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Posts posted by Coffeemama

  1. I started one...It really should be done by now. My DH is sick of looking at all the CPO books with my notebook still sitting on the kitchen island:blush: it's taunting me now as I type...Since I'm having about 70 people here for a party tomorrow, I can honestly say I don't have time right now...Did I mention I'm a bit of a procrastinator?


    Seriously though, I will post the materials list, complete with prices, when I complete it...hopefully by Friday (unless someone else beats me to it). Most of the necessary materials I have been able to find on Homesciencetools.com


    Luckymamas blog is extremely helpful....if only all the labs were on there...

  2. My dd read books 1-3 in a row when she was 8. The next summer at 9, she read 4 but interestingly, she would not read it at night...b/c of this I had told her she had to wait another year for book 5. But, my father gave her his copy to read over Christmas break:glare:...Now she is 10 1/2 and I agreed to let her read book 6 and I'll let her go right on to 7 when she's finished b/c that would just be torture.


    Meanwhile, I started to read aloud book 1 to my ds8 and dd6. My son had never read anything on his own past a Magic Treehouse level...well he began reading chapters on his own after I said enough for today...I am beyond thrilled, he finished it two nights ago! Guess it took something really suspenseful to push him into full novels. I'll let him get through books 2&3 this summer, but will wait on 4 like I did with my dd.


  3. I love the way you put this. I truly believe that 7 days as mentioned in the Bible does not necessarily mean a week as in modern times. The Biblical account actually does state that everything happened in the right order (according to science).


    :iagree: God's time is not necessarily the same as our concept of time.


    I also believe that some things will remain a mystery...and that is fine with me.:001_smile:


    ETA, I teach my children that the earth is billions of years old and God is responsible for all of creation. I am Catholic and don't see anything wrong with holding both views.

  4. Lots of good ideas here. I think I am going to C and P them to an email.


    I find it interesting to read about others saying that they don't think it is evangelization. That has not been my experience in the slightest, not in our area. Catholics are most universally regarded as heathen freaks. This one lady in particular has talked a lot about saving people. Another friend that used to invite us a lot mentioned several times about a free MDO they were offering was a way to evangelize. Maybe the people that don't have these thoughts and beliefs aren't as vocal about it around here. But I didn't invent the idea out of thin air we are a huge minority here.



    I can't imagine living in an area in the US where I would be looked down on for my religion. I am surrounded by Catholics and always have been growing up. I only knew a handful of non-Catholic Christians up until I began homeschooling...maybe that's where they were all hiding:001_huh:...that being said, I am developing wonderful friendships with women from many different churches and non-religious people in a welcoming co-op...look me up if you decide to move...:D

  5. Maybe it depends on the state...I taught second grade in Massachusetts for 7 years and the levels 1B and 2A seem to line up close to the curriculum we used. Also comparing where my daughter was in the fall of third grade when I pulled her from private school, she tested into 2B and is a good student. At any of the early levels, Singapore mental math material is certainly above anything I ever saw in public or private elementary schools.

  6. No help here...but the program looks fantastic! :D


    I have not done any formal memory work with my children. Does anyone have an opinion on if it would be worth doing just a few parts instead of the whole thing? I have a feeling it would overwhelm us to jump into this program with our already full schedule. I'm thinking maybe just do the religion, Latin, and science (matching with our earth science) or wait until August, buy the Gamma year and do religion,Latin and history and maybe the Great Words (we are studying early American history). I don't think I can spend $50 on the timeline cards this year...but will budget them for next year.



  7. That's so exciting!!! Do you have a writing corner set up for your daughter? Here's what my son's writing corner looked like when he was five: http://teachingmybabytoread.blog.com/2011/02/28/creating-a-writing-corner/


    You could make a jar of special pens for her diary writing and put out a special placemat for it to sit on or something. Just and idea...


    Thank you! Setting up a special writing area is something i can see her LOVING!

  8. All year, anything that had to do with the physical act of writing was met with a very bad attitude. She is a great reader with an excellent vocabulary for a six year old, but dictation and copywork were like pulling teeth!


    But last night and this morning she was writing in her diary that she got for Christmas. I'm so happy. I really hope this is a good sign for next year!:D


    Maybe there is something to the point of view that says it will happen when the child is ready...

  9. You can do math application work in many of the middle school level science labs. That's one of the reasons I like CPO science, heavy on integrating math skills. This summer my Kids are doing a building project ( they don't realize I'm sneaking in math...)


    After all this math thinking (If you were reading my other post earlier) I've now convinced myself to buy a triple beam balance! I can split the cost in half if we're using it for two subjects...right?:D



  10. I've been going back and forth on the scale too. I want to buy a triple beam balance. It would be great skill practice, could use for physics and chemistry and I have two more kids who could use it through the sciences. If that was the only tool we needed, I would have no issues with spending the money on it, but there is so much more...I've already decided that a telescope will be under the tree at Christmas....I wonder how well a triple beam balance would go over as a birthday gift...:tongue_smilie:


  11. I'm spending the morning trying to list out all the supplies I need to order for science. I want to place ONE order from Home Science Tools and have everything available in one big science box (otherwise the experiments will probably never get done :glare:)


    I am doing two different programs RSO for the younger two and CPO Earth for my DD10. Home Science Tools has a kit for RSO which contains A basic rock and mineral kit ( 15 rocks for $19.99). Is that kit enough to also use for CPO or should I skip the kit and buy a larger mineral set?:confused:


    Also does anyone know if it's worth it to buy things like the psychrometer, density kit, and digital meter? Or should I try to find alternative labs? I saw the modified stream table on Luckymama's blog...LOVE it!

    Any advice?:confused:



    I just got a bunch of Singapore SE books...and now this comes out. Hmph.


    IMO, your Singapore won't go to waste. But then again, I LOVE Singapore! It looks like the Apples book will be a great, fun supplement, but I don't see how it could be used as a stand alone at all.


    I too am very interested in finding out how the different books line up by grade or skill level. My older DD10 is loving LOF Fractions during the summer, so of course the younger too want "funny math" as well.

  13. Is anyone else toying with these two programs? We've used IEW in the past and have found it very helpful.


    Winning with Writing looks very appealing and much more straightforward to teach.


    Any thoughts on the two programs and why you might choose one over the other?




    I have both programs. I have begun IEW with my DD10, we both like it. I love the way it teaches writing. When I saw WWW a few weeks ago, I couldn't resist, since we have GWG and really like that, and I was looking for something for my younger 2. So I bought WWW3 and 1 for them. It was not at all what I expected...oddly enough, not enough writing.

    WWW does have some good exercises, so I will still use it this year supplemented with lots of written narrations, but I won't buy it again. Next year I will simply move my then 2nd and 4th graders onto IEW.


    Also, I'll add that I looked at the new WWS samples, and it seems more similar to IEW in how it uses outlining and rewriting original texts at least in the beginning.

  14. Does CPO have an Earth and Space book? The only one I've seen is CPO Earth (without the space -- which is included in CPO Physical Science, instead). Hmm, come to think about it, maybe this is the difference between the California editions and the others?


    I have the regular version of CPO (not CA) and Unit 6 has 3 chapters on Astronomy. I'm in the process of planning it out and trying to figure out what supplies I need to order for the labs. It's very meaty and lots of emphasis on the scientific method and there are lots of study skill supplements available to download free from their site.

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