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Posts posted by TGHEALTHYMOM

  1. My surgery has been approved for October 10th.

    15 days of recovery with hospital grade hose that cost $68 for one leg.. 

    I am trying to have a good attitude... I hate to wait another month but have to take it one day at a time.


    Meal planning and laundry are my main concerns.

    At least now I have a little more time to get rid of junk and consign some things.  


    I am thankful that I have accepted that I will only have 2 children at home this year to home school.  I bought them some dvd's for mornings: Between the Lions, Beginners Bible, and Carmen San Diego to start.  

    We have been to a Skate and Pool party, the Knoxville Zoo, and are joining a Nature group ( meeting in various parks to study plants and make a notebook) 


    We may join the Art/PE group again too.  


    Our co-op did not work out so I am glad I have other options.


    After my leg surgery I will have to rely on dvd's and more of the computer games.  I already have terrible mornings and have bought some educational movies.  


    I want to implement Tuesday tea/poetry again... they seem to love it. 


    I also joined the closest Science/ History Museum and took our 2 youngest to the Body Carnival to learn all about the body! It was such fun for them... wore me out.. but they have a huge play place upstairs for us to go on rainy days if we are bored... and hopefully they will have more kid friendly exhibits throughout the year.  $40 for the entire family for a year is a good deal.



    Our ds19 is out there again... hoping and praying he hits bottom and will want help soon.  Prayers are appreciated. 






    • Like 4
  2. Missing the discussion... Hugs to all of you!


    I am having more pelvic pain... probably due to excess scar tissue? I am hurting more since my hysterectomy than any other surgery but the scars on the outside are all in the same place for a surgery in 99, 2012, and 2015. Still, I hurt so badly and take hot baths, use a heating pad, essential oils, and take pain pills. Pain pills are for my leg... but help with the pelvic pain.


    A friend who couldn't have children has seen a Specialist * about 2 hours from us that helped her so much with pelvic pain.


    I am trying to get money for 2 kids to go to church camp.. have company coming and fireworks tonight so I am making myself rest right now.


    I have an appointment in August for my leg ( an ultrasound) so I am hoping and praying my insurance will comply with some type of surgery to help my PAIN.


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  3. I know it is May now! I see a Specialist today about my varicose veins that are now all the way up to my groin area... I am on pain medicine and hate the way it does not help enough and makes me irritable.  I also am starting to go through the change... waking up drenched in the middle of the night many nights... 


    Our son just turned 19 Friday, and is working full time... passed his drug test... doing better... still needs prayers.


     DD 16 is out of control... whole different story... need a lot of prayer.  

    • Like 1
  4. Prayers for you Jean!  


    UPDATE: I have not even had time to get on my laptop... Surgery was prolonged... they were done and then had to open him back up.... I got so worried when I could not find out where he was... then the nurse in surgery called me back to tell me something was wrong.  


    The ICU nurse told me they had to open him back up to repair a grapht.  They took 5 veins from his legs to grapht.  He was in the hospital for 5 days and I brought him home last Saturday.


    Home health has been coming and that eases my mind.


    I take his blood pressure, temp. make his appointments and organize his meds.  I had to go to Walmart 3 times in 3 days... the 3rd trip was to get 2 prescriptions filled and a bottle of aspirin. The discharge nurse told me he did not have to take these.... good thing the Surgeon's assistant called me on Monday to check up on him and go over medicines and home care!


    DH is hurting and his shoulder is hurting worse again.  He had to wear a heart monitor for 24 hours and that went well.


    Thanks so much for prayers... we still need them.

    . I am so sleep deprived and have lost more weight that I did not intend to.  I took my jeans to the consignment store today that are too big as well as a huge box of kids clothes.  Hope I can sell them soon. This has cost much more than I could have anticipated.


    A dear friend left us a gift under her church mat... a $100 Kroger gift card so I was thrilled to find it and use my coupons and sales ads to get a huge cart full of food yesterday! 

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  5. I know it is a day early... and I usually don't start a discussion.

    I am so nervous about my dh having open heart surgery tomorrow.  

    Please pray it goes well.  


    Our preacher, dh's closest sister and brother will be there as well as a good friend.  


    I have some child care worked out this week and a church we don't even attend is going to bring some meals.


    Hope March winds don't blow too hard!


    I did clean up on the yard a little yesterday from some major winds,

    My poor greenhouse is gone now.  Oh well.  At least I have many raised beds.  I started 5 tomato seeds.. in a covered location.  Hoping for some early maters... lol

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks for the Hugs... I did not feel like it tonight, but forced myself to take our ds 8 to his piano lesson.  We were there for 3 hours!  I love his teacher and had not seen her in several years.  She is so sweet and wants to go to lunch sometime.  Her dad used to work with dh and he still helps lead Wednesday morning devotions.  


      My appointment is May 2 for my leg... it seems so far off, but hopefully dh will be feeling better by then.  


    He did have to take his C pap machine back... long story... he may have to re do the sleep test after he is healed enough and appease the insurance company.  


