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Posts posted by prissygirls

  1. my response was lost too. Thanks everyone with your replies.


    I also wanted to clarify that my dd is not DX with OCD. I was only stating that it seems like she has OCD as she is so hyperfocused on things. It is one of her many struggles. I just wish there was a magic pill for her to make it all go way. But sadly we are starting to realize that this is not going away it is who she is :(

  2. I know there was some threads on this and I can not seem to find them. Any one know how to find them? Did a search and came up with nothing.


    My sister is going to try this with my nephew who has ADD. I thought I remember some not so good things about it. I goggled it and only came up with ads for it.

  3. Thanks for your reply. To answer some of your questions...

    We saw a peds. psychologist for her meds.

    the Focalin XR made her psych. to the point of her looking for knives to kill herself (scary stuff)

    Triliptal was used by itself and with the Risperidone no side effects or any effect at all. We up the dose to the highest we could and nothing.

    Zoloft no effect at all either.

    There is only one peds. psychologist in the area that would see her because of her young age. Not sure if I liked her or not. Wondering if driving a couple of hours we would be able to see someone better.

    We tried a gluten, dairy free diet for 6 mo. and really so no change in her behavior. We try to do an organic diet here at home and we do fish oil daily.

  4. So a brief history of my 8 year old dd. She was diagnosed with PDD-NOS last year and depression by a neuropsych. She has freq. tantums and seems to be OCD. She also struggles in that she gets so focused on something then has a hard time letting it go. Well today she threw a huge fit over at my sisters. She decided she did not want to go see my husband's grandmother for Christmas. We ended up having to carry her out of the house kicking and screaming. Afterwards, she told me that she really wants medication to make her "brain stop from going crazy". I think she is starting to realize that it is not normal to behave this way. She does not want to do it but can not stop it. We have tried a couple different meds last year. Nothing worked so we just kind of gave up on the meds thing (We tried Zoloft, Risperidone, Focalin XR, and Triliptal(sp?). What would you do as a parent? I hate the idea of meds but hate that she is like this.

  5. Thank you all for helping me. I have an appointment set up for an pycho education evaluation in two weeks. It will not hurt anything I figure. But the more research I do the more I see red flags for dyslexia. I am also wondering if I have a mild case of it myself (and my mother as well).

  6. My 9yr old dd has hit a road block in her reading. She has always not been the best reader but I am noticing some major issues. SHe will just omit words when reading like of, that, this, a, an, etc. She will just randomly replace words to another word that looks similar. Her comprehension for books she reads out loud is terrible. When she reads it is like a speed race, just get it done as fast as possible no matter if it makes sense or not. She never will try to sound words out on her own. She still confuses "b" and "d" in her writing and has terrible spelling.

    So I am wondering if she may have a mild case of dyslexia. I have only done a little research but I am starting to think I should have her tested. What do you guys think? I have no experience with this sort of thing and really have no idea were to start.

  7. Reading: Winterpromise reading list for Animal World

    Handwriting: Handwriting without Tears

    Spelling: AAS and dication

    Grammar: First Langauage Lessons 3

    Writing: Writing with Ease 2

    Math: Teaching Textbook 3

    Science: Winterpromise Animal World

    History: Story of the World

    Geography: Classical Converations Cycle 1 map work

    Religion: Faith and Life

    Art: Classical Converations Cycle 1

    Music: Tin Whistle and violin lessons

  8. I agree. I used TOG year 2 units 1 and 2 this year. I found it overwhelming for my 2nd and 3rd grader. I could never find the books at the library or they did not come in on time throught inter-library loan. It was such a pain. I mostly just used my SOTW and picked up Mystery of History as a spine. I plan on keeping it for when my kids are older like high school age.

  9. I just recieved all of my Winterpromise materials. I order in March so it did take a while but nothing unreasonable. I am loving what I have so far. We are doing Animal World. The kids seem to really love it to. On future orders I will just remember to order two months in advance. I may just buy my books off amazon and just buy their ebooks.

  10. So my 8yr old dd is just full of issues. First she is diagonsed with Sensory Processing Disorder,then PDD-nos, and now it has been found that she has Spina Bifida Occulta. THe spina bifida has caused her to have a foot deformity and one leg is shorter than the other. I am seeing someone about the foot deformity tomorrow to see if we need splints or casts or surgery. I just thought she was pulling her foot and big toe inwards but I talked to a PT and that is not the case. So anyway would you take your kid to a neurologist if they were having all these issues. I am left wondering if any of these things are related or not.

  11. So my middle dd (will be 8 on Saturday) was diag. with PDD-Nos and SPD early this year by a neuropsych. SHe really did not get any IQ or academic tests done because my dd was uncooperative. I really want to know what is going on educationally so I can set some expections. She is a great reader but stuggles in math and handwriting. Where can I go to get further educational testing done?

  12. Has anyone used the winter promise science before? I am wanting to get the animal habitats for my 4th and 3rd grader next school year. They just love animals. I really am wanting to be gentle with science. We all like reading and hands on learning. Wondering if this would be a good fit for us.

  13. I am not sure the psychologist is sure what she wants to treat first. SHe has some major anixety, very implusive, aggressive, hyper, lots of rage, irritable and emotional outbursts. She is seven almost eight. SHe is on the smaller side for height.

    THe doctor says she has lots of experience with autism but I am starting to wonder.

  14. Has anyone ever heard of medicine not having an effect at all on their Autistic kids? We have tried Zoloft for her anixiety. It had no effect on her, like giving a sugar pill. Then the doc tried Focalin XR for her implusiviness. It made her crazy and only heightened all of her autistic symptoms times 10. Now we are trying Risperidone. SHe is on .25mg three times a day.... no effect on her what so ever, not even a side effect. You have got to be kidding me. THe doctor wants to see us again to talk. I am kind of giving up on the idea that there is anything that will help her.

  15. My eight year old dd has PDD-Nos and we have just started Risperdal. She has some major behavioral problems and anixety. I am really hope to see a change with the meds but so far nothing. We are increasing the dose tomorrow. A couple side effects can be weight gain and sleepness. We have not experienced anything yet.

  16. We have decided to join CC in the fall. I am really excited and nervous. I am going through the catalog trying to decide what I need. I will have a 4th, 3rd, and Kindergartener. THe fourth grader I think will do the Essential class. What do I need to have? The guides, Cds, cards,etc.?

    Also our history is not going to match with Cycle 1. We are doing Sonlight American History year 1. We have done ancient twice and my kids are begging to do US history. Is this really going to foul things up?

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