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Posts posted by Carrie75

  1. Sounds very much like my 20 month old, he grunts a ton instead of using real words. I can understand him but no one else really can minus a few words like mama, dada, papa. I have been considering asking the ped if he needs an eval. My older boys were talking by now fairly well, so this is new for me.

  2. My 20 month old has cavites in his top four front teeth. :( I feel horrible. I'm still nursing him, we cosleep, and he is nursing during the night so I am guessing this is how they developed. My husband brushed his teeth with a Sonicare last night for the first time and I noticed them this morning. Prior to this I had been brushing his teeth with a soft baby toothbrush but only at night. I hadn't noticed them until now, I'm guessing they were right at the gum line and the Sonicare rubbed a little of the bottom of his gums away. I should have been more diligent with the brushing! My older two have no cavities, great teeth all around.


    This is so awful! He looks like I give him Mountain Dew for breakfast!


    Now I have to decide what to do. Dentist is closed today. Anyone else have a baby/toddler with a cavity? What course did you take? Some say dentist with sedation to fill them, others say wait it out if he isn't in pain. They are small pits near the gumling, size of a pencil dot.

  3. $3000 a month? If you cant live on that then perhaps your not living within your means. We live on 1/3 of that (thats including what we get in SNAP) and we all have special dietary needs. If its just no processed food then that means a cheaper food bill because everything is cooked from scratch. We dont run a/c because we cant afford it even when its 100 outside. Use fans, thermal curtians, open windows at night for cool air. Go to public places to cool down if you need to. We dont even have internet at home right now because were putting every penny into moving into the city next week (finally!) Which will cut our bills about $200 mo plus food bill will go down with access to many stores and city prices. Anyway when we do we have netflix and hulu, no cable, no landline and the lowest internet package we can get away with. Clothes come from thrift stores except for under things and shoes. Kids coats come from ebay. I coupon, I stockpile during sales. If housing is eating up so much then move. Car payments? Sale and buy an older but good car outright. Cell phones dont need to be fancy with expensive data plans. Prepaid phones are often cheaper then contract and work just as well. I would feel stinkin rich if I had $3k month to work with.



    Most families cannot live off of $1000/per month. This hardly helps the OP at all.

  4. I have ADD. I have taken Ritalin for it in the past and it works great, but I am off it right now since getting pregnant two years ago. I am still nursing. Once I am done nursing however, I will go back on.


    I did feel awkward telling the Dr that I wanted to go on meds for ADD. He asked my questions about why, and when I told him he wrote me a prescription. He would only give me 30 days worth since it's considered a drug that can be abused. That was a pain to have to constantly refill. He also told me to hire a housekeeper ASAP so I could focus on other things on my to do list and not get overwhelmed. He suggested seeing a psychiatrist to help with ideas about making lists and routines to make life easier. He was a bit condesending about it all.

  5. My older boys are circ'd, they are 8 and 9, and we didn't circ our 18 month old boy. You know, my older two haven't even mentioned that the younger's look different. It hasn't been an issue at all. I am SO GLAD I stuck with my guns and convinced my DH to not circ him. DH was adament about circing the older two and I regret not putting my foot down then.


    DH was fine with not circing our youngest though. Times are a changin'. I am so glad to see issues like this and breastfeeding being discussed and seeing so much support for the natural way of things. 10 years ago I knew one mom out of probably 20 who decided to not circ her boy. I would guess that number is much higher now.

  6. I let my 18 month old wander around the backyard unsupervised every day. I leave the slider open and check on him every five minutes or so. Our back yard is gated with 6 ft. fences, there is no way for him to exit and it's fairly safe.


    My older DSs ride their bikes, and walk the dogs, ect around the neighborhood all the time. I wouldn't feel comfortable with them out on the main road but the streets with the houses is fine. They are 8.

  7. Lots of good tips here, thank you!


    It's a 14 year old top loader that we bought brand new when we moved here. It's done well so far but I wouldn't be surprised if there was build up somewhere in the washer.


    Oh, and it's NOT mildew smell. I'm familiar with that and this is just BOish. Smells like I washed his clothes without detergent.

  8. I didn't want to hijack the job loss thread but it did bring up a couple questions I had about unemployment for those of you who have been there. DH was laid off last year for 3 months. He got a severance and insurance to cover the first month but the next two months we were struggling to make ends meet. We lived off of our savings. He filed for unemployment right away, we are in CA, and he could not get a response or a check or anything from the unemployment office. He also couldn't get COBRA so we were out of insurance for two months. Luckily, he got a great job at the three month mark and we got through it all but the company he works for now is shutting down and he may get laid off again. If this does happen, there is a chance they might move him to the parent company located an hour away, what should he/we do different? Should he apply for unemployment through an office (if they have one) so he can talk to a real person? The unemployment phone line just sent you in circles.


    If we have money in savings, can we apply for WIC? We have three kids, one is under 2.

  9. I've noticed that recently, in the past couple months or so, my DH's t shirts stink even after washing them. It's funny because he isn't a sweaty guy and doesn't smell at the end of the day. He showers every day, uses ban roll on, and works in an air conditioned office. However, his t shirts smell bad. I think they might smell even worse after washing and drying. I think the heat of the dryer really brings it out. I threw on one of his clean tshirts and after an hour it smelled like BO. It wasn't me, I had just showered, but my body heat brought out the smell.


    We use the washing machine pods from Costco. Would oxyclean or something else work? He's not a fan of the fragrance detergents? help!

  10. As a breastfeeding mom of an 18 month old, I really do think it's a small minority that has a problem with nursing in public. I have never recieved any negativity from anyone, and I nurse everywhere. I hardly think it's that big of a deal to most "Americans" and most "Christians". There is always a jerk in every group to ruin the good name of a lot of great people.

  11. thanks!! I just listened to a sample and loved it! Now I'm trying to figure out how to fit it in to our already full curriculum  :confused1:


    We listened to SOTW in the car last year with my 7 and 8 year old boys. It was surprising to see how much they retained just listening driving around town!

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