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Posts posted by Binalina

  1. I have always been searching for the best pair of pretty but comfortable undies in the whole wide world. Maybe I just have sensory issues (ok I know I do) but I have never found that "perfect" pair. I am of petite stature with hieght and wieght (size 4-6) and am a pear shape. The problem I always have is that the leg holes are always too tight. Or if I buy a sting bikini the backside rides up. Also, the straps cut into my uh... excess luggage in an unattractive way. I hate thongs - no matter how stringy (again sensory) oops:blush: TMI. The ones I am currently in "like" with are Vict. Secrets - stretchy ones that are almost string bikini. In general, I love things that are mostly or 100% cotton.


    So do you mind sharing? What are your faves?:leaving:



  2. The docs have looked in my ears and see nothing. I have had ringing in my ears for the past month which oddly enough has died down in the last few days. I have had ear pain off and on for the past 2 years and I also have TMJ for which I wear a night guard.


    I have never been checked for Menierre's disease. When I went to the ENT he said I have Benign Positional Vertigo and if I just do the Epley Manuever (googled it) and then sleep on a recliner chair for 2 nights I would be fine. He never checked my hearing. It took 3 weeks before I could even get through ONE excercise without feeling like I was going to toss my cookies. But, one day I did get through 30 minutes of it and the next morning *poof* I was better. I dunno...


    One other thing people and dr keep telling me is that it is a virus that can last about 6 weeks. Well, we are past the 6 week mark.


    I scheduled an appointment for a different ENT and an allergist but both are about 2 weeks out. :glare:



  3. Here it is again... barely got any school done today. Very tired, nauseaus and mostly non functional. (note to self: thank God for self sufficient kids:001_smile:)

    I am wearing seabands and took motion sickness meds - not helping very much. I can only really take short little trips off the recliner.


    Any suggestions? :confused:



  4. Hey, we're in the same boat! I have a 3rd grader, twins in 1st grade (all girls and a 4 y/o boy. Fun, and busy.


    We are going to use Considering God's Creation this year. We did a bit of it last year but it was our first year w/ HS so we never got to it much. We did science but I guess in more of an unschooled way- just exploring journaling, researching what interested us and taking a nature class.


    Cons. God's Crea. seems like there is plenty to it for our age range and can be used for higher grades. The Student pages usually have things to cut and paste (ie solar system diagram etc..) and/or places to fill in answers. I think it's fun and the kids like it too.



  5. My oldest dd was 18 mo old and I was 7mo preg. with my twins. We were all home and DH was at work. I was just doing my normal day (not too much at that point) ie I was as big as a house. My best friend called me to tell me to turn on the tv. I also thought it was a TV show and couldn't believe that it was actually happening. I remember feeling very vulnerable and trapped. I mean - where was I going to go, huge and with a toddler? I remember feeling sad for the two little people I was bringing into this world and the little one already here.


    I had many sleepless nights thereafter, and then the twins came. A happy distraction as I didn't have time to think of much else except for them.


    This time of year always feels sad to me now also because it marks the beginning of my grandmothers health issues. Leaves turning always bring me back to losing her.



  6. My DD (8) will have hers out next week. ENT says that the surgery takes 10 minutes and is not a big deal. It's really the recovery where we have to watch her closely to make sure the scabbing/healing process occurs without infection. Her tonsils are filled with unseemly stuff now and have been for months so it was really a no brainer. My son, also has huge tonsils but not infected. The first thing the Pedi asked me when I mentioned them is - "Is he sleeping well?" He does so she said not to worry about them too much and that they shrink as kids get older. So, I don't know that I am much help but that's what our choices were.


    I always wished that mine had been taken out as a kid because they gave me so much trouble.


    Good Luck!



  7. I had a huge issue with one of my twins in this area. She also, was never very cuddly as a baby or ever since. I never knew quite how to reach her and somehow I knew I was missing the mark with her.


    I have followed the same type of course with discipline as well. I realized that even though I was disciplining in what appeared to be textbook style, I had been missing the whole point of disciplining her/them. Addressing the Heart Issues that really lie beneath the behavior. Yes, we can sometimes get our kids to behave or at least comply if they feel like doing so but if not - we end up "bashing heads" as you say. Now, some kids will be easier to "keep in line" so to speak because they are more sensitive to the feelings of others (ie your son who only needs to see a look of sadness). I have a girl like that. But, if you've got one who doesn't so much care then it's really just a battle of wills. I have run into this issue with more than one of my children and have always been stymied by how to resolve the defiance of a child (especially when spanking doesn't seem to work) I was left feeling like - well what else IS there? What I didn't realize was that I was merely trying to get the child to stop her annoying behavior and just "be good". Well, to put it mildly is to say that that is not a solution. I was not teaching her how to understand her own attitudes and how they affect her as well as her relationship to God and others. The book that I'm reading is a christian based book called Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp. I don't know if you are christian but this is what I consider to be an essential book for christian parenting. I wish I had read it years ago. The book really focuses on some key issues with popular parenting styles (I have to say, I was guilty of more than one mistake or thought process). It helps you, the parent understand how to view your children from God's perspective and clarifies the parent/child roles. Then it goes through just how to get to the heart issues of each child with written examples. There is SO much meat in this book that it would be impossible to summarize it here! IMO it is worth buying.



