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Posts posted by Petrichor

  1. I find that I prefer being at parks when it's just me and DS. When other people arrive, we tend to wrap things up.  :coolgleamA:








    That said, we live in a safe area, and the parks we go to are visible from main roads. 

  2. Sorry, Ottakkee, I later realized that I responded to your post already :) Added more info, since we had another visit with the therapist. 


    *sigh* I went into this hoping that we could get away with only a handful of visits. I feel like we are still pretty much at square one. :(

  3. I'm going back and "liking" posts in case notifications aren't working. (Did I read that correctly in another thread?)


    If the current counselor is not helping, I would suggest seeing a different one and/or a psychiatrist.  The "walking on eggshells/glass" thing is a red flag for more serious issues.  A developmental pediatrician might also be helpful.


    My daughter was a lot like that when younger and was later determined to have a mood disorder and with proper medication we could focus on parenting and now things are much better.


    You might not have anything that serious but it would be worth addressing now.


    They have a psychiatrist at the clinic that this psychologist works at, but the psychiatrist only sees patients once the psychologist has determined that drugs may be helpful.


    So, how long would you give the therapist? 


    We've had three visits with this one. 


    During the most recent visit, DS went alone, they played a game (some sort of board game where there's no winner or loser) and chatted. 


    Does this seem normal? What would I expect if we were to see a developmental ped? 









  4. My five year old, on noting that he'd made a mistake would scream "I hate myself, I should die, I'm going to stab myself to death right now". He'd pair this with self injury like banging his fists on his head or biting his arm hard enough to nearly or slightly break the skin. Sometimes it would be projected outwards too. I guarantee you he lives in a stable, un-traumatic home and wasn't learning that from us or anything we let him see. I joked that maybe guilt is an epigenetic thing. He also had a very nuanced sense of humor with sarcasm, word play, puns, dead pan, and black humor elements. Different kids are, well, different. He does all of the acting out much less now, but it wasn't as simple as just saying "no, we don't do that" or sending him to timeout.


    I don't think DS has ever acted in that way. All of his anger is projected outwardly. 

  5. That sounds really great.


    And as far as English...are youj actually studying like Grammar (unnecessary at age 5 IMHO) or just learning to speak English? Because you are pretty articulate online, can you just talk to him and let him learn English that way?


    If it's working, then you may want to listen to your son's behavior for your stamp of approval.


    English is his first language. I'm teaching phonics, spelling, and handwriting using WRTR. Doing a lesson or 2 a week of FLL. 


    Planning to stick to reading practice and handwriting/spelling (with the occasional phonics flash card review, as necessary) until he becomes more compliant.



    Our biggest concern is with the angry threats of violence. Hoping that making things more predictable will make him happier to be compliant :)

  6. I spoke with a friend today and I realized that DS is really, really social, he's just not around a lot of kids his own age. DH and I on the other hand, are very asocial. 


    I'm sure I said upthread that he likes to have conversations with our (adult) neighbors. Yesterday, he found some kids (upper elementary age) playing outside in the neighborhood and joined in on their baseball game. 

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  7. Ok, so how is this for a schedule? I feel like this isn't enough, and I can't imagine how we'll be able to finish english in 10 min, but maybe working with this schedule will help us get SET into a routine?


    We followed it last evening, and this morning/day, and I think it is going well. He actually washed his face! :P



    wake up






    10 min memorization qur'an

    school/day's schedule





    10 min qur'an memorization (with dad)

    arabic on m/w, urdu on t/th 

    play with dad


    brush teeth




    evening prayers






    english 10 min

    math 10 min

    art (project)



    religion story





    english 10 min

    Math 10 min




    farm share day

    field trip




    religion story

    monthly theme (eg. nature study, artist study) class (10-20 min)





  8. Things like extreme resistance to going to the farm share place might be a part of something else.  Are you looking at special needs at all?  Giftedness, spectrum stuff, sensory stuff, low blood sugar, etc?  Reading up on some of these things might help you to find a working label that in turn can help you to find strategies that work best with the challenges your child may be facing.  


    He doesn't resist going to the farm share place. He used to when we started going. I think maybe he likes to maintain control of the situation? I had to begin by dragging him into the car, and not-so-gently buckling him myself, because the farm truck is only there for a 5 min window of time, but now he doesn't resist, probably because he knows we HAVE to go.


