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Posts posted by Copswife

  1. *anj* said: "If we could take his present income and live in TN or GA or even FL"


    I don't know about Florida anymore. It would depend on where you were in the state, but its getting back. Property taxes in some areas has tripled. Our power has doubled, insurance has either tripled in the past couple of years or people are getting DROPPED. My mom was just dropped. She had to get Citizen's, which is the state insurance. It's just nuts! Here are a few articles and the last one is showing the foreclosures all over the country. For the first time, (so they say) more people are leaving Florida than coming here.






    Foreclosures by state: http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/personal/03/27/foodbank.family/index.html#cnnSTCOther1


    Current Median price range $369,000 Middle management job pay scale not conducive to home pricing Triple homeowners insurance rate since 2002 Higher taxes based on median price home Double gas prices Severe traffic congestion due to highway construction ongoing for 10 years to keep up with growth Constant threat of looming hurricanes that had not existed for over 40 years



    Again, there are so many other factors that make this question difficult to answer. About ten years ago I found out that my friend's dh earned about $10,000 less than my dh. Her dh is an attorney who was working at a medium sized firm at the time. My dh was working as a consultant for an accounting firm. It was shocking because a) I just assumed that lawyers always earn more money and b) their lifestyle was just so much more comfortable than ours was. We were constantly struggling to pay things off, we didn't have a house yet (they did), we couldn't afford the annual vacations that they could, etc. The difference was their relationship to their money. They budgeted and saved, while we just went around spending all of ours willy nilly :willy_nilly:.


    So dollar-wise we should've been more comfortable, but because we abused our money, we were less comfortable.


    And I might add that at that time both of our dh's were making about 40% less than they are now. At this point I'd say they are probably within a couple thousand dollars of each other.


    Another thing that affects the minimum needed to be "comfortable" is geographic area. The Northeast is a very expensive place to live, and this part of our state is especially so. If we could take his present income and live in TN or GA or even FL we'd have a beautiful mansion instead of a 50 year old fixer upper. Of course it doesn't work that way, so we'll just opt to stay here now.

  2. When we are home, mostly NO. If one of my older ones (17 and almost 14) see something going on, they will say, "Stop." "No." "Whoa, you are going to get hurt." Etc... And that usually alerts my dh and I.


    If my dh and I are home, obviously we are the parents. Our older ones never USURP us, nor try to do our jobs. It's just more of filling in the gaps if we aren't in the room.


    I have to say, I love, love, love having an almost 18 year old, while we have a 1 1/2 year old in the house. I NEVER thought in a million years we have such a spread, but it's such a blessing. (and good training for the older ones!) They have learned so much by having a baby in the house this past year and a half. You can't get that out of a book. ;)



  3. My oldest will be 18 in a few months and he babysits. My children are well behaved, but kids are kids and the mice want to play when the cats away.


    So, if they get loud or out of hand or if someone were to hurt another sibling, my son, as the authority we left in control, has permission to deal with whatever comes up.


    He would never abuse his authority and the younger ones are usually 'in line'. They don't really fight, etc. They know the rules and the rules stand when we aren't there.


    Just FYI, he can separate them, ie tell one to go to a room or put the girls on different couches. He can use time out. He can physically break up a fight, but that's it. (DON'T see that happening, but we had to have the guidelines in place)

    Obviously we would be called if anything happened PERIOD, but he is the authority and the one responsible to handle whatever circumstance arose.


    It would be completely different (and it was for us) when he was 11 or 13, but he's almost 18 so my home is different their some of yours. :D



    Our dfd18mths has taken to slapping anyone who says no to her. (She has also cycled through spitting and ignoring.) I encourage my ds13 and my dd9 to immediately put her in a time out for 30-60 seconds. I have never had older children with a younger one before so I was wondering what other families do. I am not always available to initiate the immediate consequences an infant needs so that is why I allow the children to step in for me. The kids are kind to the baby and handle it the same as I always have: telling her why she is in time out, observing her while in the time out, including a kind word at the end and a hug when she comes out.



