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Posts posted by Gailmegan

  1. Amazon is acting weird for me today. I received a year of Prime free when I signed up for Amazon Mom (and purchased mom things). I added a few books to my cart and they didn't show as Prime, but as "Eligible for Super Saver Shipping". I checked my account status and saw that I still had a month left on my Prime membership, so I logged out and back in again and the items did show as Prime this time. I think there must be some glitch in the system.

  2. Math: Algebra 1 (Dolciani, et al.)

    Science: Exploration Education Physical Science

    Spelling: SWO H

    LA: MCT Voyage

    History: 1850 - present (WTM style: outlining, timelines, maps, summaries)

    Latin: First Form Latin

    Logic: Critical Thinking Books 1 and 2

    Typing: Typing Tutor 7

    Music: Kid's choir and Susan Hammond's Tchaikovsky Discovers America

    Art: up to dh to pick something (he's the artist)

    Bible: still undecided

  3. My parents and my MIL come to everything. They wouldn't dream of missing a thing. My parents come to EVERY soccer game, swim meet, baseball game, pinewood derby, etc. MIL doesn't do all of the sports but she comes to a good number of them.


    FIL and step-MIL live in Florida and hardly even call on birthdays, including my husband's. But they've made their choices.

  4. I despised Writing Strands. And after reading your number theory answers on the high school board, I have a feeling you may despise it, too. :)


    Just my intuition. Could be wrong!


    :lol: I'm much more a math geek than a language arts geek.


    Lucinda - I don't want to change. I like WWS. I just think he isn't quite mature enough for it yet, so I wanted to fill the gap for one year. I guess I could do WTM-inspired writing across the curriculum. But I know my weaknesses and I'm not organized enough to pull that off. I need something that comes already planned.


    How about CW? Many here seem to like it.

  5. I don't know about the MSMC 1 and 2, but I would assume the Pre-Algebras are interchangeable. What year is the "New Edition"? If later, it may have filtered out the references to computer programming in BASIC.


    I am actually using both the Pre-Algebra Accelerated Course and Dolciani's Modern School Mathematics Pre-Algebra (1973) together for my son's Pre-Algebra. The Accelerated version has more word problems and more practice drills (and is visually more appealing), but the 1973 version is based around set theory and includes other number theory (like base number systems through base 12 and converting repeating decimals to fractions). I couldn't choose, so I use both.

  6. Thanks for the bump and the responses.


    He hates writing and sees everything as black and white. When I ask him to imagine something (for any situation, not just writing) he absolutely refuses to. He insists he is incapable of thinking about anything that isn't real. So I'm afraid creative writing would only create fights. He tolerates WWS, but wouldn't mind if we switched.


    Does WS just allow more freedom or is it creative/imaginative?

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