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Posts posted by craftyerin

  1. I just went back to my blog to copy and paste estimated weights from my last u/s during my twin pregnancy. I had written:



    "Ultrasound today at 34 weeks, 5 days estimated that baby girl's weight is *almost* 5lbs at 4lbs, 15oz, and baby boy is weighing in at a whopping 5lbs, 11oz!"


    They were born at 36 weeks, 1 day (so a week and a half or so after the u/s).  Baby girl weighed 4lbs, 4oz, SIGNIFICANTLY less than the ultrasound suggested.  Baby boy weighed 6lbs, 7oz, so his u/s estimate was probably pretty close.  We were all shocked by how tiny sister baby was.  She ended up doing some time in NICU, but gained quickly and was otherwise completely perfect. ;) 




  2. AAR pre does go through the alphabet three times, but the first pass through is only on upper case letters.  That's where it'd be pretty easy to coordinate it with HWT.  The second pass through the alphabet in AAR pre is lower case letters.  The third pass focuses on letter sounds.  

  3. My only beef is that I'm having to de-program the "r" sound for my kids - they have picked up "er" from Leap instead of "ruh" (without the uh!  Not sure how to type that sound!!) 

    We didn't have to de-program "r" but we did have to work on "l" and "h".  Mine wanted to say "ul" for "l" and stick their tongue out when making the "h" sound (panting, like they do in the show). It's really hard to sound out a word with an "h" in it when you stick your tongue out! :lol:  But still TOTALLY worth the time it saved me teaching basic letter sounds. 

  4. Can anyone tell me more specifically how you used the dvd? My 5 year old still doesn't have her letters down. How often did you have your children watch it? 

    I'd have any kindergarten-aged kiddo who didn't have basic sounds down watch it daily until they did.  It won't take long--my kids all knew them within about a weeks' worth of frog-watching.  LOVE letter factory! 

  5. My boys didn't have runner-up names, but I went into the hospital with 2 names for my daughter.  I even had both names in painted wooden letters to hang on the wall above her crib.  We just couldn't decide until the last minute.  She is Hazel.  She might have been Nora(h).  A large part of why we went with Hazel in the end is that we couldn't agree on how to spell Nora(h).  I wanted the "h", my husband didn't.  

  6. Thanks for the ideas! It's good to know about the preschool workbooks. I see them at the dollar store all the time. 

    For the HWT PreK pack, what all do you need to get started? 

    You need as much of it as looks fun to you. We got the most use out of the wood letter pieces, the chalkboard, and the workbook.  I bought the play-doh thing, too, but that hardly got touched. 

  7. My guess is that this is so that water does not run down through the holes in the scalp (the ones where the hair comes out) into the inside of the head, where it would mold or rust the eyes.  If you keep the doll's head pointed down while she is being dunked, she should be okay.


    Good luck, and congratulations on such an awesome gift!  I miss having a girl young enough to play with an AG doll.  Sniff sniff.

    There aren't holes in the head that the hair comes out of, since AG dolls' hair is a wig.  I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to get the scalp wet.  I cant imagine that it would hurt.  From my perspective, there's no reason not to try, and if it's a flop, send her to the AG hospital for a new head! 

  8. Ok ladies give some cute baby things to crochet (free patterns, gender neutral) and things for the holidays. I need a gift card holder idea too, last year I made Snowmen (pattern from bernat) and regular envelopes, I'm thinking snowflakes this year or something I can put a little camouflage on for my nephews.

    Any of these call to you?


    10 Free Patterns for Baby Toys 


    10 Free Patterns for Baby Booties


    10 more Free Patterns for Baby Booties

  9. I just browsed sold auctions, and it although I'm sure there are naked Saiges for sale at or near full retail price, they're not selling.  Hopeful people can list anything they want to, but limiting a search to sold items will tell a truer tale of whether or not they're actually being successful.  There have been several NIB Saiges sold for at or slightly more than retail recently. I still find that extremely odd.   

  10. I sew, knit, and crochet.  This week, though, I'm packing for camp.  I have a small cross-stitch project I'll take in the car with me on the trip, but I'm not in the middle of much right now!  In the near future, I plan to paint, bunk and sew cute new bedding for the two Ikea dolly beds that DD got for her American Girl dolls.  Aiming to go from this to something similar to this

  11. Well, I don't have things sketched out as far as you, but I have a general idea through 6th/7th, and it does not involve 3 trips through the 4 year cycle.  I am doing Five in a Row right now, with no additional history or social studies (besides what is included in FIAR, which is not chronological).  We plan to use FIAR for another couple of years, then do a one year American HIstory overview (maybe with MFW?) and then do one trip through the 4 year cycle with SOTW.  We'll see beyond that.  So here's my sketch, with kids grades at the front (twins/older):



    K/1st FIAR

    1st/2nd FIAR

    2nd/3rd American History

    3rd/4th SOTW ancients

    4th/5th SOTW middle ages

    5th/6th SOTW early modern

    6th/7th SOTW modern 



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