    Where did a 5 year old learn to make violent threats? The original post noted that the child responds in a sarcastic manner. I've seen lots of sarcasm--but not from a five year old. Children learn these things from somewhere.


    I don't know what type of community the op lives in or what the other people around this child are like, but my first thought when I read about sarcasm from a five year old went to television. Maybe it's not tv, but it could be movies, the internet or video games that he either watches or sees someone else in the house watching.


    This is not normal behavior from a five year old, but it is normal for 5 year olds to imitate what they see and hear.


    I think the violent threats come from this line of thinking: "Mama made me go in time out. I'm mad at her. the mad hurts. I want her to feel hurt. mean words hurt. stupid is a mean word. knives make you hurt and bleed. I want to say stupid and I want to knife mama. "


    "... when he is angry he shouts the meanest words he knows. "I hate you... stupid... shut up... I want to kill you... I want to knife you... I want to shoot you..." He scratches, hits, bites, throws things."



    What the... ???


    This is NOT normal behavior. Not in the least. Is this being addressed in the therapy sessions? I'm not saying this to be flip, but I really think there is much, much more going on beneath the surface with this child. Holy cow.


    That's the reason for the therapy sessions. Therapist hasn't seen DS on his own yet.


    I have a stubborn, difficult, gifted child.  I have posted about him here a few times.  He is amazing and attains great things.  But!  It's a trade-off and he is very difficult at times.  I will echo what Tibbie said.  


    Giftedness DOES matter.  My oldest is gifted in a way that I completely understand.  Her personality and style of giftedness often matches up to my experience as a child.  As such, parenting her is fairly straightforward for me.  (That's not necessarily true for my husband.   :lol:)  HOWEVER, my son is gifted in a completely different way.  And his personality brings forth much more strong will and defiance.  So, yes.  It matters.



    How does he respond to your husband? Perhaps part of it is that he has misunderstood what it means that "he is a man." If this is part of it, maybe your husband can talk with him about proper respect and be very intentional about modeling how a man treats someone. You mentioned that he spends a lot of time around people from a different cultural background. Kids pick up on a lot. Is there any talking down to some people there? It is especially hard for young kids to sort through which things are good and which are bad when they see them happen at a religious place. You may have to counter some things explicitly.



    blondeviolin: The thing is, DS matches my personality. He's sooooo similar in all the weird ways to me when I was young. (never with the threats though) I feel like DH doesn't understand how we work. I didn't realize there are different types of giftedness or that they come with different parenting reqs. I also feel like my parents didn't do a good job with me. God knows they tried, but they couldn't figure me out. Everything they did made me feel resentful. I fear DS is feeling this kind of resentment. 

    xahm: He's the same with my DH and with my FIL and with my dad. He thinks he's smarter than everyone. Yet, he is astonished that mama just seems to have this magical knowledge of everything. ;)
    • Like 1
  9. (Not Sadie but a parent of gifted boys) - Yes, it matters.


    In some cases, parents are the 'same kind of gifted' and mesh really well with their gifted kids; the discipline problems are temporary and few, the communication is good, homeschooling is the obvious answer, because Mom gets him. She speaks his language and can intuit how to shore up weaknesses and fill the gaps.


    In other cases, the parent cannot figure out how the child thinks so it's just one string of ineffective tactics after another.


    I have both situations in my house. It took a lot of reading and thinking to learn how to raise some of these boys the way I want them to grow, without frustrating them or driving them to worse behavior.


    Edited to add: The last bit doesn't mean I think parents are responsible when gifted kids get into behavioral disasters or head down the wrong road. It's far more complex than that; I'll never just assign blame in some blanket fashion when a gifted child of loving parents goes off the rails. I'm not speaking very well today -- rather sleep deprived -- my point is that if children are gifted it's often not an easy row to hoe, but we can find out what's going on with them and help them in the unique ways that they need.


    Not necessarily homeschooling, not necessarily one type of parenting style over another, but finding what fits for this particular child in this particular family. And knowing when to seek help.

    This is interesting. Can you (or sadie) elaborate? Maybe give some examples?


    I feel like DS and I are on similar wavelengths. But I don't know how to discipline him. Is there a book on parenting different types of giftedness and behavior characteristics or something like that?

