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Posts posted by MrsJewelsRae

  1. You will be absolutely amazed at the amount of food they eat and water they drink. We did a batch of 20 white rock meat birds a couple years ago and we couldn't believe how fast they grew. I wouldn't consider it again unless they had an open space to forage in order to lower feed costs. Every time we fed them they would attack like they hadn't eaten in days! They were lazy too, they plop beside the feed tray and stay there all day. I think the Cornish cross tend to have more energy though, we had Cornish hens once for eggs (given to us) and boy they were fast and flighty birds, a little high strung. Modern poultry farming has messed with meat birds to the point that the heart and legs often have trouble supporting the rapid growth of the bird that has been bred into them, at 3 months our white rocks were barely able to get around, they were butchered shortly after.

  2. No, just the one. My youngest is allergic to peanuts, milk, eggs, soy, sunflower seeds and kiwi. We don't ever have peanuts, sunflower or kiwi in the house, but we need to use eggs and milk (sorry I'm never giving up cheese!!!). I used to make his own baked goods separate to be allergen free but he's thankfully growing out of his milk, egg and soy allergies which makes life so much easier. He can now tolerate cheese, yogurt occasionally, and milk and eggs in baking, even in mashed potato or cream sauces, he just can't drink straight milk or ice cream or have eggs dishes like scrambled fried, or quiche. When we have bacon and eggs for breakfast he gets extra bacon and toast. :) I avoid wheat myself, I buy gluten free pasta and bread for myself and sometimes make coconut flour cookies and cauliflower crust pizza. I try to keep things simple so I'm not madly trying to prep several meals at once. :)

  3. My dd has had allergy related eczema since she was a toddler, the best things we've found- water softener, no milk (she drinks almond milk, but handles cheese fine), probiotics, and after years of trial and error I finally found a lotion that works wonderfully and doesn't burn!! Eucerine is good, but this stuff is better. A pharmacist finally suggested I speak with the lady in the cosmetics department- why did no one ever suggest this to me?! She pointed me to this- Avène TriXéra+ Emolient Balm- it's $30 for 200 ml and worth every penny! :) It's very soothing.


  4. This may sound silly, but I think I may be able to get my 10 yr old dd more interested in math if it were colourful and pretty! She's using TT and she has low confidence in math, she's the type of person who wants to give up if she doesn't get it the first time or two. I bet if I could find her a math program that was pretty- chevron, coral, floral, flip flops, cupcakes, horses, etc- she'd love it! ;) I'm fairly certain such a thing doesn't exist, although with the big push to get girls interested in maths and sciences I'm not sure why not. Just thought I'd throw this out there and see. Any suggestions for a girl who is an average student, struggles with math, prefers workbook approach, and loves pretty things, art, horses? I'm even thinking of piecing together my own from Pinterest but not sure if that's such a good idea without at least a spine to follow... Thanks for any help! :)

  5. Don't mind unschooling, not for me, but radical unschooling is out there and I left a board years ago that had too many of that flavour. Don't make your kid brush their teeth, no tv or media limits, kid chooses whatever food they want to eat, they'll magically learn how to read when they're ready to, etc. they were very judgy. Conversely, I also sometimes find certain "advanced " "school in a box" curriculum users IRL are very condescending on curriculum choices outside of theirs. To each their own, but stay off my back and outta my face tyvm. ;)

  6. Yes!! Since we moved to the farm 6 years ago we've had so many cats dropped off while I was out running errands. Why do people think that just because we live on a farm I can afford to feed an endless amount of cats?!? My barn is right next to the house, the cats sit at my back door and meow for food incessantly! Don't leave me with your mess, I and not a freaking cat shelter! Over the winter we had a lot of cats show up and one had kittens- there are 7 cats here now and I have to go to the hassle of bringing them to the humane society. Frustrated!

  7. We have nitrous oxide in hospitals in ontario, and it is available for homebirth a upon request. I had natural births but did give the gas a try during my 3rd labor- I was dilating crazy fast and was starting to panic from the pain- I went from 2cm to birth in 45 minutes! I took a vigorous suck on the gas mask, passed out for a few seconds and woke up swearing about it not working- I do not swear- ever! It didn't really touch the pain so that was all I took.

  8. Yes, my dh asked both my dad and my step dad (who's been in my life as long as I can remember), out of respect for them, tradition, and he knew I would expect it as well. I greatly love and respect my father, I was an adult and free to make my own decisions, but if my dad had reservations about the man I wanted to marry I would've listened very seriously. As it was, both men gave their happy consent to our marriage, which I knew they would. :) I was 19, and still living at home, but I would have wanted it if I were 30 and living on my own.

  9. First baby, all day sick until 20 weeks , lost 10 lbs. once I hit 20 weeks I was all better and ate and gained a ton. ;) Baby BOY!


    2nd baby, no nausea at all. Great pregnancy. GIRL!


