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Just Me

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Posts posted by Just Me

  1. I haven't read every post, but I agree with what I have read so far...


    I will include:


    Talking baby talk to a child who is more than 6 - 12 months old. I have a SIL who still does this with her 3 and 7 year olds, then tells me she doesn't understand why the 3 year old can't speak well! HUH?


    Someone calling and ruining the surprise party you were planning for your dh~!


    My bil - just in general, he peeves me!


    Other people's kids coming over to my house and complaining about what I am serving for dinner! What? They weren't even invited to eat!!


    My Border Collie whining to go out to chase squirrels, then 2 minutes later, barking to come back in!!


    WOW - I have serious issues!

  2. My dd really wants to get a pet rabbit. Since her cat ran off when we moved here, I am inclined to let her get one. I told her when she builds a hutch, she can get one! Now I feel the need to help her build the hutch! :001_huh:


    Any good hutch building ideas? Inexpensive would be great, and the rabbit will definitely be outside.


    Thanks all!

  3. Do you all know of any homeschooling conferences, other than the NCHE Conference? I really need to go to one this year in order to plan for next year, but I don't know if I can swing the cost of the "biggie" in Winston-Salem. :001_huh:


    I am near Raleigh, so I can get just about anywhere in the state without too much trouble.


    Thanks all!! :Angel_anim:

  4. I have been a SAHM since my oldest was born almost 13 years ago. (ACK - how did that happen so quickly?!)


    That said, I do work part-time as the assistant to our church's music minister, but my time is VERY flexible, so I barely consider it working!


    I really think I will always be a SAHM, even if we don't have any more children. I don't really want to be tied to a job, and I like the flaxibilty of being able to accompany my dh on trips. Of course, I may change my mind when the kids are gone, and I am bored!! :bored:

  5. I think Jason is adorable and I always adore his folksy style. I picture him singing in a coffee bar somewhere.

    I thought Brooke was incredible.

    I did not like Carly this week, but mostly because I think "Come Together" is a dreadful song no matter who sings it.

    Kristy was not good, not good at all.

    Syesha was pretty good, but I did not think she was fabulous.

    David Hernandez was dreadful.

    I thought Amanda was great.

    I would gladly purchase a Michael Johns album.

    Chikezie blew me away. He was like a different performer last night, where has he been hiding that talent?

    Last night was the first time I actually liked David Cook's performance.

    Ramiele was boring.

    And finally, I felt so bad for David. But he is just a kid and this stuff is going to happen to even seasoned performers. I hope it does not kill his confidence.


    :iagree: ( I just wanted to play with the new smilies!!)


    I agree with you, except for Amanda. I agreed with Simon on that one - most of her words were so slurred, I couldn't understand her. But she hasn't been one of my favorites. I really like Jason and Brooke.

  6. Yes...and no. I really felt a call to homeschool when we originally started. I felt that the kiddos weren't "getting" what they needed.


    But at this point (6 years later), while our convictions are still as important, we have come to realize that the kids wouldn't have been able to spend any time with my dh over the last four years if they weren't at home during the day. He is a full-time seminary student, and worked nights. So it became evenmore important at that point.


    Now, I just can't imagine it any other way! :)

  7. I have to go to court today for a speeding ticket I got when we were moving in January. I am SO nervous!!! If you are the praying kind, please send some my way today. Or good thoughts, if you are so inclined?


    I don't know why I am so scared about this - I feel like such a sissy! Most things do not "ruffle my feathers", but for some reason, this sure does!


    Thanks all - I'll let you know how it turns out!

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