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Everything posted by hsmykids

  1. Just checking it out:party:
  2. Is there anyone here from NY that can help me out with some questions?
  3. Can anyone recommend on how helping a 18 year old that is LD and ADHD finding and holding a job. A friend of mine asked me to help her and I was wondering if there are any resources for families like that in NY
  4. Yes.... If she has a negative personality change then you need to call your Dr. and let them know. There are other meds out there!
  5. I would call and talk to them. I believe they will honor it.
  6. I hear you....I feel like all I do is research then squash..... Hate that! Are you using them to help you or are you just getting the books and doing it alone. I wonder if its worth the money to "enroll" them?
  7. Hi there, I am looking for something that will set us up for High School. My dh want the kids in a accredited program so when all is said and done with hsing they get a dipolma from them instead of me making one. Saying that, my kids are only in 5th and 6th grade but I want to get on the right track. Suggestions please........
  8. Wow, makes me want to come over and school with you guys :) Thank you for sharing with me. I will pass this along to my husband.
  9. Is there a way to look up only your posts? I have a hard time finding them to see if anyone responded.
  10. Can you tell me how Oak Meadow works for your family? Also, about how many hours a day do you spend schooling?
  11. Good to know. Oak Meadow is one that is on the table
  12. They are only in 6th grade but he wants a a program that will eventually give them credits towards a hs diploma. Is that asking too much?
  13. What are you doing with your 6th grader next year. What do you love!
  14. Can someone tell me were to begin with picking our a curriculum for next year. My dh wants something that eventually the kids will get hs credits for. Please help. I am at a loss......
  15. Sounds like good sound advise! Thank you!!!
  16. I keep hearing so many wonderful things about Learning Adventures. Maybe, we should take a year and just do that. I was leaning more towards Trisms. But, again its only our second year hsing so I am thinking that may be best.
  17. I hear so many wonderful things about them. But...... is the reading going to be too much and will I have enough time. urg.....I think I am thinking way to hard!
  18. I was just coming back to put that in :) I have a 10 and 11 year old that work together mostly on a 6th grade level. Except Math one will be in Saxon Algebra 1/2 and the other Saxon 8/7
  19. This is a completely different learning style. I am stuck between three of them. Maybe, you can shed some light My kids: They love projects but if there are too many they get bogged down. Research comes easy for my son; not so much for my daughter. Reading is definitely not their strong point but I would love to make it better. To be honest they will do their work but they want to get it done and get outside to play. Now, for me: I work outside the home so realistically I can school between 9:30 and 12. I get home at 9 from driving a school bus and I leave again at 1:30 to drive the afternoon. I have found to be realistic with my timing and making lunch that is what I can do comfortably. Here is my choices for next year: Learning Adventures: Because it is a unit study and has received so many wonderful reviews. Konos: I am still a little confused by it all but love all the praises it received. My concern is are they going to learn enough for our local (NY) state testing. Trisms: Love the idea, but why the heck would they want you to use encyclopedias when you have the Internet. I think once you got in the groove it would be cake.
  20. This is a completely different learning style. I am stuck between three of them. Maybe, you can shed some light My kids: They love projects but if there are too many they get bogged down. Research comes easy for my son; not so much for my daughter. Reading is definitely not their strong point but I would love to make it better. To be honest they will do their work but they want to get it done and get outside to play. Now, for me: I work outside the home so realistically I can school between 9:30 and 12. I get home at 9 from driving a school bus and I leave again at 1:30 to drive the afternoon. I have found to be realistic with my timing and making lunch that is what I can do comfortably. Here is my choices for next year: Learning Adventures: Because it is a unit study and has received so many wonderful reviews. Konos: I am still a little confused by it all but love all the praises it received. My concern is are they going to learn enough for our local (NY) state testing. Trisms: Love the idea, but why the heck would they want you to use encyclopedias when you have the Internet. I think once you got in the groove it would be cake.
  21. Can you tell me which Unit Studies you liked best and why?
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