    I am not talking about serious consequences here...only the basic time out.


    So, that leads me to the original question:

    Do you allow/encourage your older dc to (lightly) discipline your younger dc?


    Is there a potential problem here that I am not seeing?

  4. I'm not watching it. I have Bible study to do now that I'm done helping my dh list something on ebay. :001_smile:


    Night ladies. Oh Elaine, I think you should def. get the snoop dog hat and ring. Can you imagine running in that? :lol::lol::lol:




    Going from bad to worse here, people! Teri Hatcher? Singing?:confused:


    It's a video assignment. He picked the story of the tortoise (turtle is what it said on the assignment list) and the hare. I taped us watching his video on the computer with him interpreting. :D


    It's a little blurry, but ds 17, said that's good since I'm sharing it. It blurs him *just* enough. :gnorsi:


    Anyway, just thought I'd share because I got a kick out of it. I just love how animated he is. Btw, when asked, he thinks he'll get a B, maybe a high C. His prof is kinda hard this semester.



  6. We just made our son finish one more year and he was 16 at the time.


    It's just something we DO. The kids know it. If they excel and want to play something else, they can. But piano is required.


    My mil is a piano teacher. My dh grew up with his mom as a teacher and regrets never learning. He wishes she would've made him.


    Now, they had another child 16 years after their original 3 kids. She is the baby and grew up as an only child. She is 19 and at home. She is amazing at piano. She's taking voice and piano, respectively, in college. Voice major, piano minor.


    Mom made her do it and made the time to teach her. :001_smile: I understand how it is with multiple children. So, our children now take from their Nana, my dh's mom.

  7. ut now, I LOVE to be home and don't want to leave more than I have to. I am able to keep my act together so much more when I am home. When I have to leave a lot, it seems like the house, meals and sometimes even school, just fall apart!


    Man, I know what you mean. It's just so expensive to go anywhere anymore. I am just more peaceful and things run more smoothly when we are home.

    My dh has started doing the Sam's shopping every two weeks. God, I love that man! :D (he's mine ALL mine! Bwwa ha ha ha)


    He'll even grocery shop. :D:D:D


    Even shopping has lost its appeal. I used to chomp at the bit to go out and shop or window shop.


    Don't get me wrong, I LIVE for date night and haven't had one in about a month. We are going out this Friday. Woo hoo! :party:


    But during the school week, leave alone and let me be home. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


    But now, I LOVE to be home and don't want to leave more than I have to. I am able to keep my act together so much more when I am home. When I have to leave a lot, it seems like the house, meals and sometimes even school, just fall apart!
  8. So does a six minute trip count as "out" that day? I'm certainly not "on the go" on those two days.


    Out means out. If you leave (in a vehicle) then you are out. You aren't home all day and night. Close, but no cigar. lol


    Don't count running or taking walks. This was more of a transportation thing for me.

    Oh, when will you women learn. You can't post a poll on a woman's board without providing "other" as an option, because most women consider themselves "others" and can't be confined by limited choices:)


    I am out almost everyday, but I would never describe myself as "always on the go." For example, on Monday and Wednesday I drive kids home from tennis (another Mom takes them). It's 3 minutes from my house. Sometimes they actually just walk, but I like to pick them up after because they are tired. So does a six minute trip count as "out" that day? I'm certainly not "on the go" on those two days.


    On Tuesday and Thursday I am often home all day because the swimming carpool is handled by another Mom. But if I run to the grocery, is that "out?"


    I don't like being "on the go" and am home most of every day, though a couple days I have afternoon duties, Friday being the most onerous (I'm out from 3:00 until almost 6:00 that day.

