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Posts posted by craftyerin

  1. We listed our house in Houston in April and it sold in a week, with multiple showings per day. It was in good condition, showed well, and we listed it at a steal. We were in a situation where my husband's company was moving us, and his company was willing to reimburse us for any loss of value we had in selling the house, so we intentionally took a hit to get it sold quickly.


    eta: our realtor told us that if we listed it at what was normal for the neighborhood (instead of undercutting it like we did), that we could have expected ~1 showing/week.

  2. My twins were 3 in June, and we're going to start it soon. I just got it, and have looked through it, and they're totally ready. They know all their letter names and basic sounds (thank you, Letter Factory) and love to do crafts/color.


    eta: We plan to go slowly, though. I plan to drag it out, aiming for it to take about 15 mos, until they're 4.5 or so. Then I'll probably start formal phonics and reading instruction.

  3. I have never tried School Zone workbooks, but my 3 and 4yos are using some Kumon workbooks (occasionally, when interested). Since my 3yos are young 3's, we are actually working through their First Steps workbooks, which are geared toward 2-3yos, I think. They LOVE them, though. I figure we'll fly through these and then do some of the ones for 3-5s.

  4. We do 4 gifts in the categories of Read, Wear, Play, Share. So each kidlet will get a book (probably something from the Sonlight P3/4 list that we haven't gotten to before Christmas), a pair of Cmas pjs (wear), and they'll share a trampoline for the back yard. Their "play" will be:


    DS4: castle with knights

    DS3: something for the train table, maybe a roundhouse?

    DD3: no clue. she's my tough one. still thinking...

  5. I had it done about 2 years ago. I've been really happy with it. My OB is a big fan of it, and thought I would be a good candidate. She gave me the choice between anesthesia or not, and I chose to do it with none. She gave me valium to take before I left the house to make sure I was relaxed, and it went great. Pressure, but no pain. Really, a picnic compared to the vag twin delivery a year before. ;) I had some spotting the first day, but no cramping or discomfort. We went in at the 3 month mark to have the HSG with dye to confirm blockage and were given the all clear. Do make sure you go in for the follow-up HSG. One of my good friends had Essure placed, but didn't do the follow up, and got pg. I freaked out and called my OB asking if she'd been seeing failures. She said she's never seen a failure when they had the HSG to make sure, but that in a small percentage of women, the HSG does show incomplete blockage requiring a full tubal for sterility.


    eta: I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.

  6. I've lost 10lbs so far this summer by counting calories on most days (I do take some breaks) using myfitnesspal.com. I allow myself to eat the things I like, in moderation, but keeping track of my calories has helped me to control portion sizes and to understand what foods are really good for me (healthy, filling, etc) and which are just junk and not worth it. I'm also working out 3-5 times a week, both cardio and weights.

  7. Mine are 4 and 3, too, and we are not doing anything that formal. I think that's fine, if your kiddo(s) are ready, but mine are not. My 4yo is a very wiggly little man and is not ready for pencil-to-paper work AT ALL. We are doing Sonlight P3/4 read alouds, some of the Kumon coloring, cutting, folding, and pasting workbooks (the really basic ones for 2+yos), and plan to start AAR pre-level and HWOT pre-K in the spring when they're 3.5/4.5. Otherwise we play, do arts & crafts, play math games (counting, sorting, etc) and generally goof off.

  8. I had a baby jogger city mini double for my twins and could push it one handed while holding the hand of my older one, no problem. that thing steers like a dream. I would recommend trying their single for your little dude. they're pricey, but really, really nice, and would have good resell value when you're finished with it. http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Jogger-Single-Stroller-Crimson/dp/tags-on-product/B002N2S9OM

  9. All we are doing here is reading through the Sonlight P3/4 storybook list, playing lots of counting and sorting games, puzzles, and dabbling in some of Kumon's cutting, coloring, and folding workbooks for ages 2+. They LOVE their workbooks. I make sure to stop work before they lose interest and keep it fun. In January, when they're 3.5 and 4.5 (although they're closer than that developmentally, as my oldest is not super mature), I plan to start AAR pre-level and maybe HWOT pre-k (although we may hold out until next fall for that). I don't have any formal reading instruction or pencil to paper work planned until kinder.

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