    "It's only getting worse the older she gets. I'm afraid by the time she's a teenager, she will be so far out of my reach that there will by no hope of a good relationship. I want to learn something new before it's too late."


    I think you are absolutely right here and I had alot of ground to make up with one of my girls by the time she was 5. It took alot of talking through her tears and tantrums and trying to change the way I saw her defiant behavior. I always follow through with consequences for actions but at the same time I take time to talk it through in love. She is not always willing to share her innermost thoughts (which may be the case w/ your daughter as well) but I found that pressing on in love helped us get through it. It is worth the time and energy to me and we have a much more open relationship now. We still go through times where I can see it creeping in but at least I have some tools to work with.



    I know you didn't ask for advice on this but I'll share since it does relate to something you shared: About the one who does obey with only a glance and is cuddly- the twin of my more diff. DD is like this. Almost too easy. The more I got accustomed to this heart oriented parenting, the more I realized that I had really been (unknowingly) neglecting the heart issues of my compliant child. She sorta flew under the radar most of the time. I found that trying to reach the heart issues of this child has been harder than her defiant twin. She was so used to not asserting herself that she really didn't know what to say when I asked her to tell me what was bothering her. I guess I'm just saying - you might want to take a look at that. It may not be an issue for your family.


    I hope that helps- I know I ramble;)




    Kindest Regards


  8. I went to singing practice last night already hoarse and tired from school and 30 minutes of read alouds. I know that with singing the voice gets stronger the more frequently you use it and vice versa. So, I'm hoping that over time all the reading will actually strengthen my voice for singing. I don't usually do voices and when I do my kids think I'm crazy- but they do sit up and pay attention! I'm going to try the tea and lozenges. I'm glad you posted this because I felt a little silly at pactice last night trying to explain that my voice was sore from school!:tongue_smilie:



  9. There's nothing like a good night's sleep. I couldn't drag myself up early as I had planned but at least I got a good rest.


    Agree with Doran. Take it easy the first week. We're just "beginning to start" this week and today I played checkers with my 8yo ds, a math game with both dss, and then we had tons of appts and all four came along....


    Yes, I could have written this myself - same thing happened with us last week. Four Dr appts. sprang up out of nowhere. I'm starting to think that buying all that cirr. for a 4y/o was maybe silly. I think it may have been a reaction to all those comments "your going to try to school ALL 4 of them?!" :001_huh: So I had to make sure I was really prepared.




  10. One math book already lost and found, the boys are talking about burning them when they are finished this year. I'm sitting here at my desk watching them and occasionally saying "Be quiet. Stop that. Leave your brother alone. Leave the dog alone. Leave the cat alone." About par for the course.


    Happy school days everyone!






    We lost a math book today and a history book as well! We did find them though- just in the nick of time. I think my DD was holding out hope that we wouldn't ;)



  11. I forgot how exhausting this is.... Only my second year. And to think I have been really looking forward to this day????:001_huh: We also had a PT appt. and Gymnastics (1st day too) I am wiped and feeling like nobody, not even the dog listens to me. On the brighter side- we did our first day of WP History today and it was fun. I actually made it to history Yippee! :D Now tomorrow, we'll see if we can get to science.


    Question for you seasoned Moms- how DO you fit in a 4y/o preschool? I feel so stretched as it is and I have this wonderful WP cirr. sitting here that I have no idea when I will do.


    Thanks for :bigear:



  12. I just took myself to the ER the other night because of paralyzing fear such as you have. I was having pain in my lymph nodes under my arms and into breasts. YIKES! My mat. g.mother died of B. Cancer at 31 (I am 34) So you can only imagine the panic I had worked myself into after a month of trying to ignore this pain. I too googled myself crazy and also happened to read a sad post here about someone's friend named Christy who has a diagnosis and a baby on the way. Well, that did it. I took myself right away and after 6 hrs at the ER I left (at 5am) with a clean bill of health. I had alot of time to pray for Christy while I was there. I was convinced that something horrible was going to be wrong with me in fact I think I was surprised when the Dr said all was fine. So, all I can say is BTDT and I'm on your side.




