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Posts posted by WyoSylvia

  1. First, thank you both for your ideas. Second, thank you for asking about my curriculum. I'm about to burst because I'm so excited about it. (I'll try to be as brief as I can... we'll see how well I do.)


    When I was thinking about K, I just remembered fun manipulatives so I went searching. Somehow I stumbled upon these. They were designed by the original K inventor, Friedrich Froebel to teach amazing concepts about nature, science/math and art through gentle guidance from the teacher. (Much more than I had been seeking.) There are free access books from the late 1800's that instruct how to teach with these so that the focus in on the child learning through play, "play in work and work in play." I love playing as long as there is some point to it - I'm thinking these are going to be great.


    Thanks again for asking - my poor dh has had to listen to me bubbling forth for a couple months so it is nice to chat with other people about it. :001_smile:

  2. I have everything ready to begin K with my almost five-year old. He doesn't want to start school until the fun centerpiece of our curriculum comes - he has been patiently waiting for two months and has politely said he just wants to wait until it is here. It is supposed to come soon but we've thought that for a few weeks and now I'm going batty!


    Here is my problem - I have been so focused on the curriculum that now I have no idea what to do with our time. I am the 'give me a plan' type of person, without one I get the deer-in-the-headlights look, especially with books that are titled "1001 Ideas For..." because I just want it to say "Do this." I know the obvious answer is play with him but I am only good at 'play with a purpose,' otherwise I start looking around for something that will engage my brain. My son is fun and independent but that basically ends up with me doing things separately from him which I dislike.


    Is there anything that I can get my hands on quickly, say online, that is perhaps similar to Five In A Row or any other idea that you brilliant people can come up with?

    Thanks for any help!

  3. Sarah, I would have to disagree with this conclusion. While exercise is definitely *good* I have found that it isn't necessary for weight loss.



    I really believe that exercise has nothing to do with weight loss. My husband and I took a trip to Europe and, while eating all the fabulous food, we both lost weight. (dh has a very physically demanding job at a golf course so the site-seeing was not nearly the same level of physical exercise he gets usually) Upon returning I had to research this and stumbled upon The French Diet by Michel Montignac, which was reputed to be what many Europeans were doing. (While M. Montignac definitely advocates exercise for good health, I believe he disliked the link to weight loss.) I adopted his eating style, did not add exercise, lost weight and have been able to keep my weight stable for about 3 years now.


    IMHO I think exercise is for muscles. For health reasons we should exercise to keep our heart muscle strong, (plus receive the cholesterol and blood pressure benefits) and for feeling good. I think exercise for weight loss seems to be just stress-inducing. My guess is that if more people just exercised without all the 'goals' they would enjoy it more and therefore do it more.:rant: OK I'm done.

  4. Like the other posters, I've never heard of your technique so I wouldn't comment upon it. The few things I would encourage you to do is, first, don't ask for advice (except from those from whom you don't mind hearing constructive criticism) because you are opening the door and inviting them to critique both now and in the future. Second, I hear so many people knocking themselves over the head because they didn't have a snappy comeback, don't do that to yourself. (Anyone who says "You know what I would've said?" They are armchair quarterbacking with no time-clock running.) I would encourage you to rehearse a general answer that basically says very politely "none of your business." Perhaps practice in the mirror a knowing smile and nod saying something like, "Don't worry, my husband and I have this handled..." Then change the subject. If they push you can repeat smilingly, "don't worry." Give them no meat upon which to chew.


    Also, until you feel like this is working to your expectations and you are comfortable with it, I would definitely go the way that gives you the least stress and eliminates situations that make you feel that you must defend your parenting style.


    Good luck.

  5. I tried it for a little while but it didn't work for me. I have a very sequential/orderly mind and it was not a good fit. I appreciated that it was free and had a few nice features but I didn't feel the design was very intuitive, many screens looked alike and often I couldn't enter things where I wanted to, I would have to search for where they wished me to enter information. I chose to go with Homeschool Tracker Plus which I am quite happy with. It is not free :D (about $50) but their updates are, they have great support and I really think it will last me all through our school years.


    Good luck in your search. Hope this helps a bit.

  6. My family is as unhappy and dysfunctional as they come.


    I am so very, very sorry for the pain you feel.


    Please do not compromise on this. Your children cannot be hurt the way you have been hurt.


    I agree with the others about possibly meeting at a restaurant or your own home without the dog.


    You might consider two rules (there may be others, but this is based on your post):


    --You will leave any situation wherein your children's wellbeing is compromised by the dog.


    --You will leave any situation wherein you or your children are verbally assaulted.


    Even with these two rules, I do not think it wise to try going to your parents' house--I have a sense that you will be subjected to a lot of unpleasantness if you do.


    If and when you should choose to leave a situation (if your parents even agree to meet at a restaurant or your home without the dog), you should have prepared one, calm statement you will repeat. Something like, "It is wrong for you to speak like that. We have to leave now." Repeat, repeat, repeat through whatever drama erupts, and LEAVE.


    Refusing to participate in the drama will set an example for your children that will spare them a world of pain both now and for the rest of their lives. Teach them that these boundaries are good.


    In the meantime, if contact truly is broken (and it sounds like it is) then you need to have a way to cope with your sadness. ...


    :iagree:I come from a disjointed/disconnected family as well. I cannot agree more with this post.

