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Posts posted by craftyerin

  1. My just turned 5yo is in a Graco Nautilus, in booster mode. I just changed it from harnessed to booster last month. He used the seat in harness mode for a couple of years. We have loved it. My niece has it in pink, so I know that's an option.


    My 4yo twins are in their convertible harnessed seats that I got when they moved out of infant seats. Both are short, and neither are 40lbs. I'm fine with them riding occasionally in a booster (they do in my DH's car), but I'm more comfortable with them harnessed in the van where they ride 90% of the time.


    I think the nautilus sounds like a great choice for you.

  2. I made 4 chicken mummies with my 3rd classes (pre-kids) when studying the ancients and we never had one smell! I'm so sorry!!


    I plead not guilty! I didn't use the SOTW instructions, so I can't really compare. I'm 99% sure we just used straight kosher salt, on a cornish hen, in a big tupperware container, changed much less frequently than SOTW recommends. It's been 7 years since I was in the classroom, though, so my memory is definitely rusty.

  3. Yep! Just getting started with 4yo b/g twins, and their 5yo brother who is not far ahead of them. We are doing AAR pre-level, MEP-R, and ETC primers together without difficulty. My daughter's fine motor skills are pretty far ahead of the boys, so she does more writing. I do more scribing for the boys in ETC. My younger son (the twin) is ready to read, where the other two aren't yet, so I've started Phonics Pathways with him, just 10-15min a day during their rest time. I'm interested to see how things go in the future. I expect we'll be able to keep some things all together and have to split some things out.


    Ooooh, I’d love to hear your million ideas. We’ll be there in October with three kids, ages 3,5 and 8. Dh would particularly love ideas for what to do with the kids while I’m in the conference. :)

    Our favorites (my kids are 5 and 4):

    • aquarium, then ride the Algiers ferry back and forth across the river afterwards (ferry is free to pedestrians and the entrance is right by the aquarium)
    • zoo
    • play at City Park, just explore, play on playgrounds, or go to Storyland, an adorable little park with a Fairy Tale and Nursery Rhyme theme. Storyland is $3/person
    • walk around the Quarter, eat beignets, listen to street musicians, walk through the Blue Dog gallery
    • our children's museum is pretty good, and getting better! They've been renovating
    • ride a street car!

    I'm sure I could come up with more, but that'll get you started!

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