  9. Oh, when will you women learn. You can't post a poll on a woman's board without providing "other" as an option, because most women consider themselves "others" and can't be confined by limited choices:)


    LOL Grrrr. I did say you can pick more than one. You win, next time I put an other! grrrr :lol::lol::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


    Oh, when will you women learn. You can't post a poll on a woman's board without providing "other" as an option, because most women consider themselves "others" and can't be confined by limited choices:)


    I am out almost everyday, but I would never describe myself as "always on the go." For example, on Monday and Wednesday I drive kids home from tennis (another Mom takes them). It's 3 minutes from my house. Sometimes they actually just walk, but I like to pick them up after because they are tired. So does a six minute trip count as "out" that day? I'm certainly not "on the go" on those two days.


    On Tuesday and Thursday I am often home all day because the swimming carpool is handled by another Mom. But if I run to the grocery, is that "out?"


    I don't like being "on the go" and am home most of every day, though a couple days I have afternoon duties, Friday being the most onerous (I'm out from 3:00 until almost 6:00 that day.

  10. Hey Jessica! This is what 2nd looked like:


    Rod and Staff! All subjects. I just bought 2nd grade. LOL (and she does BJU 2nd math as extra. the money, time, fraction pages are colorful and she actually asks for extra pages above and beyond R&S)




    Yes, she's done with her work, did excellent. She is a ferocious reader, way above grade level. Bit, I think using ALL Rod and Staff was a bit overkill. She's an artist, artsy and while I'd like to stick with Rod and staff for math, she would like a little color and excitement. I'll probably use English since I'll use that all the way up.


    Here are a few things I have but don't know when and if I'd use them.

    The Mystery Of History

    English for the Thoughtful Child 1 and 2

    Pathway readers (she read them, but I don't do the questions in the workbooks)

    Galloping the Globe


    I'm looking for something else for science this year. She loves it and wants more than the Rod and Staff. She LOVES nature and animals, space, etc.


    I don't know, I guess it was so easy for her this year. When should one start Latin? Perhaps Spanish? She's up for a challenge, so she says. :D


    Sorry I couldn't write more earlier. I'm alone with the 7.. dh is fishing. :drool5: Wish I was!!! :tongue_smilie:


    Anyway, any news insights??








    What were your goals for 2nd grade? Were they accomplished? What is the next step in the foundation you've worked on?


    You're in control of what your 3rd grade will look like, as you should be. If you'd like a few guides I suggest:


    The Educated Child by William Bennett

    The 3R's by Ruth Beechick (addresses through 3rd grade)

    Language and Thinking for Young Children by Ruth Beechick

    Home Learning Year by Year by Rebecca Rupp

    and check your state's board of education website, I'm sure they have the state standards there somewhere.


    Each homeschool will look different, I think the best thing you can do is look at yearly objectives set by other helps like those above and figure out what your children need.


    Just my 2¢, ;)

  11. What should 3rd grade look like? I'm looking to more structure and getting a bit more serious with work, work. kwim?


    (I have more to ask, but am putting this out here for the meanwhile.) I have to run! :auto:



  12. Matthew.


    But starting in September its the life of Moses.


    Oh I got this from their site:

    The classes offered (in order) are:


    1. Matthew (2007-08)
    2. The Life of Moses (2008-09)
    3. John (2009-10)
    4. History of Israel and the Minor Prophets (2010-11)
    5. Acts of the Apostles (2011-12)
    6. Genesis (2012-13)
    7. Romans (2013-14)

    I need structure and had no problems with the rules. Be on time, if you want to discuss then you need to do your lesson, let them know if you intend to quit and they can fill your spot, and just study the Bible (no commentaries) This way everyone is on the same page.





    BSF was the single best Bible study ("best" on many levels) that I ever attended. I attended for five years, and for two of those I was a discussion leader. My nature made me chafe at their "guidelines" (rules, really) even while understanding (in my head) why those "guidelines" are there ... and why they wer so vigorously enforced. The lack of grace in administrative issues brought me to tears more than once. That said, I still believe the BIBLE STUDY was the best I've ever been involved with. But for me, here locally, BSF was "more than" just the bible study aspect. In the end, I couldn't make it work while homeschooling at the same time.


