit and vegetables.


    I salute all you parents that have dealt with this!

    Have a great weekend,


  7. Check the specs for the room and roommate first. Make sure you know what she will keep in it - there was one size when I went to college and now there are 10 at Target alone. We bought my son's at Target the day of check-in. Target had them all on sale and plenty of them. Some where bigger and cheaper than others - probably the most popular size that they had tons of in storage.


    Good luck,


  8. I have a dd who is now 17 yrs old and will be a senior at a large public school. She was so shy as a child, did not speak until she was 4, had lisps and speech delay, mild acne by middle school, etc. I can not even imagine having ever sent this child to school before she knew who she was!


    Years of traveling, positive involvement in church groups, dance, summer swim team helped make her the confident young lady she is today. Her father and I always knew that she was special. Young children, animals, the wounded hearts seemed to flock to her. She was a beautiful sweet young girl and served as a link between those that did not fit in and those that did. I have watched her quietly convince and teach girls to dance and express themselves. I have seen her bring girls and boys to the swim team where they made life long friends, etc. She has this heart of love - I always said that she was what I dreamed of being - tall, blonde, graceful, and sweet.


    When we moved she wanted to go to public school for high school. I was not a huge fan, but once again, she has risen to the top in character. She brings groups together and loves everyone. I think that her spirit might have been broken had she gone to school before now. I think schools and bullying, etc take a toll on young girls way before they did when we were in school. When 3rd graders are more concerned about what they wear then when recess starts - something is topsy turvy.


    You stand up to your sister, and you know your children and you know best. Why is being bullied at a younger age healthier for a child?


    Good luck,


  9. We have always gone from 6B to the Chalkdust pre-Algebra book and so on to Calc. There are so many problems in the Chalkdust book that if they have trouble catching on you can slow it down by assigning two days for each lesson - whatever your child's speed.


    Good luck,


  10. This is a long story, but I will try to keep it short and to the point. Three years ago we moved to SW FL. From the moment we arrived this girl was in my son's face. He asked her out - she had a boyfriend. We were all shocked a girl with a boyfriend would be so physically forward to another boy but whatever. Every time she broke up with a boy, she came back to my son and he would ask her out. It was a huge cat and mouse game. People at school and the pool even commented on it to me! We were new in town, and I became friendly with her mom. Even though we sat together at swim meets, school events, etc I could never stand to be around the girl - she is loud, selfish, annoying.


    Well, fast forward to senior year. They are still "friends" but she won't go out with him. Then right before prom her mom starts working him to ask her. Well, I knew that he had a crush on the girl so I figured he would ask her, and he did. She flies to Ohio to attend another prom the night before and arrives hours late for his date. That just put the nail in the coffin. My husband, oldest dd, and I decided that we would just ignore it - they were going to separate colleges, etc.


    They spend time together all summer - he tutored her for free to get her ACT scores up, etc. At one point they called to have my dh stay late at the ER to sew up their youngest son's chin. My dh did it and was late for a meeting, but we said nothing. Then out of the blue two days later, the father calls and says our son and this girl have been seeing each other without their permission, and the parents want them to halt ALL communication. My dh and I felt like this was an answer to our prayers. We talked to him, they talked to him, and we agreed that they were going forward to college and should cool it.


    Well, she never stopped texting and encouraging him, and now after a year of college they are still in constant contact - texting, etc. He was admitted into a specialty program which he has now lost his place because of his GPA. His grades have not been what his father and I expected - he is gifted - and when we tried to talk to him about it before he went back this summer, he said that he did not care and he had always hated school, etc, horrible attitude. My dh and I told him he could not take his truck back to school, and if he loses his scholarship, we will freeze his college funds. My dh was so upset by his attitude. He told him that if things don't change, we will cut off all financial funds - phone, ins, gas, etc. He has no skills to get a job, and jobs here are so difficult to get for teens anyway.


    Well, I have learned now that this girl and her family are speaking to him again, and now we are the bad guys for wanting nothing to do with them. I am trying to figure out what to do. I mean, are they the only ones that can say "keep your child away from mine"? It bothers me most that this all seems to be on their terms!


    Right now I am secretly hoping that he loses his scholarship so we can say - you are done - join the army, etc. He turned down West Point and Air Force appts for this specialty med program, and now he is blowing it. I feel like we have no control over this, and I just am tired of feeling like the mean parent. I have been praying about it for over a year, and I really thought it would just resolve itself when he went to college; but now it seems so much worse than last summer. He spent the last 2 weeks with us last summer moping around and not eating. I feel like I have lost my bright, fun loving son, and I just don't know what to do anymore. If it were drugs or alcohol, we could commit him but how do you get rid of a toxic addiction to a girl.


    We home schooled him until 11th grade when we moved. He wanted to go to public school, and we agreed to help him with the move. It was a top 10% in the country school - what public schools should be. It is now my hugest regret.


    I know this is long. I just didn't know where to turn, and everyone is gone from my house today so I am feeling sad.



  11. My siblings and I are sending my parents on a trip to Savannah/Asheville/Gatlingburg - mountains for a 50th wedding anniversary gift. I have made inn/B&B reservations and dinner reservations in Savannah and Gatlinburg, BUT I could use some rec's for nice restaurants in Asheville. They are not fussy people but enjoy nice food. thanks in advance



  12. We had 5 girls over for Homecoming in Oct. One of the girls' mom came over to do some of their hair. I let them have my bathroom since it is big and octagonal. I brought in chairs for them to sit on from the dining room, I made sure they had towels that I did not mind getting dirty, I made a fruit platter for them and had a pitcher of water available. My husband and I were all ready with the pictures and took them with multiple cameras so we got lots of good ones for the parents.


