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Posts posted by Homemama2

  1. I have two lefty boys....


    In the words of my wise Dh: "Just let him do what he needs to so that you can read it. Quite frankly, neat penmenship isn't high on any man's list."


    It just about killed me, but I finally listened to him and now my oldest ds writes pretty neatly. He doesn't hold his pencil the way I want him to or slant his paper correctly, and his cursive doesn't slant. BUT, it is much neater that my Dh's (and most of the other mens' writing that I read). We can always hope that they become doctors and then sloppy handwriting is almost a requirement. ;)

  2. You could just put little packets of mayo, bread and fillings inside the box and they could make their own, that might be fun. My kids like an assortment of weird items..olives, nuts, carrots, cheese, fruit, salami rollips, eggs, so i am going to try and mix it up alot. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow. I have my first coop class that i am teaching at 130 so this should be a nice timesaver!


    Oooh! Good idea!

    We've tried this the last couple of mornings and it worked GREAT! They love it, and I loved having everything ready for snacktime and lunch. Thanks for the great idea!

  3. Ok... spelling is in our grammar. We use CLE. Music... not part of our plans yet. We have a piano with grand plans of someday starting lessons. Is second grade the right time to start?



    "I" don't think you need it. :001_smile: I was just trying to see what wasn't there in case you were wanting it. Mine didn't do anything except singing w/ me and a cd at that age.

  4. Well, I figure why not have the best of both worlds? (I was one of the kids that LOVED school, LOVED back-to-school time and Loved buying all the "school" stuff.)


    I like to buy "school" things like backpacks, lunch bags and school supplies and the kids like them too. They use the backpacks/lunch bags when they go to Grandma's and if we're in co-op at the time. But I always have them go outside with their backpacks and new clothes (clothes are always cheap at back to school sales) and take pics. But then they get to come back inside and spend the day with ME. :D If you don't want to buy anything like that when you're homeschooling, you don't have to. But if you LIKE to, then do it! I don't spend a lot either...I mean, they don't need the expensive, nice backpacks b/c they aren't carrying heavy books in them. We went to walmart and the back packs were $8 and $10.


    We also decorate with streamers etc. for the first week, make cookies, etc. And you can do any of the fun stuff from ps, for the most part. We have a "spirit week", where each day we dress in a special way (Crazy Hair, PJ day, etc.) We even have "class parties". :001_smile:

  5. Usually we start 100% first day. This year we are starting on a Weds. b/c we decided to actually follow our ps's schedule. Those first 3 days we will do math, grammar and reading. But I also bought a ton of fun educational things at the Children's museum gift shop while we were on vacation this summer. So I wrapped it up in a big box and the kids get to open it the first day of school and those first 3 days we'll use what's in the box. I put in everything from science stuff (make your own rootbeer and bubble gum kits, etc.) to art things, and even threw in some candy. ;) The kids are really excited to open it and I think they'll love what I bought. :hurray: Then the next Monday we'll start in full swing.


    I had also told them if they each read a certain book from the time the summer reading program ended and school started, then we'd go and get DQ on the first day. I'm really excited to start this week!

  6. They get great reviews, so I bought the Wiley (blue ship on the cover) version.


    So far, we have only used the Primer book. We read the first few stories, and they were simple cat / hat type words, too easy for my crew. Then all of a sudden, there was a huge jump, and we had to put them aside as they were suddenly way too hard. I plan to pick them back up, but it is going to be more as a literature type thing, as opposed to a learn to read type thing.



    This is very true for the Primer. I don't think the others are like this, though, thankfully. We've used up through the 4th reader (Wiley edition). We use them a couple of times per week here. I've never used a teacher guide (didn't know there was one, actually!) but never felt like we needed it (well, I could have for the primer.) I don't use them as literature, we read whole books for that, but I like that I can keep up on how they are reading orally once most of their reading becomes independent/silent. It also helps me know they are reading on grade level.

  7. I agree, the whole thing is beyond tacky.




    I thought I would add that it is possible your sister did not mean for you to be excluded. At my "friends" wedding shower that my maid of honor had, she ended up not contacting several friends that should have been invited. I knew nothing of it until months later. The reason was that they were high school friends and she didn't have their new phone numbers or addresses (and apparently didn't think about calling any of our other friends to find out.) It ended up really awkward because half of our group of high school friends were invited and half were left out. Nobody said anything (my other friends thought I didn't want them there, and since it was "my" wedding, they didn't say anything.) I didn't say anything to the friends not coming b/c my wedding happened right as everyone was finishing college, so everyone was scattered across the country and studying for exams etc. I didn't want to pressure them to come. Crazy situation.

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