    Hoping we get our new King sized bed tomorrow night!



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  7. Quick update:  DH had a heart cath.... Dr. called and they could not do stents... he saw a Surgeon the next day.... Scheduled March 1 Open heart surgery  5 bypasses....


    Yesterday I took him early to go have his shoulder "unfrozen",  I took the kids to Art and PE classes so he could rest...  He was in excruciating pain last night and has PT for 2 solid weeks ( except that runs into his heart surgery)


    Teenagers are driving me insane...  I did get some anti anxiety medicine for right now... it is helping some.. I told the Dr.  I know there are no magic pills.  He offered Fairy Dust... lol

    He also is going to try to get me into a specialist for my leg. 

  8. :hurray: Halcyon... Glad you are getting some relief!


    I also use essential oils and must share that Lavender has phytoestrogens which make endo worse.


    I love essential oils and I think I had endo as a teenager... so using Lavender may have made it worse since it was my favorite oil for years  :closedeyes:   I researched while I was in severe pain and it seems the Chinese know much more than Western Medicine about endo.  


    Surgeons are necessary to help when it is too far gone and I was too far gone!


    I am nervous and relieved at the same time that I have a Dr. appointment Feb. 16th.  


    Please pray for our family.  CPS did not ever show up and that is such a relief.  Still, it puts a lot of ( How do I put it?  Responsibility,  demands , all on us!)


    I have been co dependent for far too long.  I can't post a lot of details but we are pulling a stop to a lot of things right now.  It is very rough and necessary.  Neither one of them want to go to Rehab now.



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  9. Hot bath running

    Son texting me... he finally wants Rehab.. Please pray... there are waiting lists and many that are so expensive... I have not researched enough and will have to start again today.  


    DD16 also wants Rehab and got CPS called on us the other day after a Dr. visit.  She just confessed her addiction the day before the Dr. visit and they drug tested her.  She also requested Rehab before the Dr. visit.  


    I was at my wit's end last night after finding out so much has been happening and I still don't know all the details and don't have to.  I went to Celebrate Recovery and got some support.  I have not been the best mom in the world and have been enabling for too long even though I don't want to do it.


    Art/PE co-op is today for our 4 youngest children and I am cleaning the house the best I can.  I am worried about CPS and what they might do.  


    I looked and do this on occasion all through dd16's room and found nothing.  

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  10. DH is kicking the Flu with natural remedies and rest... 

    He's back to work today and worked Saturday.

    Still, he is not using his C pap machine regularly and his shoulder is still frozen with some improvement.  He's trying to do his PT at home but it is very time consuming.


    Our church bought us a Leather couch and love seat last week too!!! 


    I am dreading the snow and must go get some groceries I could not even find last night  FIngers crossed today!

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  11. I did not get to make the phone calls and ended up taking a load of children to church last night.  


    No more sleepovers during the week for our ps kids... ear piercing in the middle of the night?  Really??


    I did clean up the mess they made in the kitchen this morning and shut the front door! 


    Now for my bill paying  etc...


    Art/PE starts today and I completely forgot we must rush to get home today for the Bookmobile.  


    I plan to stop and buy some pizza's at Aldi's since Trail Life is also tonight!


    Math and car schooling today will have to do!

  12. Okay, pain has worsened in my flank area today, which makes me wonder if maybe I dont have a kidney infection (plus or minus the endo). I had bloodwork today and insisted on a urinalysis too, just in case. I have no symptoms other than the pain, but the last time i had kidney problems I didn't have any UTI or fever, either--and I had to be hospitalized. Unf, the results wont be back for 3-4 days so until then I will be popping pain pills, which dont seem to be helping as much as they did in the beginning. At least I am able to sit with my kids and do schoolwork with them, though, whereas before I was just lying in bed. I also ate something today for the first time in 5 days (well, something more than a piece of toast); let's pray it stays down.... :mellow:

    I am so sorry you are in so much pain.  I was going to tell you that I had to keep cranberry pills on hand all the time and drink a few glasses of water to kick these infections a lot during my severe endo time ( several years) and I still do because I know I have endo in my bladder too!  The pain was so severe and stabbing just to go the bathroom at all while I had my flow.  It felt like knives! I also found that eating more protein and less carbs helped... although i did not eat much at all during my flow.  Eggs, Bacon, blueberries and yogurt were my breakfast for the most part. Cutting out bread helped so much but was difficult.  

  13. Slow starting day... I went back to sleep and still need a Hot bath!

    DD 10 prepared breakfast and coffee ( Love Crunch and Stonyfield WM French Vanilla Yogurt)   

    DD 10 got the mail and I sorted it ( exciting to get an Art History book today!)