    They all slept over since we have extra bedrooms,and I made waffles and bacon and juice for them the next morning. They loved it, and all the parents thanked us especially for the pictures. I am always thankful when my kids ask if they can have kids over. We love that they feel comfortable enough to ask us, and their friends like being over. Enjoy - they are all grown-up too soon!


  13. Although all those things can bug me, the biggest thing that I have found over the years - and it has gotten worse as I have gotten older - is eating too much at one time. I eat much smaller meals now, mostly salad or raw veggies with a little protein and no complex carbs. For instance, if we go out to dinner, I just push part of it to one side to take home for tomorrow's lunch. I, also, never can eat dessert after dinner so I usually just have a bite of someone else's. I really stay away from complex carbs and fried foods. I don't eat much dairy except a little cheese and yogurt, maybe, twice a month.


    My son has the same issues. I have noticed that when he eats a really large meal of fried foods, he gets that acid reflux clearing of the throat. Alot of onions in something or MSG will do that to both of us, also.


    I think that the best thing is to find your triggers and try eating smaller meals.


    Good luck,


  14. Supposing that your son is the only picky eater in the family, have you read "French Kids Eat Everything"? It is humorously written, and it really hits the nail on the head concerning the way we deal with our children's eating in this country. Their philosophy is basically the way I was brought up - you ate at an adult table with adult manners. You ate what was presented to you - the entire family, no exceptions unless severe allergies exists. There are no snacks offered, etc. We grew up eating what was in season - what we grew or someone we knew grew.


    Perhaps growing his own veggies or helping to select them and cooking them would help.


    Good luck,


  15. My parent's 50th anniversary is coming up. They do not want a party - they are very private people. I suggested to my siblings we pay for a special trip. My sister insisted that we ask about the party. Well, I called and talked with my mom and she jumped at the idea of a trip. She said they were talking about it over dinner last night, and they really want to go to these two possible places they have always wanted to go. I said, "Come up with the dates and we will all plan it!" So my mom agreed to call me back tomorrow morning with details.


    When I called my sister, she still is wanting to have a party or a large family get to-gether. She insists that everyone she knows says we should have a party. She is NOT married. She asked me what I thought, and I told her that I don't want to spend my anniversary with other people. That is a personal thing and everyone is different - we asked our parents and they don't want a party.


    Ok, so my sister wants me to talk to them again about this party. We are all hundreds of miles away. My sister gets funny about some things - like she still gets mad that my kids don't open her Christmas gifts in front of her even though she has never spent Christmas with us.


    I mean, what do I say to get my sister to realize we are doing what my parents want. This is after all about them, not about anyone else!



  16. Well, my kids early on that the library prizes were not really worthwhile especially as they got older. I decided on year to make my own program. I had a dd who was/is a very reluctant reader.


    We thought of prizes together - a Smoothie King smoothie (they loved them but they were $4), a movie pass (Harry Potter was coming out with the 2nd movie), and an treat at the pool snack bar. The prizes got more exciting as they read more books - 3 books got the treat, then at 7 books got the smoothie, and then at 10 books got the movie. I had to approve all book selections. Since my dd was a very reluctant and slow reader, I would allow her a classic like "Secret Garden" or "Heidi" alternating with Nancy Drew books.


    The kids loved it until they got into high school, and it worked well for us. My other children were avid readers so I never had to worry about them reading 10+books during the 10 weeks of summer.

    Good luck,


  17. German Shepherds are great dogs, but they can have digestive issues and be a little neurotic at times. Both could be your dogs problem!


    We feed our current German Shepherds Natural Balance Grain-free Venison/sweet potato. After moving to south Florida he developed allergies which caused him to lick and bite at his feet. Crazy things dogs can be allergic to are lamb, rice, chicken - the very things you would think would be good for them. Try wild meats with potato.


    Also, that being said - I would like to address the neurosis possibility. This shepherd we have is the most neurotic when it comes to being right next to us. He is 105lbs and my shadow! Recently, we noticed he had gnawed the fur off his back two legs. I suspect it was at night during a full moon, because I heard him moving around the house. He gnawed them to the bone. We actually put socks on them so he could not bite at them so they could heal. I was beside myself with concern. Then one day, I realized that he never chews on them while he is with us or near us. This led me to believe that the chewing was a neurotic behavior rather than allergies, etc.


    My dd 12 yr old and I started talking about it, and we decided he needed more touching and loving and exercise. We started all petting him more and taking him out to play ball for 5 minutes twice a day, and after dinner we walk him alot or play ball alot. He has quit biting and chewing himself, and his hair on his legs has grown back. I wonder since if your dog is not wanting to be closer to you - you said he is in a crate outside. Could you bring the crate inside? Or keep him on a leash tied to the table while you do school? We had one that barked all night if we left him downstairs so the only time he was allowed to go upstairs was at bedtime - straight to his bed. The barking stopped. German Shepherds are working dogs and become very attached to their owners.


    Just my two cents - but definitely try the non chicken, lamb, rice diet and

    see if that helps. We don't give him any dairy either just veggies or apples - he loves carrots as treats.



  18. As I remember, and it has been 6 years since I have used one, it is just what it is call "Instructor's Guide". I bought them for my dd when we did Singapore 4. As I remember that level went into great detail about word problems and the blocks they used to teach word problems. It was additional information for me to read and then pass on to her. I would read it for the topic described, then we would go over the textbook together, and then go over the examples in the guide.


    I have never used it for any other level, but I think that you can use it however it works best for you.


    Good luck,


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