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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. I actually double up many recipes I make, freezing the extra for another day, especially soups, stews and other one pot type meals. When I do lasagne, I always halve the recipe making it in another smaller dish (mainly those aluminum 'throwaways' but I don't throw them away, just wash and reuse).

  2. I have only one stipulation and that is no smoking....this to me means in their home. I am not overly sensitive to smells, but do not like getting books from people who smoke in their home...it's hard to get that smell out.


    I did have a man email me when he got a book stating that had he known it was an ex-library he wouldn't have accepted it. To which I replied, 'You didn't have any special requests as to that so I sent it'. He of course did not email me back and I'm sure he altered his special requests area.


    I've been able to pick up over half of the books needed for SL through them. I just work a year in advance and do up my wish list.

  3. I saw this abbreviation, Lial, in regards to a math program when reading post this evening and wondered about it. I am gathering more info for my 'math challenged' daughter who needs a mom's hands off :glare: , explanatory with examples and much practicing, approach to Math. She and I are like oil and water when it comes to doing math work together. She likes the DIVE Cd's-finds the fellow soothing she said, lol. And is working better through Saxon 8/7 than she did through Singapore Math. She needs lots of application time in math to help solidify things-I'm thinking spiral may not be for her. She's a bit sloppy in her work though because she doesn't really like it..but making her redo them until correct has solved some of that. She is actually a bright kid...that's what makes it difficult for me.



  4. I have some yarn...wool, some of it soy/wool blend. I want to try some felting...how the blazes do I go about it.


    What I would like to do is make some pot holders and felt them, or make a changing pad that can be rolled up and tied with a ribbon (felted also). Are those even possible? I was also thinking about a cute little pencil pouch or a felted crochet needle hook holder. I'm just afraid of making things too small to begin with and then ending up with a mishapen item and not knowing what to do with it, lol.


    Anyone have and tips or insights to share?


    Oh and what does one do with mercerized cotton? I have quite a few skiens of it and was thinking little soft baby washcloths, can it be used for that?

  5. 1. Christmas presents, really? :001_huh: Too early. I have to feel the Christmas spirit.

    2. I don't celebrate Halloween

    3. Watching too much TV makes me feel unproductive

    4. I bought a brand new sewing machine at a yard sale but I don't know how to sew. Not a teach myself kind of gal and can't afford a class just yet.

    5. I don't know how to knit.

    6. Too hot to Hike 90 degree weather.

    7. I don't have an attic.




    That's what the library and you tube are for. Free education how too's! :D I've learned how to crochet all sorts of new things (watching from behind someones shoulder is the best way!). I've learned how to do some sewing things there. I don't knit either and don't plan on starting that until I've got the crochet thing down. Besides you can spend the time making the Christmas presents using the new skills you learn.

  6. We have only had a fairly large box day a couple of years...we get our stuff from various places as well, trying to save money. I normally get all the stuff together through the year and lay it out on the table to get ready to put it on the shelves. Then we all sit and oooh and aaaah over the books before I shelve them. They enjoy it. They like when the Rainbow Resource box comes in because they know that it normally holds the most stuff including the art supplies. I also find fun hands on stuff there to add to the school year and they love seeing what I get.


    Happy Box Day!

  7. oh





    That was my response to this thread. See...I'm still a newbie I guess. We just wrapped up our first year. We haven't started our second year yet. Is this what I have to look forward to? I better start a list of these great responses.


    Oh, I'm into my 6th year and I still get the occasional complaints-more work is added and the complaints stop for a while. They do this with chores too and that chore for the rest of the week or the next has just about cured that...

  8. Countrygirl were you told that your son would need allergy shots 5 times a week? My son tested allergic to everthing and he goes in once a week, he gets 4 shots in his arms. This is my special needs son that usually get hysterical at all shots and the allergy shots don't faze him one bit. We live 40 min. away and dh and I alternate taking him him. THe shots have done wonders for my son,


    He is 13 and has been having weekly shots for a few months now, around Nov or Dec, it will change to once a month shots.


    The first two weeks we were supposed to go 4 times a week. I need to go back and correct that post. Then 2 times a week for a bit...then once a week for a number of weeks...this was 6 yrs ago...I don't know what the protocol is now, but we decided not to do it. Oh and he also ate local honey each day.

  9. We like Taco Soup, White Chicken Chili, Gumbo, Roasted Chicken, Pot Roast with onions and garlic, barbecue pork/chicken, hawaiian chicken, curry, red beans w/sausage served over rice, black bean soup...There is a lot really, just depends on what your looking for. Many recipes can be adapted for a crockpot too.


