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  1. Thanks we tried that and it wasn't a good fit for us.
  2. Thanks we tried that and it wasn't a good fit for us.
  3. I have a 12th grader who is very non-mathy (humanities minded). She has worked very hard at Algebra 1 (Jacobs) and Geometry (Jacobs) and it has not come easy for her. We are going to do Algebra 2 this year. Her 10th grade sister is doing Foersters...but I am concerned that it will be too much for her. Does anyone have suggestions for another algebra 2 curriculum that would appeal to a student who is not heading into a math or science fields? Or should I just have her take Foersters more slowly. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!!
  4. Thanks all! Ordered most of them. The others are in my cart. Anyone else?
  5. Thanks so much. I will show them to him. He has been a tough kid to get to read. He reads well, just doesn't prefer to...unless it is a battle and a naval battle in particular. He just finished a thick book on WWII, so I am grateful for the recommendations.
  6. I am looking for books on naval battles in general and WWII books specifically,although any naval battles would be of interest. I have used the search here and not had luck and have tried to google, but I am not having much luck. Does anyone have or has had a boy who loves this genre and can help me? Thanks, Nichole
  7. Does anyone know which online schools offer classes offer pre-algebra and algebra. I am looking for a live classroom format, not a dvd program. If you know what curriculum they use, that would be bonus! Thanks.
  8. I have six kids. I use a mix of methods-some online classes, some university model teaching (meeting times on specific days), and some just plain long days. We teach year round, so that we can stretch things out as well. I focus on core curriculum first. We follow some CM methods, short, focused lessons. My kids do a lot of interest-led research and reading and projects (I guess, unschooling?) in science, literature, and history in addition to what is already taught. I don't try to combine. It would drive them crazy (me, too). I have kids with abilities and interests that are all over the board. We do our best and just work hard. It is a great time.
  9. Fly by the seat of my pants, but it is changing soon. Need to have more routine and boxes to check off.....
  10. I have a point and shoot. Basic camera. I want something that is not the top of the line really expensive camera, but something I can take really great shots with. Something with a really fast shutter that takes beautiful pictures. Photographers, what do I want?
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