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Posts posted by Kelly1730

  1. I'm not sure I've ever had to sleep in a house alone! Truly, I can't remember. Dh travels on and off but I've always had the kids or once when he went on an overnight with the boys (ONE night) the dog was here. She's a Shih-Tzu and not really going to protect me if we had an intruder anyway. That said, I don't mind when dh isn't here,  I miss him but I sleep the same whether he's home or not. 

  2. Hi all,


    Here's hoping someone else's brain is working better than mine today! My dh loves the program (for lack of better word, told you my brain is not working today) in which you upload pictures and they take the random pics, put music to it and make a video out of it. He has the freebie but I want to give him the full version for Father's Day. Any idea what it's called? I hope so, thanks!!

  3. This is the first Saturday in six weeks that we've had no plans! 


    Make list for errands & groceries

    Grocery Store

    Home Depot for flowers for planters on deck



    Make Texas Sheet Cake for Father's Day (mom is hosting)

    Dinner: Something on the grill, pasta salad


    And the rain and humidity are gone; it's a beautiful day!

  4.  I ate the mall, avoid it like the plague! I shop mostly at Target, Costco, Giant (grocery store) some smaller clothing stores if I need to. Online shopping is one of the best things man has ever invented. We are having take-out tonight and I never left the house today, so enjoy!! You deserve it;)

  5. Amy,


    My husband mentioned that movie to me last night, guess we'll skip it;) Jean, that is just awesome that your dd is moving ahead, good for her AND you;) 

    Happy Anniversary, Lizzie! The sun finally came out after a day of off and on rain and thunderstorms. Dh is fooling around out at the pool ( he says it's "Perfect", except for the fact that it's 68 degrees :confused1: ) and I'm waiting for him to give me his dinner order so I can call it in. And then it's dinner and a movie! Have a great evening, everyone!

  6. Walk

    Breakfast (already had blueberry muffin; but I'll make a real breakfast when I get back:)

    Mop kitchen/foyer/ master bath


    Work on budget (flown by the seat of my pants lately and it shows)

    Make list of curriculum needed and start purchasing some

    Work on summer schedule


    Dinner:Take out from local pizza place

    Movie: The Miracle Worker (we talked about Helen Keller the other day and the boys had no idea who she was; I need to fix this gap in their education :sneaky2: plus its free on Amazon Prime)

  7. 34 years here and we have days like that. He works from home, we school at home so we are together A LOT! It's like we have all our conversations in passing, when he comes down to the kitchen from the office etc. that when we actually sit down together we don't have any "news" to share. I sometimes sit there and try to think of something to ask him about that I don't already know :ohmy: .

  8. Another rainy day here. Come on, Summer!




    Walk (it was misting but I really wanted to get a walk in)

    Sheets and towels from Master Bed/Bath in washer


    To Do:


    Replace sheets/towels

    Clean tub/shower in MB

    Dust MB

    Clean boys bathroom

    Wash boys sheets/towels


    Work on paperwork for school district (started yesterday; WILL finish today!)

    Hard boil eggs for lunch


    Dinner: Chicken fingers, baked potatoes, carrots and dip

  9. If someone came dropped in right now, I'd be fine with it. There are a few books lying around (when isn't there?) and lunch fixin's are still on the counter but it's certainly presentable. That's how it almost always it. But, I don't have little ones anymore. My guys are pretty good about picking up after themselves, and if they forget, I'm happy to remind them :tongue_smilie:. If we have expected company coming, then I will go through and make sure all it put away, bathrooms are clean etc. 


    As for myself, it was actually noon today before I was "ready". Shower, dress, hair, make-up etc. Ugh! I knew I didn't have to go anywhere until later so I got ready in stages. I would much rather be presentable at a much earlier time of day. Need to work on that!


  10. Ha! All of this is SO true. I have 5 boys, ask me how I know :lol:. At one point, I started charging them if I had to find it. Whatever it was. If I told them to look in the van for a library book and of course they couldn't find it there, I would charge them anywhere from .25 to $1, possibly up to $5 as they got old. Depended on my mood. It's amazing how fast they can find something if they know they have to turn  $$ over to mom. 


    Why is it that the same gender can go out into forests and fields hunting for animals (and are usually successful) yet cannot find an item even when you tell them exactly what size, shape and shelf it is on? Pondering...........

  11. Let's just say I am Very Uncomfortable this cycle and am thinking the blackstrap molasses didn't do anything to make anything any better (after taking it for a month daily). 

    I was hoping for a miracle.



    Ugh! I'm sorry. Hope you find something that helps. It can be just miserable!

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