    A little tip: chicken thigh meat does the best in a crock pot as far as chicken goes. White meat tends to dry out making it a little tough and 'stringy'. The roast chicken isn't bad (but the breast have a tendency to be dry out), but I've just always had better tasting dishes with thighs in them. The kids always like the dish better too.


    AllRecipes.com is a great site for slowcooker recipes. There are others out there too. I have some favorites printed out that I've altered to suit our tastes, but whenever I"m looking for something new, I just pop online and do a search.



  10. I'm a believer too in NOT putting them into a bubble (unless it's life threatening). We open windows in the house to air it out from time to time, we drive with the windows down, he plays outside whenever he wants. He understands what his allergens are and he understands what happens when he doesn't take his meds or wants to hang outside on really nasty allergen days (when the pine trees pollinate is a bad one here).


    Years ago my son went through the prick test with 50 of the most common allergen serums. He tested positive on all but 2! And those two were a little difficult to assure that he didn't test positive on because of all the swelling on his back. The poor kid is even allergic to Cockroach Poo...ew!


    Anyways. We've noticed that this past year he seems to still be allergic to the cats (they live outdoors though) and still has some allergies to some outdoor plants (especially the pine trees...that's a major problem for him). He takes meds during the pine tree pollination window, but other than that, he doesn't want the meds. He used to need them year round in pill form, nasal form and eye drops. That's how bad he was, but allergies cycle. I've seen it in my own family and they have many different allergies with many of them changing in severity or being gone with new ones starting.


    We also decided not to do the shots. He was young when diagnosed (5 yrs old- he's now 12) and I didn't want to put him through that. We lived 35 minutes from the clinic and driving there 4 times a week was not realistic especially considering that none of his allergies were life threatening.


    He is doing well now and doesn't have nearly the issues with his allergies as he did when he was young. Living here in south Louisiana can be difficult for allergy sufferers as we have a LOT of allergens year round.

  11. I personally do not feel that you can give a solid basis with only two hours a day if you are only doing 5 days a week. I think those that do spend little time, have children that are spending their time doing other learning and studying on their own...to me someone saying that they only spent 2 hours total each day and that's it, seems a bit unreal...especially if their kids are just vegging the rest of the day. That seems unproductive to me and not what homeschooling is about.

  12. Oh mini goats...make sure the fence is secure from the get go! You'd be surprised at the ways those goats can invent to get out! I liked my goats, but I like my sheep more, lol


    I raise Gulf Coast Natives, I have a blog post here about them, and if you click the red link in the post you can see more info and pics. They are meat and wool. (and don't mind my poor ragged looking girls. We had just inherited most of them from a friend who passed away and they weren't being fed well because he was so sick-they picked up weight again shortly thereafter and now look lovely).


    I really enjoyed my pigs...but they sure are smart. OUrs figured out how to remove the chain link gate to get the acorns under the tree outside their pen. I wired the gate to the hinges and they figured out how to unravel the wire at the bottom and push the wire up off the frame...so we rewired it with wire pieces sticking out from the frame to stick them in the nose if they got to thinking about doing it again..they learned...the stinkers. They did a wonderful job on the garden though at the end of the season!


    I love dehydrating. We are able to really save space in the freezer (I have two full sized and then the kitchen fridge/freezer combo) and on the shelves. I have the jar lid attachment for the food saver vacuum so we just jar everything and seal. Dehydrated zucchini dry fast and are shelf stable for some time. It's like a 1/3 dried for every one cup fresh. I do all my cherry tomatoes for salads (I actually prefer them that way) and I think I'll try some in olive oil after dehydrating. YUM!

  13. Thanks everyone!


    This is the first time he has done it so I wanted to make sure not to be too harsh but harsh enough for a deterrent.


    He finished his math lesson and cleaned the living room floor, and is sweeping. He will then empty the dishwasher.


    He said, can I write sentences? I figured if he wanted to do it then it wasn't a good punishment to choose :glare::D



    Writing sentences was too easy here...cleaning worked much better. I agree with another poster, make him figure out how to repair the damage. Also, take away all pens and markers since he 'can't be trusted to use them in a proper way', which is what I told mine when that happend...we also had tacks used as writing instruments on wood furniture...lets just say, dad had to come rescue son from mom, because as soon as I got loud saying, "have you lost your mind? What possessed you to scratch your name into your bed with a tack?!" dad figured it was going to get ugly, :glare:

  14. Welcome to the ranks! What a cutie! Work on your basic commands (with everyone using the same agreed upon words for commands). You really can't start too young!


