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Posts posted by nakitty

  1. You are making a huge assumption that these rumors are fact. I say rumors, because the left wing attack machine is digging up all kinds of dirt on this woman and her family. This is just one of many. It's interesting how they throw everything at the wall, more things than any one person can respond to ina 24 hour period, and hope something sticks. Apparently this accusation stuck with you. But there's no proof whatsoever that SP was involved in AIP. But now, thanks to the media of personal destruction, SP has to defend herself against yet another smear tactic.



    Are you kidding me?


    First, the title was not in the least bit inappropriate.


    Second, *IF* they had vetted her properly they would have the answers at the ready!

  2. Drew, what is the Church's stand on voting for a candidate who has forsaken his disabled wife to take up with a younger, pettier, wealthier woman?


    Does the Church recognize his divorce, or would he be living in a state of moral turpitude in this new relationship?


    Is this a morally acceptable person to vote for from a Roman Catholic position?





    This is an excellent question and I would like to know the answer as well....

  3. I have often wondered why he felt he needed his father's approval so much. If someone molested me, I'd not give a rat's tail whether they approved or not.


    And, it's the toxic personality that worries me a bit more than him hurting her, since it was males he went for. But, maybe I'm naive.


    Ack...that is even more worrisome...I'm sure he loves his daughter...and would not purposefully put her in danger....but if he is simply blind to it then that is a major problem... I would definitely go...*IF* I agreed the visit was a go at all...

  4. Well...what *I* would do is start taking him to the bathroom about halfway through his sleep time...So, if he goes to bed at 9pm then get him up at about 1 or 2 am to potty. Do this for awhile and see if that helps.


    As to the hiding it....that is perfectly normal...he is embarassed and ashamed. Try not to make him feel bad about it...but explain to him that these things happen and it is best to deal with them immediately...and not wait until morning. But, hopefully, the above plan will help to eliminate the problem. Good luck.

  5. I say go with your gut....I would want to see this "transformation" with my own two eyes.... I would add...that it is my understanding that if he likes(d) young boys that it is highly unlikely that he would do anything to your dd...however, that doesn't mean he isn't a toxic human being... and I have to wonder why her father would want her to be around him.:confused:

  6. I think the fact that the Republicans chose her shows that they don't think they have a prayer this election. They're treating it like a throwaway. I'm betting nobody viable for future races would run with McCain.


    Those Republicans who say Obama doesn't have enough experience are ready to accept her as president? McCain is 72. If elected he would be the oldest person to ascend to the presidency in American history. I absolutely think you need to be prepared the VP might need to take the job.


    Obama is only 3 years older than Palin. When he was working as a community organizer in Chicago she was a beauty queen. Around the time he was elected president of the Harvard Law Review she was working as a sportscaster. When he was leading voter registration drives, teaching Constitutional law and serving as a civil rights attorney she was serving on the city council in a town of 9,000 people. He was elected to the state Senate the same year she was elected mayor. I could go on but the whole thing really makes me shake my head and wonder.


    Do I think what's going on in her family is relevant? Yes. It's as relevant as Clinton's affair, McCain's treatment of his first wife and the personal family lives of every other political person who has been thrust into the limelight.


    Sing it sister!

  7. So it is the hope that they will erode the abortion rights down that keeps you voting Republican? And you are ok with voting for a candidate that doesn't really represent your views EXCEPT for the pro-life issue.... on the HOPE that he/she will be able to erode a little bit more of womens rights? And you are content with that? I guess I just have a difficult time relating to that. I think it would be rare to find a candidate that matches our beliefs 100% ... and I think we all have an issue or issues that we hold above others... but I cannot think of any one issue I would sink my vote on... especially if it meant such a small victory for my issue. Thank you everyone for responding. I really do appreciate the insight. Even if I don't agree with it.;) I'm sorry the thread took on a life of its own....though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. This topic stirs people so....

  8. If "killing" a blastocyst is *murder* then I think we need to make antibacterial products illegal because we're killing equally complex organisms with those.


    I don't think "alive" is the same thing as "a life." The sperm and egg are alive, after all. Then, we are back to Monty Python and every sperm is sacred.


    Not everyone has to agree with you, Peek. I'm never going to agree that not allowing a blastocyst to implant in my womb=murder. So, we'll just have to agree to disagree. And I'll keep voting pro-choice because I want my reproductive rights to remain intact from people who don't want me to have bcps or an iud.


    I agree.... and now I'm off to commit mass murder in my kitchen.:tongue_smilie:

  9. I sincerely regret having started this discussion at time when I am unable to really participate. That was stupid of me. :glare: I really want to read through all the comments on here but have been gone all day and won't be able to be online much until this evening. I just wanted to quickly thank everyone who has responded and to let you know I appreciate it and will be responding more thoroughly very soon! THANKS! ~Cat

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