    3rd baby, nausea and headache until 12 weeks, then better. BOY. :)

  10. My dh is self employed, owns a landscaping company. My ds is 12 and goes to work with dh as much as possible in the summer, even from time to time during the school year. I think it's really important for my son to spend as much time with his dad as possible, he's learning work ethic, responsibility, communication skills (seeing dh handle employees, customers and potential customers, etc)- an entirely different set of skills from what he's learning being home with me and doing school work. It's works for us. :)

  11. I don't know the differences, but my mom gave me hers and I LOVE my Kitchen Aid- except mine doesn't have the head that tilts to give better access to the bowl, which I really find annoying. I definitely prefer the tilting top, and I don't want to put a chute on as it's just more space on the counter, more to wash and doesn't look as pretty. ;)

  12. If teaching my children about Jesus and the Bible is "brainwashing" my child then how is it any different from a parent teaching their child to be an atheist, or to follow Allah, or ? When a parent feels strongly about something they impart those values to their children- so are all parents brainwashing- or is it only Christians? My God knows me and loves me and gave everything for me, I would be one cold mother if I didn't tell this amazing and wonderful truth to my children.

  13. Yes. My youngest is 5, born when I was 29, after 3+ years infertility and many many treatments with a RE (got pg through IUI). I always wanted 5+ kids, 4 was absolute minimum. My kids are 12, 10 and 5. We went through lots of ttc, I had 3 miscarriages. I always feel like someone is missing and when I see families with 4 kids my heart squeezes in pain. I am very happy and grateful for the 3 children I have, I only want more because I love and enjoy the ones I have so much that 3 just doesn't seem enough. We tried for a 4th, did all the infertility stuff again, IUIs, meds etc. My fertility issues are worse and dh has issues now too which means having a 4th is pretty much impossible. We stopped the treatments almost 2 years ago but I'm still not past it. My sister just had a baby and it just makes me yearn so badly for another. I was the one who loved being pregnant, nursing, newborns, babies, cloth diapers, I adore children, having to stop in my twenties was too soon. I'm hoping I'll come to peace with it, but part of me still thinks maybe we should go back to the doctor again for a few more rounds, not sure if I can take the stress and heartache though, and there really is no point.

  14. I'm usually up by 7, make bed, jump in shower, get dressed, etc. I often make a homemade breakfast for the kids, so I get that going, tidy kitchen, kids are usually up 7-7:30 and if I'm making breakfast they'll read until it's ready, if I'm not making breakfast they get their cereal while I read my bible (I try to do it before school, doesn't always happen). Kids eat and get dressed, teeth, hair etc. Hopefully by 9am I'm sitting with a cup of coffee reading the Bible to the kids. :)

  15. Those poor kids. :( I've only been receiving TOS feed on Facebook for about a year and I've never seen anything supportive of the Pearls or I would have dropped them like a rock. I don't associate with businesses that condone Pearls. I will be un-liking TOS page right away, unless it comes out that all the allegations are false. I don't read the magazine, maybe an occasional article linked on fb, I'd rather not be associated with them right now. Thanks for sharing, I hope the truth comes to light.

  16. We went to Florida with an 11, 9 and 5 year old in December... in a Ford Fusion. ;) We had 2 DVD players as my older kids do not like the same things as the 5 yr old, and vice versa. Books, travel games, snacks, etc. It was rough. It's about 24 hr trip, but we stopped along the way and broke it up over 3 days. It was too tight, there was no leg room, lots and lots of squabbling ("stop chewing in my ear!", "get your leg off me" , "you're sitting on my book!", "stay on your own side" "stop poking me" "owwww!" *crying*, etc) - we took Dh's car instead of our van in order to save on gas. We won't repeat that mistake. I ended up sitting in the backseat on the drive home, we were ready to drop them off at a gas station if they didn't stop fighting! ;) We drive 4 hours to my parents regularly and they're fine but all day long for days on end crammed in the backseat? Not so much. They were easier when they were little, movies and snacks were exciting, plus we'd drive at night and they'd sleep through, and naps too! Next time we'll be taking the van.

  17. My go to summer desserts are:


    Trifle similar to this- http://www.melskitchencafe.com/heavenly-blueberry-and-cream-angel-dessert/ except you can cheat and use pie filling, I prefer blueberry or cherry.


    Brownies with vanilla ice cream.


    Angel Lush- http://m.kraftrecipes.com/recipedetail.do?recipeid=74114&cn=US


    Easy cheesecake made in a 9x13 with cherry pie filling dumped on top


    Coconut Poke Cake- very YUM! http://www.thecountrycook.net/2012/05/coconut-cream-poke-cake.html?m=1

  18. Phew! Just found out that she's not going to go after all! :) my kids have been exposed to chicken pox several times when I used to do home daycare and they never caught it, not sure why. I wouldn't mind them catching chicken pox, but with my nephew being so little, I wouldn't be able to see them for weeks, so the timing would really suck, otherwise I'd like them to get chicken pox and get it over with.

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