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Posts posted by jkwynn

  1. This is our second year doing speech therapy through our local elementary school.


    Pre-k age he went 2x/week for 2 hrs a day. We dropped him off in front of the school right after lunch - the whole class met there, some kids came from other VPK programs on a bus, and the teacher came out to walk them all back to the room as a group. We picked him up in the regular car line. There were 4 or 5 other kids in the class, one speech therapist, and one assistant.


    This year, k, he goes 2x/week for 30 minutes a day. We just meet the speech therapist in the office/lobby area, and he goes with her to the class (with one other kid at a time from another k class, I assume, it's a different kid each day) - while he is with her, I sit in the parking lot in the van. When the older kid is with me, we'll do one-on-one work with him - like go over the grammar lesson, read-aloud, history reading or worksheets, etc.


    He's not compulsory age for our state (FL) so technically, he's neither a student at the school nor a homeschool student. They did have me fill out some of the paperwork at the beginning of the year as if he was going to start school there, though. I was fine with that, but then in November it caused some confusion. I assume they incorrectly entered our info as if he were a public school student, even though we homeschool. So I got a call about that, since they didn't have a letter of intent on file (there wasn't one, because of his age) - I explained our situation, and the fact that the school board told me that I wasn't required to register him as officially homeschooled yet, and haven't heard anything else about it. They did call to let me know they were trying to figure out the coding (for funding or something maybe?) and not to worry about it. I offered to send a letter of intent anyway, didn't mind, but they said it wasn't necessary, and that they would take care of it.


    We've liked both therapists, and the teacher-student ratio. Our school is an "A" rated school. I guess the only thing I would change is the short sessions. If he only qualifies for an hour of speech per week, I wish he could do that hour in one day, instead of splitting it up. One of the days he does speech is when several co-ops and other homeschool activities (like PE!) take place.


    ETA: We do get "homework" from the therapist. She gives me the worksheet of words and sounds they go over in the class, and we work on it each day until we go back. It's just words or phrases to practice. Like this week we have "ch" sounds, so there are nine pictures with phrases like "choose cheese" or whatever under them. Last year, the therapist would also tell me things like "have him smile when he says this" to get the correct pronunciation. We've come a long way, but there are still many times that I just have to tell him to slow down and use his best words, b/c I don't know what he's saying. He is 5 now.

  2. If your target has a starbucks, ask them (in starbucks) if they have the cart-cupholders. They do at ours! It's one of those plastic jobbies like you used to be able to hang on your car window, but it fits the cart. It's the coolest thing!


    Found a pic online: http://twicsy.com/i/5Uy36


    Sometimes, they are in a little basket right as you go in the starbucks area - they ask that you return them when you're done.


    Also - I was pleasantly surprised with my Aldi's trip today, and I got a few things mentioned (the salt/pepper chips, some german chocolate, etc.) - I'll definitely be going back. The produce was kind of bleh looking, but they had signs all over saying the truck was late today, so I'm guessing that I might've seen the bottom of the barrel, so to speak.

  3. We just got back from DC - I have an EXCELLENT recommendation for places to stay - we had 2 adults, a teenager, 2 10 year olds, and a 5 year old when we went. We stayed here: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/4726


    Her name is Donna, and she is a fantastic host - she lives alone, and rents out the top floor of her house - she has hosted several homeschool families, from what she told us. For $60/night (no matter how many are in your party) she will pick you up from the airport, and take you back - she will give you a ride to/from the metro station each day (we took the metro to Target for groceries after our first day and she picked us all up from there, too) - you have the entire top floor of her house to yourself (3 bedrooms, big bathroom with a GLORIOUS shower) - full use of her huge kitchen, living areas, library/pool/computer room, there's a washer/dryer in the basement, free wi-fi, etc - you just can't beat it.


    She has good info on the area, being a local for so many years, and is as engaging (or not) as you want to be. While we were there, she and my mother ended up becoming buddies and went to see a movie together - and Donna even sent her a couple of Christmas ornaments, lol - She does have cats, but I'm allergic to cats and didn't have a problem with dander or anything. I had allergy meds just in case, and it just wasn't an issue. I HIGHLY recommend her and her house. We thought it would be weird but it totally wasn't.


    ETA: We went the week of Nov 16-23, 2012. Crowd level was perfect, weather was nice and crisp. One day was really cold, but we were ready with our big coats, lol (we live in FL, too.) If you want more info on Donna/our trip feel free to PM me. :)

  4. Very interesting read.


    I have an Aldi's literally around the corner from our house. I've been once, and it definitely was not a place I planned to shop regularly.


    I'm going back today after reading all this, and since I do need milk and basics - I will have an open mind and might even take some pictures. lol


    Fingers crossed.

  5. We do not decorate until after DD the Elder's birthday, so the tree and decorations go up about two weeks before Christmas and are taken down January 2 or 3. Nobody in our household feels deprived. :)


    Same here, we have a December 4th bday, and my husband and I decided very early on that we wouldn't decorate until AFTER his bday. DH's brother has a December 14th bday and used to get the shaft all the time.

  6. We have a dining room table and do not use tablecloths often. I'll probably use one for Thanksgiving, but really that's about it (1-2x/year). It's our only table so we use it a lot. The table was inexpensive (from amazon) and I don't expect it to last forever and I don't mind a "lived in" look. I'd rather have the table get worn over time and cover it with a tablecloth when I need it looking "perfect", which is never. We don't use placemats either. And we do playdough and markers and glitter and such on the table. I do cover it with a plastic cloth for paint. :-D


    I don't. :tongue_smilie:



  7. Am I the only person who is now wondering how often a rodent crawls up the toilet pipe AFTER you've situated yourself in the bathroom? :eek:


    LOL - NO!


    I just came to post that about 2 minutes ago, I was "in the office doing paperwork" :glare: in the still silence of the night with all other family members in the bed - when all of a sudden for no reason whatsoever, the bath faucet started to drip kind of hard, and it hit the plastic halloween bucket my youngest uses to dump water when he's in the tub - loud DRIPDRIPDRIPDRIP.


    I totally made like the dog from UP and the only thing in my brain was "SQUIRREL!"


    This thread will not leave me.


    I don't do lizards or frogs in my house either, for the record. They are quite alright outside, but not in the house!


    We're in FL and have found a few lizards inside, but they've always been dead (too cold in here with the a/c I guess?) Just recently, we found a baby lizard in the CONDIMENT shelf of our REFRIGERATOR door! It must have crawled over the top of the door while someone was getting milk or something and didn't notice.


    Okay, I just told my husband about this and he said there is no way, no how that it came up the toilet. So, either he is wrong or I am totally missing the joke in this thread. He is making me feel like I'm having a very blonde moment...


    I would love nothing more than for your husband to please explain how this is NOT possible. Even if he just makes something up, as long as it's very technical and delivered with confidence, it would give me great relief.

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