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Posts posted by Berta

  1. We didn't sign up for any of the classes. There was just a free presentation and Q & A for homeschoolers that we attended.


    It was actually pretty cool, because the kids got to ask lots of questions of the animal caretakers in Animal Kingdom. One of the things we found out was that lions go CRAZY for a certain cheap, stinky women's cologne. They use if for training purposes :D.


    We didn't sign up for any classes when we went either. There was the Q&A Presentation Class but nothing we signed up for ahead of time. I didn't get our tickets through Disney, we got them through our homeschool group. All we did was go to the window and pick up our tickets. The presentation was supposed to be on the second day we were there, but like I said, my daughter woke up not feeling good so we didn't get to the park until late afternoon.

  2. Hi, Berta! I hope you are still on - or if not someone else knows the answer...

    I am really excited about these homeschool days. On a 7 day ticket for our family of 5 it will save us $400!!!

    But I wanted to know...how much time out of the day do you have to attend this class? Is this an all-day thing? Do you have to go through the park as a group on a tour? How much time in the day will we have to just enjoy the parks as a family?


    I want to do this, but I don't want to rush into it and miss the "fine print". I mean a savings of $400 has to have some fine print somewhere, right?



    No fine print and no catch! We didn't make the class, my daughter woke up not feeling good and we thought we would be losing the entire day. By afternoon she was feeling better and we were able to go to the park. I'm planning another trip for their homeschool days in 2013.

  3. I initially pulled my daughter out of PS for socialization issues. I adopted her at the age of 9 after suffering horrible years of neglect and abuse. She never learned how to be a part of a group, how to make friends, or even attach and trust anyone. She had no friends in PS. I pulled her so I could be her 24/7 teacher in all situations. I put her into situations where she would have to learn to trust me and I taught her how to socialize properly with other people.


    Secondary was academics. I was not concerned about academics because her grades were always good. When I pulled her I had her tested and found her to be about two grade levels below where she should be. So much for all those "B's" she got in school. She will be starting 11th grade next month and I just had her tested again, and she is on "13+" grade level now. After this year she will have enough credits to graduate early. She has learned how to properly socialize with other kids and has a small circle of close friends now. I couldn't be happier with our homeschool experience and the progress she has made academically and socially.


    We were thinking of letting her to go public school next year for 12th grade. Technically she would already be done with high school (credit wise) but socially we think letting her go for 12th and be able to go to the Prom and Graduation with her friends will be good for her. We will make that decision at the end of this school year. If it doesn't work out then we can pull her and issue her a homeschool diploma.

  4. I don't go by the calendar day of the week, I go with Day 1-5, so if day 1 ends up being wednesday, by the end of the year, I'm okay with that. Sometimes we will double up on certain subjects if we've missed just a few subjects, but that's basically how it works. Also, I'm going to try to use Homeschoolskedtracker this year, I think it shifts it for you, doesn't it?



    This is how I do it too. I have days 1-5, with a planned schedule of what subjects we do on those days. We also school year round, and weekends. I have a total of 180 in my planner. Each day I put the date next to the number day and write in what we accomplished. Saves me from having to stress over an unexpected day off and no more erasing.

  5. We are leaving Aug 25th on Carnival to Bermuda and we have an inside cabin on the Riviera deck, the cheapest we could find. My husband calls it the "low income housing" deck. lol.. I definitely would NOT spend any money, much less $350 per person to upgrade.


    We went to Mexico last November on Carnival, with an inside cabin, and the only time we were in the cabin was to sleep, shower and dress for dinner.


    Save the $350 per person and apply it to another cruise. Our tickets weren't much more than that per person total for a 6 day cruise.

  6. I keep buying purses and trying to carry them and thinking I should but I really don't have anything I need to put in it. I just take my wallet with all my cards, my phone and my keys. When I go into the store I usually just put my card, keys, and phone in my pockets. I keep things like a comb and lip gloss in the center console in my car and my calendar and such are on my phone.


    I have one daughter like me and one who has a big purse with a ton of things in it that she actually uses all the time. She is prepared for any emergency and between her purse and car she could probably survive for a week. I and my one daughter are kind of low maintenance though. The other daughter always looks good and has everything she needs even though she is out of the house most of the day.


    I am just like your daughter. I carry a Vera Bradley backpack that I have modified with tons of internal pockets. I carry everything from duct tape to a flashlight and a handgun (when it's not on my body). My bag goes everywhere with me.

  7. Thanks, everyone. You've given me lots to think about. I never thought of storing the water everywhere all over the house. I imagined one spot where it would all sit - not very creative, I know.


    Also, I wouldn't have thought to keep anything in the car, but, yes - something could happen while I'm out and there I'd be with nothing. Yikes!


    I'm going to copy over everyone's list into a master list.


    We don't drink soda or juice here so need to find a source for those bottles.



    I went around the neighborhood on recycle day and pulled all the bottles I needed. I washed them out with soap and water, let them dry and then filled them with clean water. You could also asks family members and friends to save them for you.

  8. Water is the single most important survival item and I would throw out knick knacks and anything else in the way to make room for the water before not storing it. My house is entirely electric, when the power goes out (which it does often) we have no water.


    You can store water in 2 liter soda bottles or the hard plastic juice bottles. You can fill them, add a dab of bleach if you have well water (public water is already treated) and then store them under beds. I have dozens of them stored under our beds, standing up with the neck of the bottles between the bed slats. You can also store them standing upright behind furniture, in the back of closets, along the wall under the sink vanity etc.


    I have six 55-gallon water barrels outside filled and rain barrels on all the corners of my carport. I use this water for watering the garden, and if needed can be drinking water or for flushing toilets. I also have a Berkey that I bought cheap on Ebay from someone right after Christmas. They received it as a gift and didn't want it.

  9. I'm just finishing up round 1 of the hCG diet. I lost 18 lbs in 20 days. I have maintained that weight loss for 5 weeks, and I can't wait to start round 2. It was both the hardest and the easiest diet I have ever been on. Hardest because the first 23 days of phase one is very limited, easiest because the scale moved quickly and after the first 23 days I was able to eat til I was full.


    I am maintaining by eating 2200 calories a day on a modified Atkins diet. As long as I keep my meals high protein I can eat low carb/sugar foods and not gain. I literally did not gain an ounce in 4 weeks.


    I'm starting round 2 the first week of Sept.

  10. We started out with MUS and then switched to CLE. My younger daughter just loves it, and math is not her best subject. I have thought of switching to TT when she hits 3rd grade but after the success she has had this past year with CLE, I am pretty sure we will stick with what works.

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