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Everything posted by LDolphy

  1. I appreciate this thread today. It's nice to have others get irritated when made to feel like you don't do anything while home. My situation is a bit different. I would love to be able to stay home full time with the kids. But we've chosen to purchase family land, which dictates that I need an income, at this point anyways. One can always hope that dh suddenly gets a huge raise at work! So I work half time and stay home with my kids, 4 and 3. I've been homeschooling them and both are reading and excelling through kindergarten math and love making projects and science experiments. I get crap at work about what could I possibly be doing when I don't ever work. WTH! I'm always justifying my role in the company and that I accomplish my work when I am here. I don't want to work more to make more! I want to be with my family! I don't get why people don't understand that. Or at least respect it!!!!
  2. Thanks everyone. I'll look for the OPGTR here, although it always seems to go quick. I should just try to sell the 100 EZL since I've found myself graviting towards OPGTR. I'll checked out Phonic Pathways for a bit too, and found that I still grabbed OPGTR and the kids didn't fight the 10-15 minutes we spend on it at a time. They always seemed to get wiggly during the other 2. That should tell me everything I need to know, huh?!
  3. I need some advice. I own Teach Your Child to Read in 100 EZ Lessons and was using it for my son and daughter. I only got to lesson 6 and they started to avoid the lessons. So I put it away and just concentrated on letter sounds with flashcards, starfall, etc. until they were confident on all letter sounds and short vowel sounds. I recently checked out OPGTR and the kids are flying through it and we're on lesson 31. I decided to look at the 100 EZ again and now find myself in an odd dilemna. It teaches the long vowel e (eat) sound before the short vowel (end) sound. I haven't addressed the long vowel sounds yet with the kiddos. I looked through OPGTR and they don't address long vowels until lesson 65. Now what do I do? What I wrong to teach short vowel sounds first? Have I messed up using 100 EZ now since I didn't stick to it? If I switch back to 100 EZ, how do I address the different vowel sounds? Would I be better to get a copy of The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading and stick with that? I can't keep the library copy forever! It turns me off a bit that 100EZ does long e in the beginning and doesn't address short until lesson 52. Now it's got me guessing that I'm saying the wrong vowel sounds. Advice please. Thanks!
  4. I am hoping someone can tell me what exactly the Sounds, Letters, and Easy Words Student Activity Sheets are supposed to look at? Are they labeled as "Notebook Activities Week X"? Or is that something else? I just purchased a Sonlight LA K IG with student activity sheets 2010 from someone here. I'm trying to make sure I got the correct stuff since this is the first Sonlight IG I've gotten. I also need an opinion if I say anything about missing 4 of the notebook activity sheets or the fact that it's 2009, not 2010 as was stated. Thanks for any help/advice!
  5. I am hoping someone can tell me what exactly the Sounds, Letters, and Easy Words Student Activity Sheets are supposed to look at? Are they labeled as "Notebook Activities Week X"? Or is that something else? I just purchased a Sonlight LA K IG with student activity sheets 2010 from someone here. I'm trying to make sure I got the correct stuff since this is the first Sonlight IG I've gotten. I also need an opinion if I say anything about missing 4 of the notebook activity sheets or the fact that it's 2009, not 2010 as was stated. Thanks for any help/advice!
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