    We have a GSD, a beagle and a mix breed that's got some Weimeraner...some pit bull....who knows really. All I know is, that dog can jump, fly, run like the wind and is all muscle. She is my frisbee dog and shadow.

    Oh and they don't stay cabled. We have a large fenced in back yard, but Sophie is cabled occasionally when left in the yard to hang out and we go inside because she jumps the 5 ft fence with ease...silly dog. And Maggie was next in line to be bathed...she does not think highly of either the cable or the bath, lol.

    Sophie the wonder dog


    Hunter the Brat dog


    Maggie the Bugle


  15. I have owned many kinds of dogs and fostered many more. After working at a shelter I have come to the conclusion that the majority of people getting rid of their dogs did not bother with consistent training and excercise. They are like 3-4 yr olds...especially shelter dogs who are in upheaval and trying to figure out the new place. A good trainer is worth their weight in gold. Also our children did the training with our reinforcement and help, after we instilled a solid base with the dog. The kids feed them as well.


    I would institute, NILIF (nothing in life is free) with the dog from everyone. Said dog has to sit, stay, or lay down, etc. for his food, treats, lovin's, walk, going outside, etc. He does what you ask, you reward with a pat, going outside, a walk, treat, etc. The dog starts to realize where he exactly falls in that pack. Also, our dogs have their own sleeping areas, that children are not allowed in or on. That helps them be able to remove themselves when they are stressed, which can prevent issues. Our dogs also do not sleep in rooms or in beds. Those are for the top pack members. It's worked for us and for the many breeds we've owned.


    Also a tired dog is a good dog and a happy family. We have a hound (a Beagle, who we affectionately call a Bugle, lol) so I know how they can be as far as stubborness.


    Please don't use a shock collar unless it's a last resort. I have them, I use them, but did so with the help of a trainer and lots of reading. They work on some dogs and not on others for various reasons. I like them, but for certain times only.


    Good luck!

  16. Another small farmer! I love it. I was just going to start a post asking if anyone does some of these things and there yours was.


    I have the exact same canner that you do. Bought it as my first major investment in starting our garden and small farm. I also have a large Nesco dehydrator with 8 trays, plus mesh and liquids inserts. I have so many jars and I don't give them away anymore. Much of the time when friends want homemade stuff for Christmas, I ask them to save the ones previously given and we trade. That helps keep down cost and they get more yummies, lol. Plus people in my area and church know I can a lot so many times they give me jars. I have more quart jars in the attic than I know what to do with, but I'm slowly filling them up a little at a time. I am working on making my own spagetti sauce in the next few weeks that will fill atleast some of those jars. I also had a great crop of green beans and I've been putting them in quarts as well.


    I have a nice sized garden and a small farm, lol. We have raised a calf, pigs, chickens, milk goats and now sheep. I like the sheep and so do many of my friends :D. I have 16 lambs born this year with many of them spoken for.


    The nice thing is that my son is able to earn some merit badges for scouts with many of the things we do here. He built our compost bin, started the seeds (with his sister), tilled and planted the garden, picked weeds, did some companion planting with flowers, harvested and helped can. I've been very pleased with his involvement.


    Here's my blog with a recent post on what I've put up so far this year.



    One thing that surprised me was the jalapenos we did this year got off to a slow start, but they sure loved the dry hot weather! I've got some out there over 4 inches in length! I made jalapeno jelly with some of them already and it was good!

  17. I get up around 6ish, they are up around 7ish and at the table by 8ish :tongue_smilie:. They have alarm clocks, which one uses well...the other is not a morning person so it takes her longer to get going. And heaven forbid if you turn on her bedroom light before she's out of the bed-the grouch comes out, lol. They school until their work is done for the day. My main requirement is that Math and music practice must be done each day. The rest of the schedule they have just needs to be finished by the end of the week. Our DS likes to do all his weekly reading at once, or gets so caught up in science that he'll finish a whole weeks worth in one day...then he just has to finish up the other stuff through the rest of the week. :D

  18. The spinich and artichoke fondu is DEVINE!!! We order that one every time. Yum!


    That sounds amazing! I keep waiting for a Groupon or some such discount coupon to come to my email, but no such luck yet...


    To the OP, have a great time! I can't wait to go myself. Hubby and I were just talking about it the other day.

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