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Posts posted by Live2Ride

  1. My children were napping while I had a CD on, cleaning house. When my husband finally got ahold of me. It had been almost 45 min since it had been reported. The phone lines were jammed and he was upset when he finally got me, until he realized that the call just wasnt getting through.


    Then my friends started calling to get their children from daycare because they were stuck in DC...

  2. We are leaving thursday :). We got on homeaway and VBRO and found a great little place there in DC, 2 blocks from the metro, grocery stores around, free parking pass, 4 adult bikes to use, 1 metro stop from smithsonian and 2 stops from the capitol and under 190 a night. Much cheaper than any hotel i found with the requirements we wanted (close to dc and metro, full kitchen, free/cheap parking). It had great reviews and was open and bright. We are stopping in Gatlinburg for 4 nights and then off to DC :) . Cant wait!

  3. This forum is for kids.  There are strict rules about sharing personal information.  You aren't given access to private messaging until you are 13 or have signed parental consent.  Foul language is not allowed on the public forums.  I've come across a message saying private messages were deleted by the filter.  It's suppose to be a safe place, which is why we allowed it in the first place.


    She claims that role plays are too difficult to follow on the public forum which is why they use PMs only.  No, I don't buy this as there is a role play sub-forum.


    Yes, things will be changing today.  I appreciate all of the feedback and the confirmation that we aren't being overly paranoid or strict.  

    I will say this from experience.  Stay on top of it. DD did this and she found all sorts of ways around passwords, even chatted with Nintendo so that she could change the password on the 3DS to be able to access it online.  What started off as innocent enough-though she broke our internet safety rules not long after she started chatting with this person, became an addiction very quickly and a constant battle of staying ahead of her.  She has lost internet priveledges for some time now.  We monitor all usage in the same room.  Mostly only allowed for school work and an occasional movie.  All electronic devices had to have passwords as she would use anything she could.  We even thought at one point that she had some sort of sleep issues going on...nope.  Come to find out, she found out her brothers computer password and was using it to log on after we all went to bed and was staying up until 4-5 am!  We were extremely upset with the disobediece and ultimately focused on that for the punishment as honestly that is what the whole issue was in the first place.  Disobeyed our internet safety rule, disobeyed the punishment for it and the cycle continued for some time...It is now sinking in that we aren't going to let her back on that forum or to chat with that person.  We helped her get into some activities and make some new friends.  She has found some and slowly coming around to being more outgoing/friendly again instead of sullen and moody. 

  4. I have 3 geldings and one mare.  Have actually had geldings most of the time I've owned horses.  Just a preference really.  But only one really needed regular cleanings or he'd swell up.  He was taught to let me 'get in there' (rubber gloved) and wash and hose him out.


    I hear you about vet bills...I need to have my two older horses floated this year.  I luckily do all their shots (saves a lot of money)! I have one coming up on a coggins due and the other three are due next year...but it's always something :)

  5. I have five dogs, two inside that bark loud and three outside that also bark loud.  One of the outside dogs is a German Shepherd and most people are wary of him (as they should be).  We also own a 20 gauge shotgun that sits next to my bed.  All doors and windows are locked, you can get motion sensor lights for your home as well.  I am Pro-Gun.  My kids know how to use one, we have one and I will be getting a small handgun to take when I'm out riding.  Get yourself to a shooting range and start shooting.  Practice practice practice. 


    Kids should be involved in understanding gun safety though.  I think that it's very important.  When my father bought his shotgun I was 12/13 yrs old.  I remember him taking my siblings and I to the back fence near the woods.  Set up three milk jugs full of water.  Lined us up with the shotgun and had each of us shoot a jug.  Watching those explode was intense.  So was the bruise left behind from the kickback.  He then sat us down and we talked about how neat it was to watch them blow up, but then he got serious and agreed that though it was neat to watch those fly into bits, it would do the same thing to a human.  That we should NEVER pick it up unless he is with us, NEVER point it at people, and always presume that it was loaded.  Lesson learned.  We never had the desire to mess with it and understood it's power.


    Hopefully you will never have to use a gun, but being prepared is better than not :)


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