    But that was the year DD was in Kindergarten. She graduates this Spring. So it's been awhile since I was a BSF kiddo - and now I understand they have written new "years" of curriculum - I had done ALL the available years (at the time) when I quit. What are they doing this year?

  13. I'll never go back to upholstery, in my living room, or in my car. At least not while I have kids.



    Yeah, what she said. :iagree:


    I'm in Florida and my leather furniture is never sticky. One thing it is, is clean. It's SO easy to take care of and keep looking nice. Everything else in our house seems to be worn, trashed, or broken due to children. :nopity:


    Everything, that is, except our leather furniture. LOVE IT.


    btw, I got mine from a classified ad. They were only a few months old and we saved a TON of money.


    Ours furniture is navy blue and hides everything. ;)



    We've had our leather sofa and loveseat for three years. We have a cat, and he hates the sofa. He never gets on it. He prefers soft bedding, or the piano.


    Cleaning: It's very easy to clean. You clean it as you would your skin (it is skin, after all), and condition it once in awhile. No staining so far, but something like a Sharpie (that's designed to stain things) might be a problem.


    Tearing: We have a couple little scratches, but no tears anywhere.


    Cold in winter: It is cold in the winter, but it warms up pretty fast. If I'm chilled, I usually have to have my blankie wrapped around me. The leather is cold on bare skin.


    Sticky?: It's not sticky in the summer, at least not like vinyl would be. I live in shorts in the summer, and have no trouble sitting on my leather sofas. We live in the desert, though, so ymmv. (I do notice that my legs sweat in my leather car seat, so I sit on a towel).


    Allergies: I'm sure it must be better for people who are allergic to dust and animal dander. Nothing gets stuck in the fibers, because there aren't any. It's very easy to clean -- you just wipe it with a damp cloth. No more allergens.


    Our sofas get abused every day, but they still look almost new (except for those two scratches). I'll never go back to upholstery, in my living room, or in my car. At least not while I have kids.

  14. That sounds heavenly. I will definitely be making this. Thanks~


    Copswife- milling grain for about 5 years now. :D




    OK, we're on spring break and have time this week to try new recipes. Will you share your favorite recipe.....

    Thanks, ladies:)


    My family's favorite:


    Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake


    2 cups milled soft white wheat

    1 TBSP baking powder

    1/2 tsp salt


    Mix these ingredients, make a well in the center and add:


    1 egg

    1 cup milk

    1/4 cup oil (I use safflower)

    1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce

    1/4 cup honey


    Stir well until everything's nicely mixed, then stir in as much chocolate chips as your family likes.


    You can use this recipe for traditional coffee cake by omitting the choc. chips and using this topping:


    3 TBSP melted butter

    1/2 cup sucanat (or brown sugar)

    1 1/2 tsp cinnamon

    dash of nutmeg

    #TBSP melted butter

    1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts

  15. That's what I'm doing, going at night. I approached my dh and told him that I've been praying about a Bible study. I found two options. One study during the day and BSF that had day and night. My dh is home on Monday nights and its after dinnertime, 6:55PM. It's also the class where school age children can go. So, 4 of my 5 will be going with me and they will be doing the same study as I am.


    Right now they are in Matthew. (24 which is on prophecy and I'm learning SO much!)


    In September when the new year starts, the study is on the life of Moses.


    I went last night and am hooked. I need this; there are too many distractions to try and keep my own quiet time. Maybe I need to be more disciplined and I think this is it for me. It breaks down the study into 6 days and each day you are supposed to do your work.


    What is neat is that they are all over the world, so if you friend is in Oregon or England, everyone is doing the same exact lesson each week. That is why I was trying to find others doing it. :001_smile:




    I participated for three years when I was in Chicago as a children's leader.

    My older two dc went through their children's program and still remember it.


    Wow! I learned so much, and like you said it's a great way to stay accountable with your quiet time.

    Current homeschool responsibilities keep me from rejoining, but I look forward to the day I can go back.

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