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Posts posted by KatA

  1. Hey I live in Fort Walton! :D Never thought I'd see this little town the main subject of a thread.


    I would agree that FWB is not the happenin' spot for a beach vacation. It's close to the beach, maybe 15-20 mins away from the nicer beaches... but it's not quite as... fun.


    May is a good time to come, the peak season is from Memorial Day to Labor Day. So it's not too busy but still warm.


    The beaches are beautiful. This from a non-beachy person. Of course being from here, I don't really know what is good as far as beach rentals. My recommendation would be to find something close to the beach, within walking distance. Despite the name, there's not too many beaches in FWB.


    Destin is very touristy, but there's more to do there, water park, smaller attractions (but also expensive). It's also has smaller little beach parks that aren't very touristy or well known. PM when you know for sure where you're going and I'll be happy to let you know of any "secret spots."


    The main artery of this area is Hwy 98, there is also a lot of federal/military reserves. Because of that, the towns are spread out pretty good. So wherever you're staying, you're probably not going to want to drive to another city 15-20 mins away to go eat or go to attractions (or shop). Where you go depends on what you want to do and your budget. Do you care about shopping or non-beach attractions?

  2. I am no good at coming up with things like that in writing, I do much better in person.


    I'm the opposite, I stumble over my words in person. :) That's probably why I would do the same thing, write a letter, then talk in person.


    As far as your second paragraph, I'm not sure I would include it. What you need to be clear about in your letter is what do you want to be done? Do you want the coach to talk with the other coach? Do you want him (her?) to just be aware of the situation and to look out for any issues?


    But if you decide to keep a paragraph about K, I wouldn't include the awards banquet, that's all conjecture with her looking at you, etc. Stick to the facts. K is a brat to R because of this, this and this. I believe that she gets preferential treatment because she is the coach's daughter. (But that is stepping in conjecture). I'd just leave it out. I'd save the 3rd paragraph for your discussion with B.


    I know I'm paring it down a bit, but I would eliminate most of the 4th paragraph too. Mention the prior coach's opinion and how this seems to only be an issue with B. Finally, conclude with a invitation for further discussion. "I would be more than willing to discuss this in person at your earliest convenience. However, .... (end with what you want the head coach to specifically do with this letter, talk to the other coach, keep eyes open, etc.)"

  3. Okay, I reworded the 1st paragraph. I hope I'm not stepping over a boundary by completely rewording it. Take what you want, throw it all out if you don't like it. :)


    As the head coach, I wanted to address you directly about an unfortunate issue that has come to my attention between my daughter and Coach B. A few weeks ago, R talked to me about how she felt she was being treated differently by B. At first I thought R was being overly sensitive, but I told her I would watch for any noticeable incidents. Tonight, R again came home and insisted that B treats her differently than the other teammates. (Give the specific situations, what she does specifically). However, this time I have had another parent discuss with me the same situation and corroborate R’s belief of her differential treatment. Seeing as it is now not only my daughter but also another teammate that notices this behavior, I feel like I need to make you aware of this situation. This is affecting my daughter’s confidence and ability on the team as well as interfering with the team dynamics.

  4. I remember your post a while back (I'm a lurker trying to come out of hiding) and these are my 2 cents. You are focusing a lot on what the child is doing and not a lot of information is given on the adult. I would try and give specifics on the adult. What did the other parent specifically say the coach does to treat her differently. I would make that the adult the primary focus of my letter, the coach should handle that. Now I would definitely make it known that the child is a problem because of this and this, so the coach can monitor her behavior a little closer. I didn't see anything too emotional or that needed to be toned down.


    I'm sorry you and R are going through this.


    I might not say that R is "adored" by everyone. So is K apparently. I would talk about how this is affecting your daughter and her performance on the team.

  5. I also asked my husband, and he wasn't really sure. He said "By the time I was 12 my imagination was much worse than COD." Single player is fairly gory and there's a bit of cursing from what he said, I'm not sure how parental control works on a DS. I'd use caution, maybe look into the type of parental controls that are available. Does he have any friends that play the game? Peer pressure might be a reason why he's asking for the game. (I know the same thing happens with by husband, all his friends play a new game on the Xbox and he has to buy it... at $60 a piece.) :glare:

  6. So please help me :chillpill: and figure out a way to deal with this woman without showing how much I dislike her.


    Okay, I really don't post much as you can tell by my post count, so I'm coming out of hiding for this thread.


    The point of your thread was to vent. That's fine, vent away. You're offended, I'm sorry for that. But you express this on a forum where people have to read about what happened, take into account tone of voice on our own because we weren't there. And people disagree with you and this drags on for 9 pages?


    I don't see the big deal. You asked for help to chill out, but we can't do that. You need to chill out on your own. Even if we all agreed with you, it would work you into a frenzy about how much you dislike this woman. And that definitely won't help you chill.


