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Holly in FL

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Everything posted by Holly in FL

  1. Has anyone had their thyroid removed because of nodules? I think I may be getting close to needing this procedure done. I have that "something caught in the throat feeling" much of the time. Any info on risks to vocal chords? Any other risks I need to consider? Thanks! ~Holly
  2. Smiles! Yep...Fred fans here, also! My two younger children stop what they're doing to listen to me read over the Fred lessons with my son. Thanks! ~Holly
  3. If you have used Saxon Math with your children...and, decided to go to a different program after the 6/5 book...what did you choose? I bought the Life of Fred - Fractions book that my son started working on last year along with his Saxon...and, he loves the Fred book! Any other suggestions? Thanks for your input! ~Holly
  4. If you have used Saxon Math with your children...and, decided to go to a different program after the 6/5 book...what did you choose? I bought the Life of Fred - Fractions book that my son started working on last year along with his Saxon...and, he loves the Fred book! Any other suggestions? Thanks for your input! ~Holly
  5. Has anyone bought the e-book by Teresa Bondora called, What You Must Teach Your Child In Science? If so, is it worth the purchase? Thanks! ~Holly
  6. I have a niece who is getting married at the end of next month. She has decided not to register for gifts. I am not going to the wedding. Those are the facts! Now, I was thinking of getting her a bunch of gadgets for the kitchen that I have discovered over the years as "must-haves"..."life-savers"..."oh, I wish I had this years ago!". Smiles! However, I'm wondering if that's too much like a shower gift. What do you think? Thanks! ~Holly
  7. I'm going to attempt to make homemade durum wheat pasta this afternoon for supper! I will be milling the durum wheat. Anyone have helpful hints for me? Thanks! ~Holly
  8. We bought our son the game Carcassonne for Christmas last year...and, we all really enjoying playing it. However, I can see the need for expansions in the near future. I've done a bit of reading reviews on Amazon...but, would like some input from this forum. Which ones are "must haves" and "stay away from"...any opinions? BTW...my son is 11yo. Thanks! ~Holly
  9. Thanks! This is what I wanted to hear..."no regrets." ~Holly
  10. Does anyone use Lantern Moon Knitting Needle cases? I have been wanting to make myself a knitting case for my needles and my crochet hooks...but, I just don't have the time with all the other projects I have piled on myself! I have bamboo needles...so, I want a quality case for storage. Any opinions? Thanks! ~Holly
  11. Rebel...I'll join the cause! Smiles! I like what you said about just because they are available doesn't mean we have to participate. Thanks ~Holly
  12. Thanks! It's usually with church related activities where I "feel" I need to tread lightly. Not everything is a fit for our family. Smiles! ~Holly
  13. Sure...I like to know, also. I just don't like it when people try and "make me feel quilty" for my decision. I've done nothing wrong by making a decision that is right for my family...I'm not guilty of anything. Smiles! ~Holly
  14. Thanks, ladies! I agree...as I have gotten older...not being so concerned about what others think of the decisions we make for our family. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Smiles! ~Holly
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