  10. "This is a quiet place!"


    He may benefit from more advanced discussion than after the fact. "We're going in the library. People are reading. They need quiet. If you must be loud, we will leave." And when he gets loud you say, "You're loud. This is a quiet place." If he continues, you take him by his sweet little hand and leave. Even without the books you wanted to check out.


    I read this article this morning that might help you about consequences and time outs.




    Read The Explosive Child. by ???? Greene


    Don't worry about respect that much. I've learned with my kids things like, "Can you ask me with a nice voice?" or "Can you say that with a smile?" "Oh, my, that sounded rude. I know you don't want to be rude. Try again!" spoken cheerfully helps a little bit. I can't take their verbal disrespect THAT personally. I simply ask them to restate it kindly with a happy voice. Mostly, I need to not take offense at their rudeness, but simply wait until they can ask me kindly. I have to stay cheerful and upbeat because if I get frustrated things go downhill fast! Usually I start speaking unkindly and rudely when I get annoyed!


    I know you said you are bad with schedules, but your son may REALLY need greater structure than you are providing. I HAD to be a lot more rigid than my personality naturally is for my intense kid. She greatly needed to know what was happening when and have a predictable day. I found it was more work to live without structure (because of increased tantrums and irritability) than it was for me, an adult, to get with the program and provide my child what she needed.


    Thanks for the explanation and for the article. 


    A schedule like a previous poster posted doesn't work for us. I have a schedule posted all over the place of what subjects happen each day. Maybe I have too much on it, but it's a total of 3 hr/day at maximum.


    eg. mon, our busiest school day:


    calendar, quran, english, math, science, history, art


    sunday, our least busy school day: calendar, quran, math


    One day a week, we pick up our farm share, and when I remind him that it's farm share day he doesn't fight me on it(anymore). Maybe I just have to start the day saying "today is monday, on monday we get dressed, brush teeth, eat, then do x, x, x, x, x, x."


    but then he will say "noooooooooo" like he's about to die, and he will fall on the ground, and get angry [yelling "curse words," throwing stuff, hitting, biting] The counselor suggested holding him in time out if he's trying to hurt or throw things. It seems to make him madder. 


    If there is something we have to do that day, like go to the store, or library, I tell him about it in the morning(and the night before if it's a special thing we have to do it in the morning). I go over the day's schedule. If I tell him what we are doing and he is NOT interested he will refuse. If I drag him there anyway, he fights me on putting his shoes or seat belt on, for instance. 

  11. Is he possibly gifted ? 


    Just throwing that out there, based on his desire to interact with older kids and adults, and not be talked down to.


    I don't know, and I've never really understood why it would matter other than to get into a certain school track. Would it?

  12. Your boy is 5. That's practically a baby.


    Do you think he is ready for 'school' ? I know my ds wasn't ready till he was 6+.


    I'll tell you something else about my boy, who, at 11, is comfortably part of a social group, with plenty of friends - he didn't even WANT a friend till he was 8. Seriously, before that, he was 100% content with the company of his family. Strange but true.


    Personally, I would forget school, focus on enjoying your small boy - and exploring any pathways you think might be warranted, including possible evaluations - reading lots of books, getting outdoors a lot, having him help you do fun stuff and letting him PLAY. 


    I think you may be projecting about the sarcasm. Small kids don't even understand sarcasm at that age. His face changes and he talks to me like I'm not capable of understanding him. Maybe sarcasm is the wrong word. Shoot, I just realized it's not. It's "talking down" to me.


    He sounds like a little boy who needs to mature emotionally somewhat, in a loving environment, with half an eye towards a chat with a good pediatrician about whether he is within the realms of usual 5 year old behaviour...(he sounds like my dd at 5, who is now totally 'normal' with lots of good friends and an ability to knuckle down and work. ).



    If the current counselor is not helping, I would suggest seeing a different one and/or a psychiatrist.  The "walking on eggshells/glass" thing is a red flag for more serious issues.  A developmental pediatrician might also be helpful.


    My daughter was a lot like that when younger and was later determined to have a mood disorder and with proper medication we could focus on parenting and now things are much better.


    You might not have anything that serious but it would be worth addressing now.


    We just started with this one.


