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Everything posted by SeizingThisDay

  1. I really appreciate what everyone has said. This gives me some realistic views and considerations to ponder. The point that a few people have brought up regarding the importance of getting out of the house is what I need to honestly examine. I tend to want to stay home. I can relax here; when we are "out & about" I feel more high strung and like I have to be on my best behavior. I think it's mentally tiring. HOWEVER, I also think that after having been on an outing I tend to have higher energy and a better mood. So, this has brought to my attention that I need to make a major mental shift (as well as a habit change) and think of our little apartment as a home base, while the city is where we can do much of our living and learning and playing! It reminds me of camping trips: we eat and rest at the site, while the rest of the time we are away from it exploring. I love the simplicity of camping; I'd like to bring that simplicity home with us.
  2. I think this is the previous thread that "Where's toto" mentioned. Search for "Photo evidence of how a small house works for you"
  3. Scarlett - My children are (almost) 6 and 3. Where's Toto? - I'm going to look for that thread! everyone - Thank you for your input!
  4. So did this book club ever happen? I never heard anything else about it. I'm wondering if people joined something else instead or….?
  5. Please be brutally honest and tell me if you think homeschooling 2 kids in a 600-square-foot apartment is a crazy idea. If you think it is entirely do-able, please tell me why and how. I would love to hear any creative ideas for small spaces! Have you done this yourself? Please tell me how it worked (or didn't) for you. Thank you!
  6. Oh good; I'm glad the book club is happening! I hadn't heard anything about it since the initial discussions back in December, so I decided to check on it again. Looking forward to our discussion! ...I have one week to read the book! Eek! Please give directions about how to do the chat thing, when the time comes. Some of us (ME) are unfamiliar (clueless) with it; thank you!
  7. YES! duckens, I like your organizational mind; thanks for stepping up! Something like this can be discussed and discussed and discussed, but it will never actually come to fruition if we don't just do it, right?! Here are some books I've been wanting to read: Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (by: Robert D. Putnam) A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael (by: Elisabeth Elliot) Last Child in the Woods (by: Richard Louv) Can you tell I gravitate toward non-fiction? I'd love some fiction suggestions! I LIKE fiction, but I just don't tend to read it. So, being involved in a book club might help me to infuse some fiction into my life as well as non-fiction. Also, I prefer a non-facebook venue, as I am not on fb. Holding the discussion on a thread here sounds perfect. (I am so encouraged to see that I am not the only one out there who is a non facebooker!!! Sounds like a lot of us here are not on it. Sometimes I feel like I must be the only person in the world not on facebook, so this was exciting for me to see!) :D
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