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Posts posted by Monica_in_Switzerland

  1. I got my box in the mail yesterday, and my son and I did the first lesson today (< 10 minutes). This is so, so, so much better than Early Bird. Looking through the materials, I feel like *I* am learning about basic arithmatic and number relationships (and I have a degree in physics!)


    This program just looks fantastic, my son is EAGERLY looking forward to when he gets to use the abacus, and it's so simple to use!



  2. I had never heard of this before until recently when I went to look at Phonics Road and saw it on the website. It looks really interesting. If you use it, do you still use other grammar materials like FLL, WWE?


    I am not using Phonics Road, though it looks great. We've already got AAS and ETC, which I love, and probably don't want to switch from.



  3. Hi, I've seen recently on several math curriculum threads that some programs teach "traditional" adding (I assume this is the old "carry the one" thing) and some teach the Asian way of adding. What is this second way of doing it? Can someone give me a sample problem to illustrate the idea?


    Also, do the Asian math programs use other algorithms for subtraction, division, etc?


    And which category does Miquon fit into?



  4. I used 100 easy lessons for my ds4, which he did very well with. Only after finishing it did I learn about OPGTR. I have a copy and really like it, but am wondering if I can skip it and just use ETC which my son loves as well. I just don't know if ETC covers everything necessary from OPG.


    Is it really better for me to go through OPG with ds, or is ETC enough? Could I just pull out the sight words from OPG to supplement ETC?



  5. Hello,

    I am new to the forums and new to HSing with my K'er. We are a bilingual family- I speak only English to the kids, my husband speaks only French. My son prefers English, but speaks French fluently.


    I have purchased Leo et Lea for French phonics, but am wondering if anyone has additional suggestions for encorporating more French language acquisition into our day. I am fluent in French, but prefer he learns a better accent from dad!


    Any tips from other francophones much appreciated!



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