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Posts posted by rhrice3

  1. Ladies,

    My dd really loved it, and it is the top of her list. We knew several kids going there from our old church in TN (we live in South Florida now). Ironically, when she visited, she saw none of them, but she did meet a girl from South FL.. God works in mysterious ways!


    I would love to hear all the opinions from those who have children at Lee or graduated from Lee. Thanks I have 2 going off in different geographical directions to college next fall, and I just would love some thoughts from the hive.



  2. I don't know anything about the Yonge books, but I do know that my now 7th grade dd likes the Henty books. We have read them as read-a-louds for the last few years. Since our move, I do not have them available through a church or local library but someone on this website recommended www.openlibrary.org


    We have enjoyed all the ancient history ones - Cat of Bubastes, For the Temple, etc


    Good luck,



    I'll look in to the Yonge books

  3. I take 2 tylenol and 2 aleve and a large mug of coffee - stay in dark room, if you have to go out wear sunglasses, and keep the room very cool. Make sure that you get plenty of sleep in the next few days and stay away from processed food!


    Good luck

    Renee R

  4. Ladies,

    I had two children switch from Horizons to Saxon very easily and successfully. Now this was 6-8 yrs ago, but we always started with Horizon. At the time Sonlight recommended switching to Saxon after 3rd or 4th because Horizon was not as strong (I understand that is different now). Anyway, my ds (gifted in math) switched from Horizon 3 to Saxon 65 very easily in 4th grade - he was bored with Saxon so I added Singapore for extra work. He went to 76 then 1/2 with Singapore added each year then on to Chalkdust Alg.


    My dd went from Horizon 3 to Saxon 54 easily. I added Singapore for word problem help and she went on to finish 65 with Singapore added and then on to Chalkdust prealg


    I think that it would be quite easy for a child to move from Horizon to Saxon. I along with other friends found that Horizon was more comprehensive and challenging so make sure that you take a Saxon placement test so your child is not bored.


    Good luck,

    Renee R

  5. First of all, I would ask "Can they not come and visit you?"


    Secondly, I will say that I enjoy quiet time ALOT and I have spent a Christmas afternoon and evening alone while my dh took dc to his folks. I was totally ok with it for several reasons, but I can see where some people would not be. I grew up where we spent all Christmas Eve and Christmas with tons of family - immediate and extended. It was great, but there were times as a child when I just wanted to be at my house playing with my new toy, but it was what we did.


    My dh is an ER physician so we have made holidays what they are despite his work schedule. Some years we spend it with friends in town, some years we have flown to visit my family, some years it was quiet because dad was working. When his parents whom we do not really get along with moved an hour away several years ago things changed a little. One Christmas his brother and sister visited and his sister wanted to spend one big happy day with mom and dad so I let him take the kids and spend the afternoon and evening with them. His father and I do not get along so it is best if I stay away. It was perfectly ok with me. The kids were little, and I knew that it would be special for my dh's mom and siblings.


    Like I said, I enjoy my quiet time. However, it is a very quiet time so be prepared for it. If you do not feel 110% about this, do not suggest it or let it happen. It will be something that you regret and that you will remember.

    Happy Thanksgiving,


  6. I have noticed different things, especially in the last 10 years, associated with me eating sugar, especially too much. At one point, I would eat baked goods for a dessert, and I would wake up with hives all over my stomach. Odd!


    Now, it is more the aches and pains in one of my ankles or hips. I first noticed it one night when I shared oreos with my dd. The next day, I awoke so achy. I, also, have a friend who has been athletic is whole life. Around 40 he started having severe knee pain when running or after running. My sister, a PhD in nutrition, told him to try giving up cokes - voila, no more pain to this day and he runs every day.


    I think that certain things affect inflammation - sugar and MSG/preservatives - being the worse ones.



  7. My maiden name is my middle name, because we were married in LA many, many years ago when that became your legal name whether you liked it or not. I am not sure how it is now or in other states. I know women do it all different ways now - hyphenated, keep maiden as main, etc


    Do what works for you, but I do like that we all - kids, dh, and myself - all have the same last name.



  8. Ladies,

    My dd, 7th grade, made a wonderful public school friend nearly 2 yrs ago. There was a group of 5 that swam on a competitive team, and they were all best friends. My dd and this girl were BFF - their birthdays are days apart so we had joint birthday parties, they spent most of a weekend together, etc



    Well, about 3 mos ago I noticed a HUGE difference. This friend's mom asked me to pick her up (the mom was working and dad was sick). I had always offered to do this since our girls were BFF's. This time it was so weird. Later I discovered that none of the girls want to be friends with her anymore! I asked my dd about it. She said that this girl had a boyfriend now and she says inappropriate things, etc. My dd would not tell me more details, but all the girls think that she has "issues". So fast forward - it is their birthday time. This girl's mom has invited us to a birthday party, but my dd does not want to go. I mean, this will mean buying a $25 gift so I really think that my dd should say something to this girl about not wanting to go to her party!


    I am desperate for thoughts!


