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Posts posted by Lostinabook

  1. I'm trying to decide if I should buy Deconstructing Penguins. I'd really really prefer to get it from the library, but, unfortunately, they don't have it. I do have Teaching the Classics, Well-Educated Mind & How to Read a Book so I'm wondering if Deconstructing Penguins will bring anything new to the table or if I should just spend a bit more time with the resources I already have.



  2. After reading the Original CM Series, I would buy For the Children's Sake & the Levison books. I would not buy the Andreola book. That was the book that led me to believe that I would never ever ever do a Charlotte Mason style education--it just seemed like such a lighweight view of education.

  3. This year (2nd grade) I began using Singapore's CWP (1st grade book) & CLE's 2nd grade math program to supplement RightStart for dd. It's worked fine, but I'm not entirely sure that she needs to be doing the CLE. Initially I used it b/c I thought there wasn't enough review in RS. Well, this year there's more review; plus, I bought MathShark so she can use that for drill.


    So, in trying to make a decision for next year I'm mulling over several choices. We will definitely get the CWP book--I don't think there are enough word problems in RS & I like the way SM structures their problems. I'm considering getting Primary Challenge Math (but am wondering if that would be teacher intensive) & using that & the MathShark as her additional "program." I've also thought about getting SM's cd-roms or using CLE again since she could do those alone while I work with her brother on other things. I've considered getting the 2nd &/or 3rd grade SM Primary books, but I'm not sure that that would be useful since SM & RS seem pretty similar in focus other than the word problems.


    Ugh. Any insight/suggestions?

  4. I am planning on using BJU Science for my kids this coming fall, but am wondering if I should start with the 2nd or 3rd grade program?


    I don't know if the 3rd grade program would be too hard for the 1st grader or if the 2nd grade program would be too light for the 3rd grader. My hope is that 2nd grade would work well for both of them, but if not, we can use 3rd grade & the 1st grader can catch what he can.


    Thank you.

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