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Posts posted by patchfire

  1. While I have multiple kids, they're far too spread out in age (and athletic ability) to really combine them. :P


    Last year, we did a combination of things: swimming at the Y periodically, participation in a low-key homeschool soccer league, and ice skating lessons. I'm making dd do C25K this summer and will require her to keep up running throughout the year. She'll probably do soccer & ice skating again, and I think we'll take November & December to do some nutrition/healthy lifestyle stuff.


    We may use GS badges/interest projects as a guideline for some of it, too.

  2. I pass on the right. Heck, I pass on the right even when it's a 3-lane interstate and I was in the middle lane, if I can't get over into the left lane. There's no 'passing lane' concept in my head, left is fast, right is slow, and however many are in the middle are a continuum.


    In theory, I learned to drive in rural NW Georgia, but I moved to Atlanta when I was almost 18, so really I think I'm just an Atlanta driver. We're a little obnoxious and I can always spot a fellow Atlantan when I'm driving out of town. :D

  3. This is so funny to me--I reread that book at least once a year because I love it that much. I, too, love the "sailing by the ash breeze" aspect, and I love that he is SO serious about math that he goes and wakes the captain to tell him about the errors in the logarithmic tables, and how he teaches all the men before the mast to do mathematics, and, and, and...Sorry, a BIG fan of Nat Bowditch here.:lol:


    Me too! My kids think it's hilarious how much I love that book.

  4. I actually prefer the d/m/y. I still default to writing 16 May 2011 if not requested otherwise. The other way is standard American. I also wish we'd move to using the metric system as country.


    Me too. I want metric more than anything. I write dates in d/m/y format if they're for myself, but I usually do it like: 16.5.2011 if I'm just using numerals, and 5/16/2011 if it's on a check or whatever. So the '.' versus '/' is my code to myself as to which I'm writing first.

  5. Not to pick on you, but why do people have their kids in different places in history and science to begin with? TWTM says to combine them.


    Mine are too far apart to combine and have them each at the appropriate level. My oldest has very different needs going into both science & social science than my middle guy, so ack, yeah, I have to have them separated AND studying different topics.



    Simplifying... our big thing is dropping back on some of our outside-the-house activities. Dd isn't doing Master's Academy next year, and the only other during the day activities/classes that they are registered for are music/band on Friday afternoons. I'm sure we'll have late afternoon/evening stuff, but nothing else during the day, hooray!

  6. Then I had a very vivid and disturbing dream about a plane crash. Vivid enough that I told dh and a couple neighbors about it. A couple days later was September 11th.


    *shiver* I'm glad I'm not the only one, though. I try to put it out of my mind...


    in the summer of 2000, I had a very vivid dream about a plane crashing in a field. I was watching from a distance. It was very disturbing, and in a place I had never seen.


    A year later, on September 11, I'm watching the news and they cut to PA, about Flight 93. There was that landscape. I've never quite gotten over that horror-struck feeling at that moment.

  7. Also, I know there is an online component, but I worry for his maturity/age (10) it may move too quickly. Especially since all other subjects will be making a leap in difficulty this year.


    Dd is 10. She's taking Counting/Probability through the online course right now. My advice would be to work through algebra at his pace; the Counting/Probability book is the shortest of all the intro-level books (and it's also relatively high interest for dd), so it's been a good first online course for math for her. It moves at the rate of a chapter a week, so some weeks she has more work to do than others. She really enjoys the class component but again, I'm glad it was C/P and not algebra. We'll see how she does with geometry in the autumn.


    (And no, I have no idea what to do with this child for math when she hits high school. Sigh. She's 2E and no way she'll be ready for college early emotionally or in any other way but possibly intellectually. Agh!)

  8. I would look in the north Cobb area, both the eastern & western sides. We have a Whole Foods (opening a second one), some independent health food stores, and a Trader Joe's all more on the eastern side. Depending on how many bedrooms you want, there are some 4 & 5 bedroom houses for under $200,000 and some even cheaper up in Acworth right now. (Can you tell we're house hunting? LOL) The best advice I can give is to try to be relatively close to 75 or 575--it's the time getting to and from the highway that can really add to travel/commute time.

  9. There is a ton of local support for homeschooling. Lots of different groups offering classes, homeschool band, art classes, etc. The homeschool law is pretty easy, though it looks complicated: Declaration of Intent once a year, and "attendance reports" monthly. That's all you turn in. We're required to do standardized testing every three years + write an annual report, but those are not required to be shown to anyone.


    What type of area are you looking for? Is it important to you to be close to Atlanta? Health food stores? Certain types of activities? I live in east Cobb and like the area. Kennesaw is a 10-15 minute drive, plus it'd be reverse commute. Several of my friends live in Kennesaw & Acworth and love those areas too. Woodstock is an easy drive up 75/575 from any of those.


    Actually, I'm putting my house on the market any day now... LOL.

  10. Simply? They're the best math textbooks I've seen.


    Dd really wanted to use Fred for algebra, so we did that, but Fred, as you know, isn't big on standard algorithms. And while it would work for another kid... this is my kid that just loves math so very much. Fred literally was not *enough* for her.


    AoPS finally is making her THINK. She's basically bulldozed her way through math, just grasping it, and oh, finally, finally she's having to stop and think and make new connections in her mind.


    Frankly, I wish we'd never wasted any time w/ Fred, but at least she enjoyed it.

  11. I think time isn't actually linear, but our minds can only comprehend it by thinking of it as a linear things. So precognition seems entirely valid, and some people are more willing to accept the weird feeling that briefly considering time as non-linear causes.


    I get precognitive feelings and dreams a lot. It does freak me out sometimes but I've come to accept and welcome them.

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