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Posts posted by Tonia

  1. At the beginning of the year I take my WWE workbooks to Fedex Kinkos and have them cut the binding off, seperate the stack into two the two sections (teacher and student pages) and coil bind each one. That way, I have my teacher pages all together for the next go around and the student pages are all stay together too. It does not cost much to do this...and it totally worth it!


    :iagree: This is what we did as well. It works perfectly for us.

  2. I haven't been camping since I was a kid (and my dh has never been) so I don't really remember the details of setting up camp, since my parents took care of all that stuff. My husband asked me, "so what do we do with our stuff if we go do things away from the campground during the day?" and I had no idea how to respond. :001_huh:


    So, here's my very silly question - do you leave your tent and stuff all set up and hope no one takes anything? Do you pack things in your trunk and lock it up?

  3. They're not great literature but do serve a purpose - a bit of "chapter book transition" for those who aren't quite ready to read full chapter books. But I would make sure it wasn't the only thing my child was reading. I highly doubt the few my daughter have read will affect her grammar/writing skills when she's older.


    I wouldn't be using them for read-alouds. There are just too many good books out there to read books meant for children learning to read.

  4. If I had to choose one it would be WWE because I don't think grammar is absolutely essential at this age (though we do use FLL). But I do love how FLL has children memorizing parts of speech and lists of helping verbs, etc. I think that is a great base for later grammar study. Ultimately, for me, it would depend on what other language arts programs you are looking at.

  5. I keep it pretty simple - decide what you would like to study, choose a "spine" or a handful of books to read through on the subject, spreading the reading out over whatever length of time you've arranged for the study. I haven't used many kits (a few Magic School Bus kits which were okay) but I get a pile of science experiment books from the library and just buy all the supplies I don't have around the house and keep them in a box for use during science class.


    If you're having trouble deciding on a topic, you could ask the kids what they would like to study and go from there.

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