    She saw him once with me in the room, then she met with me and DH, and she's going to meet with DS again soon. He can be really sweet with adults, and he talks very maturely when given the chance, and I'm worried she's not going to be able to see what he's like for real with us at home. And I'm worried we are throwing so much $$ away when our insurance isn't covering anything. 

  13. I want to add... We don't put up with backtalk.


    However no amount of strict discipline has fundamentally changed either of my kids' basic personalities.


    Ok, so I need to be more strict against backtalk.


    They are, however, learning when to put themselves second. E.g. DD2 is naturally gregarious but defensive. Recently she said, "if I don't give in sometimes, I won't have friends left". She is still more defensive than most but she has friends and is learning.


    We've been starting to try to show him that. 


    Interrupting here is punished by my restarting instructions from word one, ad nauseam, and if we run out of fun time, well who's fault is that?


    I like it. :) 


    Parenting strong willed children is hard. HTH



    (((Dust))) I am seeing a couple of things --


    1. He might be overscheduled. Young children can act more oppositional when they're just exhausted and overstimulated. 


    2. You might need to get up and walk him through stuff more often. Our own Joanne, here on the forums, had a parenting site called "Get Off Your Butt Parenting" -- GOYB just means if he's not doing it, you stop telling him and warning him, and instead get up and make it happen. The first time. Lead him through his routines, kindly but like you mean it. He needs to learn you mean what you say.


    What he says about praying with the men because he's a man -- that is adorable. :)


    Do you have parenting mentors within your religious community? Honestly, there might be far more overlap in styles concerning authority, respect, etc. through that environment than through public school -- if you can spend more time with other families, if there are religious formation classes in a few years... The therapist is probably thinking he needs routine and consistency, but ps is chaotic for kids who already don't fit the mold. The routines and consistency might be more likely through your faith community if you can find a way to leverage those resources. Start by telling somebody that you respect, some older woman, that you need some support.




    I'm not sure I understand how to teach respect, or what it really means.


    He was taught since he could talk to say "yes mom" or "yes dad" since he could talk. He still forgets but says it to us and to others. But that doesn't keep him from not wanting to do his own thing, which is especially problematic when that's not a possibility. And I give him lots of time to do his own thing. 


    And the elders in our community tend to be immigrants who come from a culture where you hit kids until they just learn to hide their bad stuff from you, but are outwardly respectful.

  14. Yup. This is especially true of kids with ADHD. When people say a child with ADHD just needs more discipline (usually they mean in the form of spanking or other severe punishment) I just roll my eyes. That's exactly the opposite of what such a child needs.


    We used to spank him, but we started to realize we did it more out of frustration with him, he started literally asking for it and preferring it over things like time out, so we started to give him time out. And it's been about a year, and I worry that time out is starting to lose its effect. He's starting to think that you just have to serve your time out, apologize, hug, and everything is good. Then he does it again. To the point of meltdown. There are times I want to meltdown.


     I hug him, and give him words of love. I tell him "it hurts me when you..." and "I love when you/we..." when he is angry he shouts the meanest words he knows. "I hate you... stupid... shut up... I want to kill you... I want to knife you... I want to shoot you..." He scratches, hits, bites, throws things. 


    You are his authority. If he does not listen to you, he will not listen to anyone else.


    Unless your ds has some other issues that you aren't aware of (or haven't told us about), I have to tell you that no, his behavior is not normal; in my home, a child who behaved that way would be corrected and disciplined (discipline to be determined by the child's age and the things which work best for him).

    I'm not aware of any other issues, and we/he are/is seeing a therapist. 


    I don't let him get away with the things he does. I count to 5 for some things before giving time out, and other things he gets automatic time out for (hitting and throwing, etc.)



    For some kids you have to Just Stop Talking. I have one of these. Wordy explanations of rules and why "we" behave and all made him just behave worse. What worked was short direct interactions. If he chose to not obey, I would take his hand and lead him through what needed to happen or remove him. I don't engage with his pouting (if I can help it) because he usually needs to blow off steam.


    Other kids thrive with the wordy explanations and negotiations and grown up style interactions. DD13 is like that, so with her I tended to explain more and talk more about stuff when she was little.


    Hard to say which might work for your kid, but if you are doing one without success, you might try a different style.

     I feel like he gets more frustrated if I don't talk him through things. I don't know how to convey that something is not proper to do without explaining why. "we cant use loud voices in the [enclosed place] because people will get bothered." but it's also because he asks why. 


