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Posts posted by kchara

  1. I put my daughter in the online class, Middle School Comp 1. She REALLY enjoys the class. We tried to do CC last year, with, and I just couldn't wrap my brain around the original books. The MP format is MUCH easier to us. I'm teaching my 4th grader Fables, as well, although he couldn't get into the class, and it is a lot easier for me to follow along and know exactly what to do next with the MP teacher's guide. I'm not thrilled with her teacher, but that's just a personality thing, I believe, not an actual teaching issue.


    The only concern I have is that she's supposed to go through Cheria/Maxim this year, in Middle School Comp 1, and the book isn't out yet. Since it took them SO very long to ship her Fables book, I want to get Narrations and C/M ordered early. And I want to order them from MP, because I like their format better.

  2. We're moving to Richmond in the next few months. I'm considering putting my daughter in the Vertias School out there. Has anyone heard anything, good or bad, about it? We'll also continue to homeschool our other children, ages 10 (almost), 5, 3, 3, and 2. Are there co-ops or groups around the area that we could join?

  3. We're using it now. We tried to use it last year (before MP got a hold of CC and redid the TM), and I just couldn't wrap my brain around teaching it. This year is MUCH better for some reason. I think things are better explained for homeschooling moms, whereas before, in the old TM, it was lots of edu-speak. I have my daughter in the online course for Middle School Comp I. She'll do Fables, Narrative, and Charia/Maxim this year. My son is not in a class, and he's only doing Fables this year. I think maybe for me, watching the class with her, and seeing what is expected, so to say, helps me out. I wish I could've put DS in class. Maybe next year. :)

  4. I need a 6th grade lit program for my daughter. She loves to read, and can devour books... as long as she likes them and doesn't have to think too hard. :glare: She doesn't like the classics because they're too "old." I've explained that she's going to have to read them anyway, but she's fighting me on that. I would like something rigorous, and I've looked at MCT and VP. I'm trying to wrap my brain around MCT, and for some reason I'm just not getting what she would need for 6th grade lit. I'm considering MCT for poetry, and VP for lit. Any other ideas?

  5. Hi everyone! It's been a LONG time since I've been here, these past few months have been chaotic, to say the least. But, I had a question, and I knew this would be the place to come.


    My Dad and stepmom are considering homeschooling my 9 yo sister. They're worried about social interaction :001_rolleyes: because she's basically an only child (my brother and I are both grown). He'd like to find a co-op in the Santa Cruz area. He'd prefer it to be either a progressive, open-minded Christian group, or secular. He works in Santa Cruz (he's a pastor), but lives in a suburb. I'm not sure which one, but he's worried that since he doesn't live in Santa Cruz proper, they won't be welcomed in. I told him that probably wouldn't be a problem. Hope I'm right! ;) Any ideas? Thanks so much!

  6. Does anyone use any of the Classical Education online academies? I know Veritas Press has one, Memoria Press has one... I think there are others, but I can't think of them. My 10 year old daughter is having ISSUES again. We're wondering if maybe something like that would help her. She'd be off on the history rotation though, and she's definitely behind her age group in math. Grammar, I don't even know. VP has a placement exam, right? Does MP? Can anyone tell me if you used it, did you love it? Hate it? Why? Feel free to PM me.


    To give you an idea of what she's doing now:


    Rod and Staff English 3 with plans to move into The Latin Road Level 1. She does very well with R&S.



    Saxon 54, and she's bad at it. We finished the Beta level of MUS, and already had Saxon, so moved into that. We're getting Gamma in MUS soon, just because she has this thing about memorizing. She won't do it if I say so, but if Steve Demme tells her to memorize through a blasted DVD, she's all about it. :banghead:


    Classical Composition. I'm not sure about this one. We've had it for a while, but it's hard to get into the habit of using it. We're on the second fable. :blush: My fault, not hers.


    Logic Countdown.


    Was using Getting Started with Latin, but she hated it, and wasn't doing that hot, and we're about to start TLR, so I just had her put it away.


    Scripture copywork.


    We were doing TOG Y1, but we need to buy Unit 4 to finish up Y1, and we're waiting on that. And she finished Apologia's Botany, and we're waiting on Flying Creatures. We wait on a lot this time of year and tend to go down to the basics. :tongue_smilie:


    Also, this is my attitude diva. She thinks she's a lot bigger than she is, and she and I are butting heads a LOT lately. DH thinks that she might do better in an online school, or with something like Switched on Schoolhouse, rather than have me as her primary teacher. I'd rather do a classical school, like VP or MP, than SoS, though, I think.


    What says The Hive?

  7. Okay, but that isn't necessarily true is it? God existed BEFORE Jesus, and he would still exist if there were no Jesus. Even according to the New Testament. BUT you can't have SALVATION without Jesus. Or did I totally screw that up?


    Actually, the NT specifically states that Jesus was at Creation, and was the Word that spoke the world into existence. (John 1:1~ "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (2) He was with God in the beginning." And it goes on from there to verse 18.) So, it's not that God existed *before* Jesus, Jesus is God, and a part of God (the Son, in the Trinity) that separated Himself from the Trinity (physically) for a time to come and be the Final Sacrifice.

  8. It is the spawn of the devil those catalogs.


    You must burn it for your home to be safe, the bless your mailbox with some holy water.


    Trust me on this one. :lol:


    :lol: Oh, no, what have I done?? I let DD send in one of the cards in the back of the books, and our catalogue came yesterday. Of course, she hasn't read it yet. It's proving to be an amazing tool for bribing her to finish her math, which she's woefully behind in.

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