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Posts posted by Carrie75

  1. Do you think she was really doing it to rub it in?  I have learned that some people truly are a little clueless.  (Or maybe others of us are just way too sensitive --  I know I can be!)  They are genuinely just excited to share something, having no idea at all that what they are saying might hurt you, or that their actions might make someone else feel like they are being left out. 


    If you did the same thing -- told her about those other boys coming to YOUR house for a sleepover and all the fun plans you had, and her boys were not invited -- how do you think she would feel?  That would be interesting to know!



    I think I will have to try this out. I'll invite the two boys to sleep over that her boys had over last night, and then casually bring it up and mention what a great time they had. It will be interesting to see her reaction. :)

  2. It was that her boys were doing something with good friends of ours. Which is fine, like I mentioned. I just don't need to hear about it.


    Say you are friends with 5 or 6 couples/families in a friendly circle. Then you had a dinner party with two couples from the group. Would you mention it to the other friends? Why? That would hurt their feelings.

  3. I have chosen not to confront a friend about a really annoying habit she has, so I thought I could just vent it out here to get some frustration off my chest. She shares too much information.

    For example, she just stopped by to drop something off to me, she lives about 10 minutes away, and she asked where my boys were. They weren't home luckily, because she then began talking about the sleepover her boys were having with some very good friends of my kids. She just likes to rub this kind of stuff in. I didn't need to know that my friends and their kids are all getting together tonight without us and our boys, ykwim? It's totally fine that they do, I understand we aren't the center of the universe, but I just didn't need to know. It's a little hurtful to be told you aren't invited. This is just an example of many instances over the past couple years.  

    Does anyone else have a friend that does this but isn't overall malicious? It's bizarre to me. If the tables were turned I would never have mentioned it.

  4. Has anyone heard someone use this statement before? If God is love, then faith in love equals faith in God.


    I have a friend who is opposed to religion per se, but says this. Just wondered if she is the only one who feels this way or if there are others.

  5. I like this one:  Crock Pot Chicken with Black Beans and Cream Cheese


    and Crock Pot Chicken Stroganoff:  chicken breast + 1 can cream of mushroom soup + 1 envelope dry onion soup mix + 16 oz. or so of sour cream (I add at the end).


    I mainly use the crock pot to make tender, shredded chicken that I can use in other recipes like chicken soft tacos, etc. and add seasoning later.  I put them in frozen with 1/2 cup water or broth and sprinkle with onion powder, garic & herb and pepper.  On High for about 4-5 hours.



    That's not dinner, that's a dip! sounds good though...

  6. Beginning in July, I will be authorized to give citations to people who park in/otherwise obstruct handicapped parking spaces if they don't have visible, legal handicapped permits of some kind. I will have no mercy.


    After being with a family member in a wheelchair try to park at places like Costco and there are NO handicap spots left because so many people have abused it, Ellie you might just have my dream job.

  7. It wasn't the lack of heels or fitted shirts, it was the lack of effort that I perceived as a kid.  Zero makeup except on Sunday.  No perfume except on Sunday.  Drip dry hairstyle.  My mom is still like that.  They live on a farm so she says, "no point in trying to look nice, no one sees me" BUT we saw her!  My father sees her! 



    As I sit here in my yoga pants and an old t-shirt, I have to think that I am with your mom on this one. Who cares? Makeup is annoying and so is fussy hair, especially on a farm. Why would she try to look nice? Why isn't just looking like her natural self enough for her kids and husband?

  8. How much time do you have? I live in SoCal, but if I was visiting and had time, I would start in San Diego and work my way up. You can fly into San Diego, do one day there and head up to OC/LA and do the Hollywood thing. From there drive through Santa Barbara and head up to San Luis Obisbo. I would go to Heart Castle if you had time. From there you can take the 1 up through Big Sur and into Monterey/Santa Cruz. We drove from Santa Cruz to Yosemite a couple years ago and it's a great drive. If you have time Yosemite is incredible and worth the extra time to visit. They have the Sequoias there to see as well. I'd end in San Francisco. Or from Santa Cruz go to San Fran, then Yosemite and fly out of San Fran or Fresno. There is lots to see here! I would not try to drive from LA tro SF in one day. That would ruin your vacation. It's way to long to be in the car and you'd be driving my so much to see!


  9. My very skinny and very tall 8 year old boy wants bacon and eggs every day for breakfast. I have no problem cooking breakfast for him, but is this unhealthy to do every day? I usually give him 2 pieces of the Costco bacon and 2 organic scrammbled eggs. He's thin and can use the calories because overall he is not a huge eater. He likes sugary stuff rather then real food, so it can be a struggle for him to eat his dinner, ect. I have to bribe him to eat fruit.

  10. Maybe she needs to volunteer and be around people who have less then her. Can she get a volunteer position at a woman's shelter possibly? She may be in for a rude awakening when she goes to college. You don't want her going with no self awareness. People with think she is a pain, won't want her around, then she'll be beggin' to come home.

  11. I got myself this bike. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007595TKU/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I went from being able to ride for 5 minutes on the first day, to an hour in just a couple weeks.


    You can see the great reviews on amazon and you can't beat the price. That includes shipping if you are a prime member!


    Anyway, my only complaint is that the digital display rips through batteries.

  12. Yes, it has impacted me greatly. I was bullied in middle school by a very popular, loud, mean cheerleader type. Again I was bullied by a more quiet girl that was in our friend circle in high school. She didn't want me to be friends with my bff anymore, she wanted her to herself and she was very vicious and sneaky about getting her way. I was completely blindsided, as always, by her hatred for me.


    I have trust issues and even though I want friends in my life now, I don't have anyone close. I don't know how to get past that good acquaintance phase. I blame the bullying.


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