    All this to say, stop arguing about it on a forum. We weren't there, you don't need to convince us.

  7. I'm disappointed in the responses. What the HR manager did was rude. She didn't even apologize or attempt to explain why.


    Do you want us to agree with you? Sure it sounds weird. Talk to the HR person about it and make sure they have a second pair of tongs next time. It's kind of like a gluten intolerance. Bring your own food if you aren't sure if it's been contaminated. If it was the one thing I couldn't eat, I wouldn't rely on other people's cooking.


    But as far as rudeness? Who really knows what she was thinking. If it seemed rude to you, then I'm sure it was. Don't let it eat at you. Haha... "eat".

  8. Let him watch youtube clips of fencing matches. It'll give you a good "end goal" in mind. But as other posters have said it's a very strategic sport, like physical chess. I fenced epee in college (the more mental of the three weapons) but my coach always told me I should've done sabre because I was so aggressive and didn't have the patience for the mental aspect. :D


    There is protective equipment, the fencing outfit takes some of the blow. (not all, especially not for men, women have a breast plate). I never remembered getting physically hurt; bruises, yes, but those were always badges of honor for a well-fought match.


    But I can't imagine any coach throwing a new student unprepared into a spar to get hurt. And if he's nervous, I'm sure the coach will understand the need to build up confidence before anything physical. When I started fencing it was a bunch of repetition, lunges and bladework. Ah, this is bringing back good memories. I loved the sport, I wish there was a club locally.


    It isn't rough housing, it's a great sport and he should give it another chance!

  9. We have an Australian shepherd. He is the worst dog for our family. Only for the reason that he has soooooo much energy. He's a working dog, he needs stuff to do all the time. My husband just said last night that he only has two speeds: sleep and light speed.


    We're such a low key family, it's a bit of a ill fit. We like him though and he likes us even with his issues (aggression towards people) so we feel if we were to give him up, he'd probably end up getting put down.


    He's cute and loyal so we'll keep him (we have for the past 3 years)... he just needs lots and lots of walks and outdoor playtime. He needs a bunch of sheep to herd, honestly.







  10. As far as stockpiling ammos and guns, I see it as: if something catastrophic happens, we may not need the guns and ammo to "shoot people" and fill up the mass grave in our backyard, but it might be useful for bartership. How valuable would something like that be if crap hit the fan, factories closed and the economy collapsed. Just a worse case scenario, we don't have stockpiles of ammo, but it's something we've talked about.

  11. I've been a mother for only 2 years, so I'm no expert. But I think that motherhood and guilt are close companions. At least for me. There is the constant judgements and comparisons, looking at other women, those better mothers and thinking "What's wrong with me?" Breastfeeding, crying it out, daycare, staying at home, it goes on and on and on...


    I have seen those posts where other women wonder what mother could ever look forward to sending there kids off to school. But I wonder how could someone make such a blanket statement? Because you enjoy sending your kids off, you are LESS of a mother. A previous poster mentioned about 8 hours being too long... What span of time is good enough to be a good mother? A few hours a night is okay, once a week is fine, but 8 hours a day, five days a week... Now you've gone too far.


    But to answer the OP, even though I don't HS yet. I only have one son, he's the sweetest boy and I love so much, but if it wasn't for that darn guilt of wanting what's best for him, I probably would have gone back to work by now. I enjoyed it. Just as a mom might send her kids to school to keep her sanity, to be a better mom. Some moms might not see it that way, and that's okay. We're all just doing the best we can.

  12. I'm not in a hurry to have my kids recite a prayer based on an immature desire to go to heaven.


    This makes me think of my husband. When he was young (7 or 8) he was so scared of hell that he "accepted Jesus." I honestly believe that it has led to a stunted growth as a Christian. He's a believer still, but he has issues with how he felt pressured and that it was more out of fear than desire or even interest.

  13. I know too many men who do not work out and/or bathe regularly to think that men don't care how they look.


    I don't know any man who truly doesn't care about how he presents to the world. Even our friends in blue color jobs are bike- riders, runners, weight lifters etc.


    But you don't have a thread talking about men and their lack of hygiene or fitness. Why don't ALL men take care of their bodies? It only takes 30 minutes a day. It's practically free! Nope, no criticism about men not taking care of themselves. But here we are discussing whether or not a woman should wear makeup or respectable clothes.

  14. I tend to think of it as a double standard. Women are expected to put on makeup and "put effort into their appearance." But men are never under that obligation or standard. Why in 2011 are women expected to put on makeup or do stuff to look pretty or appealing?


    A few years ago a guest speaker at our church mentioned something about women and makeup. I can't remember what he was talking about, all I remember was he said "If the barn needs painting..." Appalled. Absolutely appalled. I think I look better and honestly a little prettier with makeup, but to expect women to do that because society thinks you should... Please.

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