    I must block off 1 hour to pay bills online, check on a hotel reservation and cancel the Disney club


    School: Science dvd, TT math, Phonics/ Copywork and Latin 


    Laundry 2 loads 


    Organize boys closet and toys


    Plan supper ( I need to delegate more help with this)


    Leftovers for lunch (  Lasagna (I learned to make in college) or Baked Salmon)


    Get ready for our Art/ PE co-op tomorrow and plan a short visit to a park 





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  14. Thanks for the tips!  The Aldi's is only 2 years old and not far from the HUGE Meijer's they are building ( Right next to Menards) 

    I will try to get the App.  


    I usually go to Kroger's, Big Lots, and WM if I have to.  I like the Kroger points to save on gas too.  


    The Meijer's is supposed to be opening in May.  I am excited!

  15. i am giong to see another doctor tomorrow regarding what i believe is severe endometriosis. i had unbelievable horrible pain over the weekend, worse than childbirth, and my current ob wouldnt prescribe anything for the pain. i thought i was going to die from the pain. it is very slightly better today and i think i need a laparoscopy to check for adhesions--i have digestive issues as well and my guess is that there is tissue on the intestines. I have never felt such pain in all my life. 

    HUGS and Prayers!!! I do know the pain and hope you get a diagnosis and help.  I also have digestive issues even after a hysterectomy but not the excruciating pain that makes hard labor seem easy... and does not go away.  I had to beg for the lap surgery and then after another baby I had to wait  over a  year in the worst pain and misery for my hysterectomy.  Pain meds helped me to take a shower for the last 3 months but did not relieve the pain enough to help me sleep or get out of bed much at all.  Unfortunately a lot of Doctors think women are all hypochodriacs or all having hormone problems.  Endo is hard to diagnose without that surgery.  

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  16. Jean is that a treatment for Fibro?  


    I am excited that our son decided to finally visit us after a little over 5 months of no contact.  He has a head injury from God knows what... but he did ok and ate supper with us last night.  We got a bit of snow so I drove to get him and took him back to my mom's.  She was nice to me and it went so well.  I hope and pray we can have more time soon and get along.

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  17. I just realized ( hardcore) last night that I need to see a Doctor.  I am in Chronic pain and need to know why and how to treat it.  I think everyone around me just assumed that having a hysterectomy solved all of my problems.  Not having a monthly flow means I do not rest by force anymore and I am glad because the pain was unbearable and I lost too much blood for 2-3 weeks a month the year I finally had the surgery.   


    I MUST rest more during the day and not feel guilty.   That is the hardest part for me.  


    Reading aloud and reading for pleasure have to take priority over making sure All of the laundry is done.  And audio books are just not a hit with my young children at home.


    Our co-op is moving and it may be too far to drive with the winter weather.  

    We did attend the Art /PE group's Christmas Party and the Art Teacher is wanting me to help teach the younger children.  I did not commit to it in the Fall when she asked and I had enough on my plate.  I think it would be enough since our dc are so young and we would get more sleep and be able to do more car schooling.  ( Memory work cd's and audio stories) 


    I do not regret joining the co-op and we may join again in the Fall.  I am going to wait and see how I feel, and how the other classes go.  


    The other big issue right now is dh and the stress he is under at work.  Prayers are appreciated! 

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  18. I am taking Valerian Root to relax more at night... I am wanting the Sleepy time extra tea now that is is so cold and I think it works better than the pills.  


    Hopefully we can delegate more chores again and rotate... it has gotten so bad that I end up doing most of it after I cannot stand it any longer.  I am OCD but it is causing me too much pain. 


    My aunt passed away last night and I had to find out on Facebook.  I really cannot believe my mom would not call me.  She's not speaking to me though.

    I did hear that my oldest son is looking much healthier and my mom took him to visit some mutual friends. 


    I really miss him and want to see him but he is still angry with all of us right now.  It has been rough going to court and waiting on the outcomes.  Rehab was what we hoped for.  


    DH is not using his Cpap machine at all lately so I am losing sleep due to his loud snoring... right now too.  

    I am afraid to take sleeping pill so I may order some tea first.  In his defense, he is waiting on a new mask. 


    Gardening is what I will have to cut back on and that is why I worked so hard last year to get boxes made and we made some out of concrete blocks.  The soil will be ready in them long before the ground is thawed.  Thankfully I have row covers for some of them too.  I can't wait to see if all my berry bushes produce!


    I am purging again and want to get rid of everything we don't need.   I hope to get a new kitchen floor and a Trampoline that is anchored down as well as pay off some bills at tax time.   



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  19. I have been more depressed this winter and holiday season, especially without our oldest son around.  He did call to cuss me out after Christmas so I hung up on him.  

    It is so difficult to have him living with my mom who is very co dependent.  She won't talk to me either. She believes everything he tells her too.  He told me he was very drunk when he called me and she won't believe any of it.  My sister ( whom I do not want in the middle), does share some things with me.


    My leg hurts every morning for several hours... I just took a very HOT bath with epsom salts and it still hurts.... I guess I need more rest throughout the day!  It seems impossible but necessary.


    I just got through all of our summer and winter clothes and have most of the decorations boxed up too.  


    Too much taxi driving our older children and I did survive 4 birthdays in December ( miracle) again.

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