  7. I guess I don't understand why you think that. Everyone checks in, either on-line or in person. If you check in on-line and they ask how many bags you have, etc., they would assess your over-limit fee per your answers. That would still be automated just like everything else. Those checking in bags would experience no difference. Their bags are scanned like normal and a simple fee is assessed.

  8. Well, your plan would again increase the price and wait time overall by forcing *everyone* to wait in line and check in at a gate (at a time when airlines are trying to automate as much as possible). It's not possible to weigh all checked and carry-on luggage and asses fees accordingly without major changes, more waits, and more personnel on the part of the airlines.


    And while, as I said, I do understand how this could be more difficult for someone with impaired mobility, I still don't get your argument about how this particularly penalizes parents. Yes, I've flown frequently with toddlers and preschoolers (though I'll admit it's easier now that my youngest is six, lol), and I still don't understand. It sounds like I have had an easier time of traveling with kids than you have experienced?


    There are all sorts of reasons why people might want to check rather than carry bags on the plane. It's not restricted to parents... I don't think we should be privileged just for having kids.


    The change is indeed something of a shock to our systems, I'll give ya that. ;) It's hard to accept change, especially when it hits our pocketbooks. But I think Claire made excellent points in that regard.


    I'm sorry I confused you. (You were answering ideas from other people so I was just working with those- I should have clarified.) My idea wouldn't have any of the terrible ramifications that you listed quite accurately. I just want them to charge for the bags they feel are in excess of whatever limit they choose, but not to charge you for where you decide to put them. In terms of fuel costs, which is what I have heard this is all about, it all costs the same regardless of where my bag is.


    Ironically, although as you said, change usually does shock, this didn't bother me at all that they needed to offset their costs. I just would like to see it more equitably done.

  9. Hm, no I think you were clear. And I can understand the argument about handicapped people needing to be able to check luggage -- in fact, I would support a one-bag exemption for them...


    But, no, I don't understand how it penalizes parents with children. In fact, I think it's a far more forgiving policy than attaching that fee to all tickets. This way, if my children and I can share a bag, we're charged only once for all of us, rather than once each.


    Maybe we're talking at cross purposes then. I am not talking about how many bags people take on. It is just a question of penalizing those who choose to check their bags as opposed to carrying them on. I mentioned parents but I suppose I should have been more specific, parents with small children, who just have no more hands left. If you read an earlier post I mentioned going to the bathroom with a small child. Those are the situations for parents (and I'm sure the handicapped) that make checking on luggage so much more wise. I don't think it's more forgiving of a policy, if the cost is spread via the total weight of your bags or the number of bags then that is fair, but I don't think it is fair to just charge those who, in my argument at least, have a good reason for checking their bags.


    And yes, if you and your children can share a bag then my idea benefits you as well and you can check it or not.

  10. I guess I don't quite understand how people are disagreeing with me, unless I was just plain unclear... which is quite likely.


    I have no problem with the need to charge more because of fuel prices, I get that. I just don't understand why the cost gets passed only on to people who check in bags. I agree with whoever said maybe we should go by total weight. I can't stand it when I see people who don't check their bags shove all their stuff on...(yes I have actually seen golf clubs as carry-ons) but according to this policy they still won't get charged even if they have more than me! I started checking my bags when I had a child so that I could actually use the bathroom in the airport while trying to handle my two year-old without lugging a cart into the stall with me. God-forbid I should ever have another child, what will I do then?

  11. in a suggestion that they edit their new policy? I just called and told them that I felt that it unfairly penalized people like parents and the handicapped. Here is their new policy.

    a $15 service fee will apply, each way, to check your first piece of baggage.


    I'm not normally so "uppity" but if you are like me you don't carry any more than other people, but you just have your hands full... like with a wiggly four year-old. My suggestion is to just charge for x-number of bags over a limit, checked or unchecked, or just charge a nominal fee for all bags. What does it matter where on the plane they are? (I had heard these fees were because of the increase in fuel costs.) :rant:


    If you are interested in contacting them, here is their customer relations info.


    Available 8a.m. - 7p.m. CST Mon-Fri

    Email Customer Relations


    I'm sure the other airlines could use a heads-up as well.

  12. ... don't cry wolf. How are these students going to trust these administrators and teachers when (God forbid) there is a real crisis.


    This is an excellent point. What if down the road there is a gunman in their school. I can picture the disbelieving response of those kids and the frantic teachers trying to tell them, "No, this time I really mean it." Didn't anyone think about the consequences?

  13. Here it is, slightly edited, from George Stella.


    • 1 cup soy flour
    • 1/2 cup sugar substitute (I use Splenda)
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • 2 eggs
    • 1/2 cup heavy cream
    • 1/3 cup club soda
    • 1/2 cup blueberries


    Preheat oven to 375. Mix dry ingredients then add the wet. I wouldn't advise using a wisk, this is a thick batter. Fold in blueberries. Spray pan(s) and cook for approximately 1/2 hour.



    A triple recipe makes 2 loaves.


    I used to make these as muffins then, after much whining on my part, dh suggested I make them as bread so the cooking time is estimated. As far as health goes, this is right on for our diet which is The French Diet.


    Hope this helps.

  14. Here's what we make:


    • Soy muffin bread with blueberries. This freezes well, so it's convenient to make. (let me know if you're interested in a recipe)
    • My husband grabs an apple.
    • Splenda yogurt, either prepackaged or my homemade one. Since you want it to-go we've found that you can make them into a tasty to-go smoothy very easily by just putting it into a drink container, add milk and shake.



    Good luck - nice of you to be looking out so well for your dhubby.

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