  9. Stacy,


    My 18 yr old ds has had the choking issues for over a year now. My dh, an ER doctor, finally said something last Christmas when he choked at dinner. When we questioned him about it, my ds acted like no big deal - he had become used to having to spit his food back up! UGH! My dh though it was probably scar tissue from acid reflux as a baby/toddler.


    Well, he came home from summer session and choked at the dinner table again. My dh became angry and said "Look, how often does this happen?" My son said that it was a daily occurrence. My dh made an appt with a gastro guy immediately - they saw him, scoped him, biopsied him, and discovered the EE.


    Basically, it is a new diagnosis 5-10 yrs, which is an allergic reaction to something. My son was referred to an allergist and we quickly discovered he was allergic to eggs. Now I cook with eggs but he was never a big egg alone eater. Evidently at college he was eating 2 scrambled eggs per day and drinking this protein drink after working out which contained egg protein. That combined with the stress of college, etc really did a whammy on his immune system.


    When he was scoped, the dr dilated his esophagus (it was so constricted in a few places) and he is off eggs and he takes a steroid puffer once a day. It is weird, instead of inhaling it as an asthmatic, he swallows it.


    If your child has been diagnosed with this, I would recommend allergy testing. It is probably something simple to figure out, but it will not go away or get better.


    I am just so thankful it is EE and not something more serious like Crohn's or cancer. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions - my dh is pretty up on it now.


  10. Mine were 14 months apart - so it was always like having twins. They were quiet and slept well, but by the evening, I was done! One thing that I did which helped me a little was I bathed them together with toys, and I sat on the floor and read - that was our reading. I let them stay in until they were prunes. It was weird, but something about me sitting on the cold bathroom floor and them not touching me, just relaxed me. We had rules - no splashing that went in other's eyes or got books wet, no whining or crying - make your own!! I let them pick out a few books each, and when they were older I would read one picture type book and chapters from our Sonlight books. Then they went straight to bed after that - no whining or crying. I tucked them in and sang a song, and we were done. There was no TV or other stimulation after dinner, and I kept the house pretty dark with no overhead lighting.


    One thing also, we lived about 1 mile from a great park. Any day I could get there, I walked that big double stroller over and let them run around until exhausted. They loved it, and I used it as punishment. Just my 2 cents - too bad your hubbie can't help more. Mine worked alot of nights so I was on my own a lot.



  11. My oldest dd slept 14 hours/night during middle school. I was so glad that we were home schooling. She really needed the sleep - and I am not talking about her going to bed at 10 or something. She was in bed and asleep by 8-9 every night. There were some mornings when she was supposed to have a math test when I would just say "hey, let's do that test tomorrow!"


    Her first year of public high school was difficult - they go to school here from 7-2. Waking at 6 was very hard for all of us. There are still days that she comes home and naps for an hour before homework or swim team practice.


    My youngest girl now is almost 13 yrs old. She goes to bed by 10, but I have noticed that she is sleeping a little longer now. I don't wake her. I just figure that they need it, and it is such a blessing to be home schooling.


    Good luck,


  12. We have had to take legal action to get someone out of a house we own. At present she is gone, but she owes us $$$$$. The lawyer can't find her, and I am almost to the point of writing it off and moving on - HOWEVER, I would like to somehow make sure that no one else gets taken by this individual. I know she owes the utility co because they turned off the utilities for lack of payment.


    Anyone who has done this, what org or whom do you contact to have this show up on her future credit?


    I am so over this and losing sleep over it. I just want to change the locks and move on.




  13. We selected ours years ago on their reputation. I really never thought about the male/female thing. When it comes to physicians, I think, the male/female question is silly - you want the best doctor for you.


    That being said, I think that peds is in the top picks for female medical graduates. I have not seen a practice lately that did not have male and female. I would select one with both for the future - in case your daughter feels better with one or the other.



  14. I am asking for a friend who has taken her ds out of school in the last year. He is doing really well with Saxon math, and she wants to work on his reading. He is 10 yrs old reading at a 4th grade level which is not a huge deficit, but she would like to really work hard on reading with him. Right now they are reading and talking about what they just read= she reads and he reads, etc




  15. My husband grew up in Australia so he is a big tea drinker - every morning. I buy him "Republic of Tea" green tea with any kind of flavor. He loves the mango ceylon, ginger peach, etc. It is expensive, but you can get 2 10oz cups out of 1 tea bag. It, also, makes great iced tea - we mix it with a lipton tea bag to make it go farther in a pitcher.



  16. I have agree about herding dogs - this is what they do and how they get it done. Our current shepherd was a nipper until about 2 yrs. He only nipped when someone was running or yelling, but my then 6 yr old dd had a tooth mark on the back side of every pair of tights. She loved him "chasing" her. As a very lil pup, he would nip at people's ankles if he wanted to play and we were ignoring him.


    We neutered him at 6 mos because he started "mounting" things and he was getting really large. Neutering him did not do much but stop the mounting which I was happy about. He grew out of the nipping for the most part - he did it one time when he was about 4 to some neighbors' kids who were running and screaming and "tagging" him on the back. All in all, he is a big sweetie at 110 lbs, but with all that said, I would look into a trainer for group sessions with your son. I think their future relationship might depend on it. Who knows - with the proper help they might be best buds.


    Good luck,


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