  13. It's funny how you mention that sometimes people will see you as too lax and sometimes too strict. I sense that all the time. I would allow/disallow similar to you and I get the same exact reactions. This must happen to so many of us. I need to not let it bother me. I know I'm not perfect but I know I'm a good mother. :001_smile: Today's a new day!



  14. Yes, you are exactly right with how I was feeling and I'm pretty sure those women do not have kids. I did think of that and was trying to reason their disdain with that fact. I do wonder how I would ever survive without one of my children and I am super vigilant about their safety so yes, like any mom that is my hot button. Thank you for the words of solid support and advice. I have been trying more to say things like "You must obey your mommy and "you are not allowed to say that to anyone" etc... I get too flustered and full of too many words when all they really need is a strong statement and follow through with discipline. The old KISS rule applies alot of the time with a 4y/o .

  15. Sometimes I'll repeat something back to my son in the same way, but as a question - like, I heard you and would you like to re-think what you just said? That's kind of what I took what you said to mean. Maybe not.


    I about fell off my chair the other day - I reprimanded ds - 3 yrs. old mind you - and he pointed his little stubby finger at me and said "you need to be nice to me." oh my.



    Yeah, that sounds like my ds too. He tells me tht I am "harsh" (picture with a lisp on the sh)

    I have done that repeating thing in a question form as well, but this time I just just repeated him with the same inflection - not nastier or louder. Half out of annoyance and half out of wanting to be done with it. (I know- neither one is good) I agree w/ Prev Poster - I shouldn't have mocked him and especially not in public. I guess I am just tired of the uphill battle with him. OTOH - he is my sweetest funniest character of a kid. His extreme personality makes him great but difficult to manage.

    Thanks for all the honest advice.



  16. You know when you have one of those moments when you realize that everyone around you is staring at you like you're crazy? I had one of those today and I didn't think what I was doing was so wrong but maybe you all can share your thoughts. We were at a PT appt. for my daughter and just about to leave when my 4y/o ds decides to bolt out the door towards the parking lot. I just barely grab him by the edge of his sleeve and get him back in. I say something like "just when you think the running away thing is over, there he goes again." He KNOWS not to do this so I felt that he needed to be reprimanded. I took him aside and said - You know better than to run out of a building without Mommy right? NO ANSWER- roll of the eyes turns head. So I repeat myself with something similar and ask him to look at me- again no answer and not looking at me so I turn him physically and ask him again and then I say "yes Mommy" because that is what he needs to say. Well, he says yes Mommy in a mean little voice and I kind of copy him to let him know that it didn't sound so great. At that point I look up to see the PT and her Sectretary making faces like "YIKES" " wouldn't want to be that kid" "what is her problem" They quickly wiped the looks off their faces when they saw me turn towards them. Clearly they thought I was over the top. This is the thing- it's a safety issue and he does know better. What do you guys think?

    BTW- He is direspectful much of the time and I am struggling to regain ground with him so possibly I am trying too hard?



  17. I have no idea of your life situation and this is awfully personal but my first thought was - You couldn't be pregnant... could you?


    If not- then it could be a virus, or hormone levels going awry.


    Personally, I just went through 3 weeks of mind blowing diziness with vomiting and nausea. Also very very tired. My ENT suggested and I looked up The Epley Manuever (sp?) online and after many tries it did work. I couldn't do it for so long because of the nausea. The manuever is very simple but makes you dizzier while you do it if you have what is called Benign Positional Proxismal Vertigo. Basically, crystals in your ear break free and float inside the tubes in your inner ear which control your sense of balance. When the crystals brush up against the tiny fibers in these canals, you loose your sense of balance. Doing the manuevers puts these cystals back in place.

    Now, that being said, I also think I had a virus because for the last week of my vertigo, I had canker sores in my throat. Just as these cleared up my vertigo went away. That happened to cooincide with doing the manuever for 30 minutes straight. The next day I was better - completely.


    Other considerations are-

    TMJ can cause vertigo Use heating pad on jaw -Look into night guard

    Magnesium deficiency

    Vitamin B deficiency

    Inner ear infection


    Hope that helps!



  18. I wanted to use the WWE workbooks in binders so I bought 2 sets of the loose student workbooks for my twins (1st grade) and I just noticed that the literature excerpts used for the excersises are not in these pages. Can anyone tell me if they are included in the bound workbook? If not, then where do I find them?




  19. I can make any type of cake, flowers out of sugar paste, chocolate work etc... I went to Culinary School.


    I am a baker by trade but have taught myself how to cook and learned some by osmosis while I worked in foodservice. I love to write, love to make meals for those who are in need (my favorite act of service to do) I can scrapbook successfully although it is slow going and laborious (perfectionism you know) ;) I love to garden too! :D Love to play with my dc's hair, dry their tears, tickle their bellies, rub their backs.



    I wish I could : draw, paint, sew, knit, do caligraphy, play piano

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