    I don't know how to not be wordy though. Some examples, please? :)

  15. School may very well take some of the opposition out of the learning part of the equation, but it is no guarantee of friends. It's not magic and it can be a very lonely place for a kid if they don't make friends easily.


    I don't feel like he is opposed to learning. I feel like his opposition to school is more representative of his opposition to having to do something. On a good day, he is energetic about learning, he loves to read books, at times, but not when it's a chore. 



    What's to keep him from refusing to cooperate at school? Why won't he be rude to the teacher and sarcastic to her and to his classmates? School doesn't exist to teach children to listen to authority. Parents teach their children to respect authority, and then send them to school to learn from those who are there to teach them. Parents teach their children to get along with others, and then seek suitable playmates with whom to continue learning those skills.


    My thoughts exactly. I do send him to be babysat by my friends, at times, and he will also be stubborn and refuse to listen to them. I fear he would be the defiant, problem child at school. 


    I think these problems are going to be your problems whether you homeschool or not. If he's homeschooled you have plenty of time to work on his issues, and far fewer distractions. If you can help him grow toward better respect and cooperation on the most basic level, you can add school to your toolbox when he's ready...


    I don't think it's normal to have to walk on eggshells with a 5yo. You can ask his pediatrician for resources - maybe he needs an evaluation, maybe you need more support - you don't have to deal with this alone.  


    We are speaking with a therapist. I'm not feeling very confident about the therapist we are seeing for him. I feel like she's not hearing what I'm saying, and it makes me feel like maybe I'm being a whiney complainer. Her suggestion was school, and DH liked that idea.




    What do you do when he refuses to brush his teeth or go to bed? How do you handle those conflicts?


    Maybe we haven't been strict enough as parents. Brushing his teeth is his own responsibility. He usually does it, and doesn't usually refuse. When he does refuse, we will sometimes let it slide. More often, we tell him he cant eat until he brushes his teeth, or can't play until he brushes, or at bedtime, we tell him no story until he brushes his teeth. 


    He usually goes to bed too, because he is waiting for the story. But if he puts it off too long, I will start warning him that if he isn't sitting on his bed "by the time that the long hand is on the [six]" then he will only get one chapter. When it's on the 6, if he's still not ready, I'll tell him that he has until the long hand is on the [eight] or he wont get any story, and we will only do bedtime prayers. If he continues, I leave him on his bed and close the door and turn out the light, and remind him to say the prayers by himself.


    I think he sounds like a child who could use more predictability and a more set schedule. I would do a little bit of school every weekday rather than 2-3 days a week. 


    Problem is, schedules and I are like oil and water. I feel that every time I schedule something, it doesn't happen. 


    DS and I don't wake up at the same time every day, that makes it hard to do a schedule set to any sort of time. If I try waking him up earlier on a day that he is trying to sleep longer, he wont wake up. bedtime isn't something we can push earlier because of other circumstances.


    Also, what do you do out of the house with him? How much opportunity does he get to interact with people outside the family?


    He goes to the mosque with DH a few times a week, and he will pray with everyone (5-10 min prayer) then play with all the kids in the gym after. These kids are usually much older than him (between the ages of 8 and 20), and playing basketball. They are often good sports about letting DS join in, but not always. It's not an organized game, and a lot of people have their own balls on the same court. We also go to the mosque on Friday, for the sermon and prayer, and he gets to socialize and talk with the women, and he usually prays with the men (cause he's a man, he tells me)


    And there are typically some sort of weekend seminar going on at least 2x/month where he goes in babysitting with other kids, or sits with the adults to listen if he doesn't want to go in babysitting. 


    And if there is no seminar or anything going on, we go to the workshops at Lowes/home depot, or to kids classes at our city's botanical gardens, or to the children's museum.


    he sees both sets of grandparents often, and by that I mean half of one set lives with us (the other half of the set lives overseas), and one set lives close enough that he can call them whenever we aren't doing anything, and spend 4-8 hours at their house, 2-3 times/week.


    During the week, he comes shopping with me, and I give him jobs to do there. We go to the library. We try to go to a different museum/zoo every week, and I let him pick. 


    One time we went to a small shop, and he wanted to talk to the employee when it was time to talk to him. I forgot, the employee asked me something, and I talked to him. The guy was being really nice to him, was trying to high five him, but DS ignores him. DS ignores me, and wont tell me what the problem was. (I forgot that I forgot, and he reminded me ones I extracted it from him once we were in the car.)


    I feel like I tell him constantly that he needs to actually TELL ME if he wants me to help him, but he doesn't get it. I don't know why he doesn't get it, but it's getting old.


    Maybe joining a sports team or taking music lessons would give you a better idea of how he does with listening to other adults and relating to other kids?


    He's going to do a sport this spring, so we'll see how that works out. 


    I would recommend something like:


    Monday- Library and Park

    Tuesday- A small amount of seat work and a larger fun project

    Wednesday- Art (maybe an outside art class, maybe just a craft day at home)

    Thursday- a small amount of seat work plus maybe visiting a different musuem each week or every other week.

    Friday- sports team or music lesson.


    With a read alouds, math games, music practice (if taking music lessons) and a couple of chores together most everyday.


    Obviously my example is just random days for each thing, but I'm just trying to illustrate getting weekly flow going. This is my younger sons flow:


    Monday- homeschool class, ceramics, music lesson

    Tuesday- seat work, science at home

    Wednesday- homeschool class, ceramics and park

    Thursday- Field trip OR swimming plus t-ball practice in the early evening

    Friday- park, library, sometimes a field trip.

    Saturday- t-ball game



    Right now our schedule is much more packed. We might benefit from slowing things down a bit. Though, at the same time, I feel like we already don't do anything, but maybe we don't do anything because we have too much to do?


    I feel like I've run out of creative ways to tell him "we have to do letters class after breakfast" without him breaking down into a tantrum. He wasn't like this before. 

    He does a little math, a little reading practice, a little spelling, handwriting and geography, a little yoga and meditation 4-5 days a week plus lots of reading and listening to books on tape. He practices his music everyday for 15-20 minutes.

  16. I sometimes think I might like to have the kind of friends who one sees constantly, but like those who posted before me, it would take so much out of me. 


    It was brought to my attention that I probably see each of my friends (other than in passing) much fewer than 10 times a year. And it sounds sad, but I'm not sad.


    I know people who go to dinner parties (2-3 times) every weekend and like to go out with the same friend 4 times/week. That would drive me insane.



    • Like 5
  17. Some background:


    My 5yo DS is slow to warm up, but not shy. 


    He gravitates to adults and tends to want to make friends with childless adults (friends of DH and I (and neighbors who we don't know well)). He is also drawn to older kids. (but 9 yr olds would much rather be mean to a 5 yr old than actually play with one)


    When he is prevented from doing something he wants to do, (eg. when we get to the "that's probably not a good idea" part of the conversation) he gets angry before I can even finish my sentence. 


    If he doesn't get to interrupt us when we are talking, he gets upset and says "now I'm not talking to you" and goes off and sits in silence to try to make a point.


    If we are telling him about a rule or about why something isn't a good thing to do, or how you need to be careful about something, he rolls his eyes and his tone of voice turns to sarcasm. 


    We usually do school only 2-3 times a week and there are weeks where he refuses to do school. I know that is typical for many kids, but I really try to keep things fun. 


    I feel like I tiptoeing through broken glass with him. Is that normal for a 5yo?


    To get to the thread title, it's been suggested to put DS in school so he can make friends his own age and learn to listen to authority. I'd rather not do that, since we can't afford private school, and DH hates the idea of public school. 




  18. Can you still turn those in for credit at the office supply stores?  If you do this, can you tell me which store you use and how it works.  I did this but it was ages ago, and now I have a big baggie full of cartridges.


    I remember doing that ages ago. Office Max/Depot and Staples used to take them. I haven't seen anything about it lately.


    We use toner now, and it comes with it's own box to mail it back (no credit). 

  19. Oh, we don't have any land, either. We just live on a regular size city lot, but we like to pretend we are farmers, we grow several varieties of grapes and peaches, and I want chickens, but dh says we don't have room. He is right, of course. But I still want them.


    I don't even have that much. I *think* if we lived in a fenced yard in this city, we'd legally be able to have chickens. 


    You know how some cities have community gardens? What if they had something like that for chickens? I'm sure it wouldn't work, but still...

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